#compdef -N scrcpy -N scrcpy.exe # # name: scrcpy # auth: hltdev [hltdev8642@gmail.com] # desc: completion file for scrcpy (all OSes) # local arguments arguments=( '--always-on-top[Make scrcpy window always on top \(above other windows\)]' '--audio-bit-rate=[Encode the audio at the given bit-rate]' '--audio-buffer=[Configure the audio buffering delay (in milliseconds)]' '--audio-codec=[Select the audio codec]:codec:(opus aac raw)' '--audio-codec-options=[Set a list of comma-separated key\:type=value options for the device audio encoder]' '--audio-encoder=[Use a specific MediaCodec audio encoder]' '--audio-source=[Select the audio source]:source:(output mic)' '--audio-output-buffer=[Configure the size of the SDL audio output buffer (in milliseconds)]' {-b,--video-bit-rate=}'[Encode the video at the given bit-rate]' '--crop=[\[width\:height\:x\:y\] Crop the device screen on the server]' {-d,--select-usb}'[Use USB device]' '--disable-screensaver[Disable screensaver while scrcpy is running]' '--display=[Specify the display id to mirror]' '--display-buffer=[Add a buffering delay \(in milliseconds\) before displaying]' {-e,--select-tcpip}'[Use TCP/IP device]' '--force-adb-forward[Do not attempt to use \"adb reverse\" to connect to the device]' '--forward-all-clicks[Forward clicks to device]' {-f,--fullscreen}'[Start in fullscreen]' {-K,--hid-keyboard}'[Simulate a physical keyboard by using HID over AOAv2]' {-h,--help}'[Print the help]' '--legacy-paste[Inject computer clipboard text as a sequence of key events on Ctrl+v]' '--list-displays[List displays available on the device]' '--list-encoders[List video and audio encoders available on the device]' '--lock-video-orientation=[Lock video orientation]:orientation:(unlocked initial 0 1 2 3)' '--max-fps=[Limit the frame rate of screen capture]' {-M,--hid-mouse}'[Simulate a physical mouse by using HID over AOAv2]' {-m,--max-size=}'[Limit both the width and height of the video to value]' '--no-audio[Disable audio forwarding]' '--no-audio-playback[Disable audio playback]' '--no-cleanup[Disable device cleanup actions on exit]' '--no-clipboard-autosync[Disable automatic clipboard synchronization]' '--no-downsize-on-error[Disable lowering definition on MediaCodec error]' {-n,--no-control}'[Disable device control \(mirror the device in read only\)]' {-N,--no-playback}'[Disable video and audio playback]' '--no-key-repeat[Do not forward repeated key events when a key is held down]' '--no-mipmaps[Disable the generation of mipmaps]' '--no-power-on[Do not power on the device on start]' '--no-video[Disable video forwarding]' '--no-video-playback[Disable video playback]' '--otg[Run in OTG mode \(simulating physical keyboard and mouse\)]' {-p,--port=}'[\[port\[\:port\]\] Set the TCP port \(range\) used by the client to listen]' '--power-off-on-close[Turn the device screen off when closing scrcpy]' '--prefer-text[Inject alpha characters and space as text events instead of key events]' '--print-fps[Start FPS counter, to print frame logs to the console]' '--push-target=[Set the target directory for pushing files to the device by drag and drop]' '--raw-key-events[Inject key events for all input keys, and ignore text events]' {-r,--record=}'[Record screen to file]:record file:_files' '--record-format=[Force recording format]:format:(mp4 mkv)' '--render-driver=[Request SDL to use the given render driver]:driver name:(direct3d opengl opengles2 opengles metal software)' '--require-audio=[Make scrcpy fail if audio is enabled but does not work]' '--rotation=[Set the initial display rotation]:rotation values:(0 1 2 3)' {-s,--serial=}'[The device serial number \(mandatory for multiple devices only\)]:serial:($("${ADB-adb}" devices | awk '\''$2 == "device" {print $1}'\''))' '--shortcut-mod=[\[key1,key2+key3,...\] Specify the modifiers to use for scrcpy shortcuts]:shortcut mod:(lctrl rctrl lalt ralt lsuper rsuper)' {-S,--turn-screen-off}'[Turn the device screen off immediately]' {-t,--show-touches}'[Show physical touches]' '--tcpip[\(optional \[ip\:port\]\) Configure and connect the device over TCP/IP]' '--tunnel-host=[Set the IP address of the adb tunnel to reach the scrcpy server]' '--tunnel-port=[Set the TCP port of the adb tunnel to reach the scrcpy server]' '--v4l2-buffer=[Add a buffering delay \(in milliseconds\) before pushing frames]' '--v4l2-sink=[\[\/dev\/videoN\] Output to v4l2loopback device]' {-V,--verbosity=}'[Set the log level]:verbosity:(verbose debug info warn error)' {-v,--version}'[Print the version of scrcpy]' '--video-codec=[Select the video codec]:codec:(h264 h265 av1)' '--video-codec-options=[Set a list of comma-separated key\:type=value options for the device video encoder]' '--video-encoder=[Use a specific MediaCodec video encoder]' {-w,--stay-awake}'[Keep the device on while scrcpy is running, when the device is plugged in]' '--window-borderless[Disable window decorations \(display borderless window\)]' '--window-title=[Set a custom window title]' '--window-x=[Set the initial window horizontal position]' '--window-y=[Set the initial window vertical position]' '--window-width=[Set the initial window width]' '--window-height=[Set the initial window height]' ) _arguments -s $arguments