#include "screen.h" #include #include #include "icon.xpm" #include "lockutil.h" #include "log.h" #include "tinyxpm.h" #define DISPLAY_MARGINS 96 SDL_bool sdl_init_and_configure(void) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)) { LOGC("Could not initialize SDL: %s", SDL_GetError()); return SDL_FALSE; } atexit(SDL_Quit); // Use the best available scale quality if (!SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "2")) { LOGW("Could not enable bilinear filtering"); } #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 5) // Handle a click to gain focus as any other click if (!SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH, "1")) { LOGW("Could not enable mouse focus clickthrough"); } #endif return SDL_TRUE; } // get the window size in a struct size static struct size get_native_window_size(SDL_Window *window) { int width; int height; SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &width, &height); struct size size; size.width = width; size.height = height; return size; } // get the windowed window size static struct size get_window_size(const struct screen *screen) { if (screen->fullscreen) { return screen->windowed_window_size; } return get_native_window_size(screen->window); } // set the window size to be applied when fullscreen is disabled static void set_window_size(struct screen *screen, struct size new_size) { // setting the window size during fullscreen is implementation defined, // so apply the resize only after fullscreen is disabled if (screen->fullscreen) { // SDL_SetWindowSize will be called when fullscreen will be disabled screen->windowed_window_size = new_size; } else { SDL_SetWindowSize(screen->window, new_size.width, new_size.height); } } // get the preferred display bounds (i.e. the screen bounds with some margins) static SDL_bool get_preferred_display_bounds(struct size *bounds) { SDL_Rect rect; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 5) # define GET_DISPLAY_BOUNDS(i, r) SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds((i), (r)) #else # define GET_DISPLAY_BOUNDS(i, r) SDL_GetDisplayBounds((i), (r)) #endif if (GET_DISPLAY_BOUNDS(0, &rect)) { LOGW("Could not get display usable bounds: %s", SDL_GetError()); return SDL_FALSE; } bounds->width = MAX(0, rect.w - DISPLAY_MARGINS); bounds->height = MAX(0, rect.h - DISPLAY_MARGINS); return SDL_TRUE; } // return the optimal size of the window, with the following constraints: // - it attempts to keep at least one dimension of the current_size (i.e. it crops the black borders) // - it keeps the aspect ratio // - it scales down to make it fit in the display_size static struct size get_optimal_size(struct size current_size, struct size frame_size) { if (frame_size.width == 0 || frame_size.height == 0) { // avoid division by 0 return current_size; } struct size display_size; // 32 bits because we need to multiply two 16 bits values Uint32 w; Uint32 h; if (!get_preferred_display_bounds(&display_size)) { // cannot get display bounds, do not constraint the size w = current_size.width; h = current_size.height; } else { w = MIN(current_size.width, display_size.width); h = MIN(current_size.height, display_size.height); } SDL_bool keep_width = frame_size.width * h > frame_size.height * w; if (keep_width) { // remove black borders on top and bottom h = frame_size.height * w / frame_size.width; } else { // remove black borders on left and right (or none at all if it already fits) w = frame_size.width * h / frame_size.height; } // w and h must fit into 16 bits SDL_assert_release(w < 0x10000 && h < 0x10000); return (struct size) {w, h}; } // same as get_optimal_size(), but read the current size from the window static inline struct size get_optimal_window_size(const struct screen *screen, struct size frame_size) { struct size current_size = get_window_size(screen); return get_optimal_size(current_size, frame_size); } // initially, there is no current size, so use the frame size as current size static inline struct size get_initial_optimal_size(struct size frame_size) { return get_optimal_size(frame_size, frame_size); } void screen_init(struct screen *screen) { *screen = (struct screen) SCREEN_INITIALIZER; } static inline SDL_Texture *create_texture(SDL_Renderer *renderer, struct size frame_size) { return SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YV12, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, frame_size.width, frame_size.height); } SDL_bool screen_init_rendering(struct screen *screen, const char *device_name, struct size frame_size) { screen->frame_size = frame_size; struct size window_size = get_initial_optimal_size(frame_size); Uint32 window_flags = SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; #ifdef HIDPI_SUPPORT window_flags |= SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI; #endif screen->window = SDL_CreateWindow(device_name, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, window_size.width, window_size.height, window_flags); if (!screen->window) { LOGC("Could not create window: %s", SDL_GetError()); return SDL_FALSE; } screen->renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(screen->window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED); if (!screen->renderer) { LOGC("Could not create renderer: %s", SDL_GetError()); screen_destroy(screen); return SDL_FALSE; } if (SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(screen->renderer, frame_size.width, frame_size.height)) { LOGE("Could not set renderer logical size: %s", SDL_GetError()); screen_destroy(screen); return SDL_FALSE; } SDL_Surface *icon = read_xpm(icon_xpm); if (!icon) { LOGE("Could not load icon: %s", SDL_GetError()); screen_destroy(screen); return SDL_FALSE; } SDL_SetWindowIcon(screen->window, icon); SDL_FreeSurface(icon); LOGI("Initial texture: %" PRIu16 "x%" PRIu16, frame_size.width, frame_size.height); screen->texture = create_texture(screen->renderer, frame_size); if (!screen->texture) { LOGC("Could not create texture: %s", SDL_GetError()); screen_destroy(screen); return SDL_FALSE; } return SDL_TRUE; } void screen_show_window(struct screen *screen) { SDL_ShowWindow(screen->window); } void screen_destroy(struct screen *screen) { if (screen->texture) { SDL_DestroyTexture(screen->texture); } if (screen->renderer) { SDL_DestroyRenderer(screen->renderer); } if (screen->window) { SDL_DestroyWindow(screen->window); } } // recreate the texture and resize the window if the frame size has changed static SDL_bool prepare_for_frame(struct screen *screen, struct size new_frame_size) { if (screen->frame_size.width != new_frame_size.width || screen->frame_size.height != new_frame_size.height) { if (SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(screen->renderer, new_frame_size.width, new_frame_size.height)) { LOGE("Could not set renderer logical size: %s", SDL_GetError()); return SDL_FALSE; } // frame dimension changed, destroy texture SDL_DestroyTexture(screen->texture); struct size current_size = get_window_size(screen); struct size target_size = { (Uint32) current_size.width * new_frame_size.width / screen->frame_size.width, (Uint32) current_size.height * new_frame_size.height / screen->frame_size.height, }; target_size = get_optimal_size(target_size, new_frame_size); set_window_size(screen, target_size); screen->frame_size = new_frame_size; LOGD("New texture: %" PRIu16 "x%" PRIu16, screen->frame_size.width, screen->frame_size.height); screen->texture = create_texture(screen->renderer, new_frame_size); if (!screen->texture) { LOGC("Could not create texture: %s", SDL_GetError()); return SDL_FALSE; } } return SDL_TRUE; } // write the frame into the texture static void update_texture(struct screen *screen, const AVFrame *frame) { SDL_UpdateYUVTexture(screen->texture, NULL, frame->data[0], frame->linesize[0], frame->data[1], frame->linesize[1], frame->data[2], frame->linesize[2]); } SDL_bool screen_update_frame(struct screen *screen, struct frames *frames) { mutex_lock(frames->mutex); const AVFrame *frame = frames_consume_rendered_frame(frames); struct size new_frame_size = {frame->width, frame->height}; if (!prepare_for_frame(screen, new_frame_size)) { mutex_unlock(frames->mutex); return SDL_FALSE; } update_texture(screen, frame); mutex_unlock(frames->mutex); screen_render(screen); return SDL_TRUE; } void screen_render(struct screen *screen) { SDL_RenderClear(screen->renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(screen->renderer, screen->texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(screen->renderer); } void screen_switch_fullscreen(struct screen *screen) { if (!screen->fullscreen) { // going to fullscreen, store the current windowed window size screen->windowed_window_size = get_native_window_size(screen->window); } Uint32 new_mode = screen->fullscreen ? 0 : SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; if (SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(screen->window, new_mode)) { LOGW("Could not switch fullscreen mode: %s", SDL_GetError()); return; } screen->fullscreen = !screen->fullscreen; if (!screen->fullscreen) { // fullscreen disabled, restore expected windowed window size SDL_SetWindowSize(screen->window, screen->windowed_window_size.width, screen->windowed_window_size.height); } LOGD("Switched to %s mode", screen->fullscreen ? "fullscreen" : "windowed"); screen_render(screen); } void screen_resize_to_fit(struct screen *screen) { if (!screen->fullscreen) { struct size optimal_size = get_optimal_window_size(screen, screen->frame_size); SDL_SetWindowSize(screen->window, optimal_size.width, optimal_size.height); LOGD("Resized to optimal size"); } } void screen_resize_to_pixel_perfect(struct screen *screen) { if (!screen->fullscreen) { SDL_SetWindowSize(screen->window, screen->frame_size.width, screen->frame_size.height); LOGD("Resized to pixel-perfect"); } }