#include "file_handler.h" #include #include #include "adb.h" #include "util/log.h" #include "util/process_intr.h" #define DEFAULT_PUSH_TARGET "/sdcard/Download/" static void file_handler_request_destroy(struct file_handler_request *req) { free(req->file); } bool file_handler_init(struct file_handler *file_handler, const char *serial, const char *push_target) { assert(serial); cbuf_init(&file_handler->queue); bool ok = sc_mutex_init(&file_handler->mutex); if (!ok) { return false; } ok = sc_cond_init(&file_handler->event_cond); if (!ok) { sc_mutex_destroy(&file_handler->mutex); return false; } ok = sc_intr_init(&file_handler->intr); if (!ok) { sc_cond_destroy(&file_handler->event_cond); sc_mutex_destroy(&file_handler->mutex); return false; } file_handler->serial = strdup(serial); if (!file_handler->serial) { LOG_OOM(); sc_intr_destroy(&file_handler->intr); sc_cond_destroy(&file_handler->event_cond); sc_mutex_destroy(&file_handler->mutex); return false; } // lazy initialization file_handler->initialized = false; file_handler->stopped = false; file_handler->push_target = push_target ? push_target : DEFAULT_PUSH_TARGET; return true; } void file_handler_destroy(struct file_handler *file_handler) { sc_cond_destroy(&file_handler->event_cond); sc_mutex_destroy(&file_handler->mutex); sc_intr_destroy(&file_handler->intr); free(file_handler->serial); struct file_handler_request req; while (cbuf_take(&file_handler->queue, &req)) { file_handler_request_destroy(&req); } } bool file_handler_request(struct file_handler *file_handler, file_handler_action_t action, char *file) { // start file_handler if it's used for the first time if (!file_handler->initialized) { if (!file_handler_start(file_handler)) { return false; } file_handler->initialized = true; } LOGI("Request to %s %s", action == ACTION_INSTALL_APK ? "install" : "push", file); struct file_handler_request req = { .action = action, .file = file, }; sc_mutex_lock(&file_handler->mutex); bool was_empty = cbuf_is_empty(&file_handler->queue); bool res = cbuf_push(&file_handler->queue, req); if (was_empty) { sc_cond_signal(&file_handler->event_cond); } sc_mutex_unlock(&file_handler->mutex); return res; } static int run_file_handler(void *data) { struct file_handler *file_handler = data; struct sc_intr *intr = &file_handler->intr; const char *serial = file_handler->serial; assert(serial); const char *push_target = file_handler->push_target; assert(push_target); for (;;) { sc_mutex_lock(&file_handler->mutex); while (!file_handler->stopped && cbuf_is_empty(&file_handler->queue)) { sc_cond_wait(&file_handler->event_cond, &file_handler->mutex); } if (file_handler->stopped) { // stop immediately, do not process further events sc_mutex_unlock(&file_handler->mutex); break; } struct file_handler_request req; bool non_empty = cbuf_take(&file_handler->queue, &req); assert(non_empty); (void) non_empty; sc_mutex_unlock(&file_handler->mutex); if (req.action == ACTION_INSTALL_APK) { LOGI("Installing %s...", req.file); bool ok = adb_install(intr, serial, req.file, 0); if (ok) { LOGI("%s successfully installed", req.file); } else { LOGE("Failed to install %s", req.file); } } else { LOGI("Pushing %s...", req.file); bool ok = adb_push(intr, serial, req.file, push_target, 0); if (ok) { LOGI("%s successfully pushed to %s", req.file, push_target); } else { LOGE("Failed to push %s to %s", req.file, push_target); } } file_handler_request_destroy(&req); } return 0; } bool file_handler_start(struct file_handler *file_handler) { LOGD("Starting file_handler thread"); bool ok = sc_thread_create(&file_handler->thread, run_file_handler, "scrcpy-file", file_handler); if (!ok) { LOGC("Could not start file_handler thread"); return false; } return true; } void file_handler_stop(struct file_handler *file_handler) { sc_mutex_lock(&file_handler->mutex); file_handler->stopped = true; sc_cond_signal(&file_handler->event_cond); sc_intr_interrupt(&file_handler->intr); sc_mutex_unlock(&file_handler->mutex); } void file_handler_join(struct file_handler *file_handler) { sc_thread_join(&file_handler->thread, NULL); }