#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import logging from yaml import load, Loader from pathlib import Path from utils import print_exc_plus from config import PKGBUILD_DIR, AUTOBUILD_FNAME logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) abspath=os.path.abspath(__file__) abspath=os.path.dirname(abspath) os.chdir(abspath) # parse all autobuild.yaml files REPO_ROOT = Path(PKGBUILD_DIR) class pkgConfig: def __init__(self, dirname, pkgtype, cleanbuild, timeout, extra): self.dirname = dirname self.type = pkgtype self.__determine_type() if cleanbuild is None: cleanbuild = True assert type(cleanbuild) is bool self.cleanbuild = cleanbuild self.timeout = 30 if timeout is None else int(timeout) # timeout in minutes self.__extra = extra self.__process_extra() def __determine_type(self): if self.type in (None, 'auto'): if self.dirname.endswith('-git'): self.type = 'git' return self.type = 'manual' def __process_extra(self): stages = ('prebuild', 'postbuild', 'update', 'failure') for stage in stages: setattr(self, stage, list()) for entry in self.__extra: assert type(entry) is dict and len(entry) == 1 for k in entry: if k in stages: cmd = entry.get(k, list()) assert type(cmd) is list setattr(self, k, cmd) def __repr__(self): ret = "pkgConfig(" for myproperty in \ ( 'dirname', 'type', 'cleanbuild', 'timeout' 'prebuild', 'postbuild', 'update', 'failure' ): ret += f'{myproperty}={getattr(self, myproperty)},' ret += ')' return ret def load_all(): pkgconfigs = list() for mydir in REPO_ROOT.iterdir(): try: if mydir.is_dir() and (mydir / AUTOBUILD_FNAME).exists(): # parsing yaml logger.info('Bulidbot: found %s in %s', AUTOBUILD_FNAME, mydir / AUTOBUILD_FNAME) with open(mydir / AUTOBUILD_FNAME, 'r') as f: content = f.read() content = load(content, Loader=Loader) assert type(content) is dict args = [content.get(part, None) for part in \ ('type', 'cleanbuild', 'timeout', 'extra')] args = [mydir.name] + args pkgconfigs.append(pkgConfig(*args)) except Exception: logger.error(f'Error while parsing {AUTOBUILD_FNAME} for {mydir.name}') print_exc_plus() return pkgconfigs if __name__ == '__main__': print(load_all())