#include "scrcpy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "command.h" #include "common.h" #include "controller.h" #include "convert.h" #include "decoder.h" #include "device.h" #include "events.h" #include "frames.h" #include "lockutil.h" #include "netutil.h" #include "screen.h" #include "server.h" #include "tinyxpm.h" static struct server server = SERVER_INITIALIZER; static struct screen screen = SCREEN_INITIALIZER; static struct frames frames; static struct decoder decoder; static struct controller controller; static long timestamp_ms(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000; } static void count_frame(void) { static long ts = 0; static int nbframes = 0; long now = timestamp_ms(); ++nbframes; if (now - ts > 1000) { SDL_LogDebug(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%d fps", nbframes); ts = now; nbframes = 0; } } static struct point get_mouse_point(void) { int x; int y; SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y); SDL_assert_release(x >= 0 && x < 0x10000 && y >= 0 && y < 0x10000); return (struct point) { .x = (Uint16) x, .y = (Uint16) y, }; } static void send_keycode(enum android_keycode keycode, const char *name) { // send DOWN event struct control_event control_event = { .type = CONTROL_EVENT_TYPE_KEYCODE, .keycode_event = { .action = AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN, .keycode = keycode, .metastate = 0, }, }; if (!controller_push_event(&controller, &control_event)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Cannot send %s (DOWN)", name); return; } // send UP event control_event.keycode_event.action = AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP; if (!controller_push_event(&controller, &control_event)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Cannot send %s (UP)", name); } } static inline void action_home(void) { send_keycode(AKEYCODE_HOME, "HOME"); } static inline void action_back(void) { send_keycode(AKEYCODE_BACK, "BACK"); } static inline void action_app_switch(void) { send_keycode(AKEYCODE_APP_SWITCH, "APP_SWITCH"); } static inline void action_power(void) { send_keycode(AKEYCODE_POWER, "POWER"); } static inline void action_volume_up(void) { send_keycode(AKEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, "VOLUME_UP"); } static inline void action_volume_down(void) { send_keycode(AKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, "VOLUME_DOWN"); } static void turn_screen_on(void) { struct control_event control_event = { .type = CONTROL_EVENT_TYPE_COMMAND, .command_event = { .action = CONTROL_EVENT_COMMAND_SCREEN_ON, }, }; if (!controller_push_event(&controller, &control_event)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Cannot turn screen on"); } } static SDL_bool handle_new_frame(void) { mutex_lock(frames.mutex); AVFrame *frame = frames.rendering_frame; frames.rendering_frame_consumed = SDL_TRUE; #ifndef SKIP_FRAMES // if SKIP_FRAMES is disabled, then notify the decoder the current frame is // consumed, so that it may push a new one cond_signal(frames.rendering_frame_consumed_cond); #endif if (!screen_update(&screen, frame)){ return SDL_FALSE; } mutex_unlock(frames.mutex); screen_render(&screen); return SDL_TRUE; } static SDL_bool is_ctrl_down(void) { const Uint8 *state = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); return state[SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL] || state[SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL]; } static void handle_text_input(const SDL_TextInputEvent *event) { if (is_ctrl_down()) { switch (event->text[0]) { case '+': action_volume_up(); break; case '-': action_volume_down(); break; } return; } struct control_event control_event; control_event.type = CONTROL_EVENT_TYPE_TEXT; strncpy(control_event.text_event.text, event->text, TEXT_MAX_LENGTH); control_event.text_event.text[TEXT_MAX_LENGTH] = '\0'; if (!controller_push_event(&controller, &control_event)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Cannot send text event"); } } static void handle_key(const SDL_KeyboardEvent *event) { SDL_Keycode keycode = event->keysym.sym; SDL_bool ctrl = event->keysym.mod & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL); SDL_bool shift = event->keysym.mod & (KMOD_LSHIFT | KMOD_RSHIFT); SDL_bool repeat = event->repeat; // capture all Ctrl events if (ctrl) { // only consider keydown events, and ignore repeated events if (repeat || event->type != SDL_KEYDOWN) { return; } if (shift) { // currently, there is no shortcut implying SHIFT return; } switch (keycode) { case SDLK_h: action_home(); return; case SDLK_b: // fall-through case SDLK_BACKSPACE: action_back(); return; case SDLK_m: action_app_switch(); return; case SDLK_p: action_power(); return; case SDLK_f: screen_switch_fullscreen(&screen); return; case SDLK_x: screen_resize_to_fit(&screen); return; case SDLK_g: screen_resize_to_pixel_perfect(&screen); return; } return; } struct control_event control_event; if (input_key_from_sdl_to_android(event, &control_event)) { if (!controller_push_event(&controller, &control_event)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Cannot send control event"); } } } static void handle_mouse_motion(const SDL_MouseMotionEvent *event, struct size screen_size) { if (!event->state) { // do not send motion events when no button is pressed return; } struct control_event control_event; if (mouse_motion_from_sdl_to_android(event, screen_size, &control_event)) { if (!controller_push_event(&controller, &control_event)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Cannot send mouse motion event"); } } } static void handle_mouse_button(const SDL_MouseButtonEvent *event, struct size screen_size) { if (event->button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { turn_screen_on(); return; }; struct control_event control_event; if (mouse_button_from_sdl_to_android(event, screen_size, &control_event)) { if (!controller_push_event(&controller, &control_event)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Cannot send mouse button event"); } } } static void handle_mouse_wheel(const SDL_MouseWheelEvent *event, struct position position) { struct control_event control_event; if (mouse_wheel_from_sdl_to_android(event, position, &control_event)) { if (!controller_push_event(&controller, &control_event)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Cannot send wheel button event"); } } } static void event_loop(void) { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_WaitEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case EVENT_DECODER_STOPPED: SDL_LogDebug(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Video decoder stopped"); return; case SDL_QUIT: SDL_LogDebug(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "User requested to quit"); return; case EVENT_NEW_FRAME: if (!handle_new_frame()) { return; } count_frame(); // display fps for debug break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: switch (event.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED: case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: screen_render(&screen); break; } break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: { handle_text_input(&event.text); break; } case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_KEYUP: handle_key(&event.key); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: handle_mouse_motion(&event.motion, screen.frame_size); break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: { struct position position = { .screen_size = screen.frame_size, .point = get_mouse_point(), }; handle_mouse_wheel(&event.wheel, position); break; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { handle_mouse_button(&event.button, screen.frame_size); break; } } } } SDL_bool scrcpy(const char *serial, Uint16 local_port, Uint16 max_size, Uint32 bit_rate) { if (!server_start(&server, serial, local_port, max_size, bit_rate)) { return SDL_FALSE; } // to reduce startup time, we could be tempted to init other stuff before blocking here // but we should not block after SDL_Init since it handles the signals (Ctrl+C) in its // event loop: blocking could lead to deadlock TCPsocket device_socket = server_connect_to(&server); if (!device_socket) { server_stop(&server, serial); return SDL_FALSE; } char device_name[DEVICE_NAME_FIELD_LENGTH]; struct size frame_size; // screenrecord does not send frames when the screen content does not change // therefore, we transmit the screen size before the video stream, to be able // to init the window immediately if (!device_read_info(device_socket, device_name, &frame_size)) { server_stop(&server, serial); return SDL_FALSE; } if (!frames_init(&frames)) { server_stop(&server, serial); return SDL_FALSE; } SDL_bool ret = SDL_TRUE; decoder.frames = &frames; decoder.video_socket = device_socket; // now we consumed the header values, the socket receives the video stream // start the decoder if (!decoder_start(&decoder)) { ret = SDL_FALSE; server_stop(&server, serial); goto finally_destroy_frames; } if (!controller_init(&controller, device_socket)) { ret = SDL_FALSE; goto finally_stop_decoder; } if (!controller_start(&controller)) { ret = SDL_FALSE; goto finally_destroy_controller; } if (!sdl_init_and_configure()) { ret = SDL_FALSE; goto finally_stop_and_join_controller; } if (!screen_init_rendering(&screen, device_name, frame_size)) { ret = SDL_FALSE; goto finally_stop_and_join_controller; } event_loop(); SDL_LogDebug(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "quit..."); screen_destroy(&screen); finally_stop_and_join_controller: controller_stop(&controller); controller_join(&controller); finally_destroy_controller: controller_destroy(&controller); finally_stop_decoder: // kill the server before decoder_join() to wake up the decoder server_stop(&server, serial); decoder_join(&decoder); finally_destroy_frames: frames_destroy(&frames); return ret; }