# Tunnels Scrcpy is designed to mirror local Android devices. Tunnels allow to connect to a remote device (e.g. over the Internet). To connect to a remote device, it is possible to connect a local `adb` client to a remote `adb` server (provided they use the same version of the _adb_ protocol). ## Remote ADB server To connect to a remote _adb server_, make the server listen on all interfaces: ```bash adb kill-server adb -a nodaemon server start # keep this open ``` **Warning: all communications between clients and the _adb server_ are unencrypted.** Suppose that this server is accessible at Then, from another terminal, run `scrcpy`: ```bash # in bash export ADB_SERVER_SOCKET=tcp: scrcpy --tunnel-host= ``` ```cmd :: in cmd set ADB_SERVER_SOCKET=tcp: scrcpy --tunnel-host= ``` ```powershell # in PowerShell $env:ADB_SERVER_SOCKET = 'tcp:' scrcpy --tunnel-host= ``` By default, `scrcpy` uses the local port used for `adb forward` tunnel establishment (typically `27183`, see `--port`). It is also possible to force a different tunnel port (it may be useful in more complex situations, when more redirections are involved): ``` scrcpy --tunnel-port=1234 ``` ## SSH tunnel To communicate with a remote _adb server_ securely, it is preferable to use an SSH tunnel. First, make sure the _adb server_ is running on the remote computer: ```bash adb start-server ``` Then, establish an SSH tunnel: ```bash # local 5038 --> remote 5037 # local 27183 <-- remote 27183 ssh -CN -L5038:localhost:5037 -R27183:localhost:27183 your_remote_computer # keep this open ``` From another terminal, run `scrcpy`: ```bash # in bash export ADB_SERVER_SOCKET=tcp:localhost:5038 scrcpy ``` ```cmd :: in cmd set ADB_SERVER_SOCKET=tcp:localhost:5038 scrcpy ``` ```powershell # in PowerShell $env:ADB_SERVER_SOCKET = 'tcp:localhost:5038' scrcpy ``` To avoid enabling remote port forwarding, you could force a forward connection instead (notice the `-L` instead of `-R`): ```bash # local 5038 --> remote 5037 # local 27183 --> remote 27183 ssh -CN -L5038:localhost:5037 -L27183:localhost:27183 your_remote_computer # keep this open ``` From another terminal, run `scrcpy`: ```bash # in bash export ADB_SERVER_SOCKET=tcp:localhost:5038 scrcpy --force-adb-forward ``` ```cmd :: in cmd set ADB_SERVER_SOCKET=tcp:localhost:5038 scrcpy --force-adb-forward ``` ```powershell # in PowerShell $env:ADB_SERVER_SOCKET = 'tcp:localhost:5038' scrcpy --force-adb-forward ```