# D-Modem Software modem with **sound** For burble's retro voip modem https://burble.dn42/retro/modem/ Now also for JerryXiao's own software voip modems! Fortunately this old proprietary software modem still works :) ## Prerequisite - A desktop GNU/Linux distribution, livecd is also OK - See the original README - Modem without any sound isn't a real modem? No problem, pulseaudio is used to output modem sound in realtime. You must have pulseaudio dev package installed on your system to compile this software. ## Step-by-step instruction Execute these commands as a normal user: ``` make ./slmodemd/slmodemd -e ./d-modem screen /tmp/ttySL0 115200 ``` Inside the serial console, use the following at commands: ``` ATX3 > OK AT+MS=22,1 > OK ATD424026019@voip.burble.dn42 > CONNECT 1200 ``` You can also connect to: | number | AT+MS | ATD | Modulation | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | ------------ | | (42403618)361800 | AT+MS=90,1 | ATD361800@pbx.jerry.dn42 | V.90 | | (42403618)361801 | AT+MS=34,1 | ATD361801@pbx.jerry.dn42 | V.34 | | (42403618)361802 | AT+MS=34,1 | ATD361802@pbx.jerry.dn42 | V.34 | | (42403618)361803 | AT+MS=22,1 | ATD361803@pbx.jerry.dn42 | V.22 | | (42403618)361804 | AT+MS=22,1 | ATD361804@pbx.jerry.dn42 | V.22 | | (42403618)361805 | AT+MS=23,1 | ATD361805@pbx.jerry.dn42 | V.23 | | (42403618)361806 | AT+MS=23,1 | ATD361806@pbx.jerry.dn42 | V.23 | Now you should be connected. If you see a login prompt, go to https://burble.dn42/retro/modem/ for login username and password. Once logged in, close out of GUN Screen and execute pppd like this: ``` sudo pppd $(readlink /tmp/ttySL0) 1200 user dn42 noauth nodefaultroute nodetach ``` nodefaultroute is used here to keep your voip alive :) ## netns If you would like a full dialup dn42 experience, try using netns: ``` sudo ip netns add modem sudo ip netns exec modem pppd $(readlink /tmp/ttySL0) 1200 noauth nodefaultroute nodetach ``` Start a new terminal and ``` sudo ip netns exec modem $SHELL unshare -m echo > /tmp/resolv.conf mount --bind /tmp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf ping burble.dn42 ``` Have fun! ## Server This code can also work as a server, no docs available though ;) Just type ATA in the modem console and try it out first.