src = [ 'src/main.c', 'src/command.c', 'src/control_msg.c', 'src/controller.c', 'src/convert.c', 'src/decoder.c', 'src/device.c', 'src/device_msg.c', 'src/file_handler.c', 'src/fps_counter.c', 'src/input_manager.c', 'src/lock_util.c', 'src/net.c', 'src/receiver.c', 'src/recorder.c', 'src/scrcpy.c', 'src/screen.c', 'src/server.c', 'src/str_util.c', 'src/tiny_xpm.c', 'src/stream.c', 'src/video_buffer.c', ] if not get_option('crossbuild_windows') # native build dependencies = [ dependency('libavformat'), dependency('libavcodec'), dependency('libavutil'), dependency('sdl2'), ] else # cross-compile mingw32 build (from Linux to Windows) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') prebuilt_sdl2 = meson.get_cross_property('prebuilt_sdl2') sdl2_bin_dir = meson.current_source_dir() + '/../prebuilt-deps/' + prebuilt_sdl2 + '/bin' sdl2_lib_dir = meson.current_source_dir() + '/../prebuilt-deps/' + prebuilt_sdl2 + '/lib' sdl2_include_dir = '../prebuilt-deps/' + prebuilt_sdl2 + '/include' sdl2 = declare_dependency( dependencies: [ cc.find_library('SDL2', dirs: sdl2_bin_dir), cc.find_library('SDL2main', dirs: sdl2_lib_dir), ], include_directories: include_directories(sdl2_include_dir) ) prebuilt_ffmpeg_shared = meson.get_cross_property('prebuilt_ffmpeg_shared') prebuilt_ffmpeg_dev = meson.get_cross_property('prebuilt_ffmpeg_dev') ffmpeg_bin_dir = meson.current_source_dir() + '/../prebuilt-deps/' + prebuilt_ffmpeg_shared + '/bin' ffmpeg_include_dir = '../prebuilt-deps/' + prebuilt_ffmpeg_dev + '/include' ffmpeg = declare_dependency( dependencies: [ cc.find_library('avcodec-58', dirs: ffmpeg_bin_dir), cc.find_library('avformat-58', dirs: ffmpeg_bin_dir), cc.find_library('avutil-56', dirs: ffmpeg_bin_dir), ], include_directories: include_directories(ffmpeg_include_dir) ) dependencies = [ ffmpeg, sdl2, cc.find_library('mingw32') ] endif cc = meson.get_compiler('c') if host_machine.system() == 'windows' src += [ 'src/sys/win/command.c' ] src += [ 'src/sys/win/net.c' ] dependencies += cc.find_library('ws2_32') else src += [ 'src/sys/unix/command.c' ] src += [ 'src/sys/unix/net.c' ] endif conf = configuration_data() # expose the build type conf.set('BUILD_DEBUG', get_option('buildtype') == 'debug') # the version, updated on release conf.set_quoted('SCRCPY_VERSION', meson.project_version()) # the prefix used during configuration (meson --prefix=PREFIX) conf.set_quoted('PREFIX', get_option('prefix')) # the path of the server, which will be appended to the prefix # ignored if OVERRIDE_SERVER_PATH if defined # must be consistent with the install_dir in server/ conf.set_quoted('PREFIXED_SERVER_PATH', '/share/scrcpy/scrcpy-server.jar') # the path of the server to be used "as is" # this is useful for building a "portable" version (with the server in the same # directory as the client) override_server_path = get_option('override_server_path') if override_server_path != '' conf.set_quoted('OVERRIDE_SERVER_PATH', override_server_path) else # undefine it conf.set('OVERRIDE_SERVER_PATH', false) endif # the default client TCP port for the "adb reverse" tunnel # overridden by option --port conf.set('DEFAULT_LOCAL_PORT', '27183') # the default max video size for both dimensions, in pixels # overridden by option --max-size conf.set('DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE', '0') # 0: unlimited # the default video bitrate, in bits/second # overridden by option --bit-rate conf.set('DEFAULT_BIT_RATE', '8000000') # 8Mbps # whether the app should always display the most recent available frame, even # if the previous one has not been displayed # SKIP_FRAMES improves latency at the cost of framerate conf.set('SKIP_FRAMES', get_option('skip_frames')) # enable High DPI support conf.set('HIDPI_SUPPORT', get_option('hidpi_support')) # disable console on Windows conf.set('WINDOWS_NOCONSOLE', get_option('windows_noconsole')) configure_file(configuration: conf, output: 'config.h') src_dir = include_directories('src') if get_option('windows_noconsole') c_args = [ '-mwindows' ] link_args = [ '-mwindows' ] else c_args = [] link_args = [] endif executable('scrcpy', src, dependencies: dependencies, include_directories: src_dir, install: true, c_args: c_args, link_args: link_args) ### TESTS tests = [ ['test_cbuf', [ 'tests/test_cbuf.c', ]], ['test_control_event_serialize', [ 'tests/test_control_msg_serialize.c', 'src/control_msg.c', 'src/str_util.c' ]], ['test_device_event_deserialize', [ 'tests/test_device_msg_deserialize.c', 'src/device_msg.c' ]], ['test_strutil', [ 'tests/test_strutil.c', 'src/str_util.c' ]], ] foreach t : tests exe = executable(t[0], t[1], include_directories: src_dir, dependencies: dependencies) test(t[0], exe) endforeach