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/* $Id$ */
* Copyright (C) 2032 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @file pjsua2/types.hpp
* @brief PJSUA2 Base Types
#include <pjsua2/types.hpp>
#include <pjsua2/persistent.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
/** PJSUA2 API is inside pj namespace */
namespace pj
* @defgroup PJSUA2_SIP_Types SIP Types
* @ingroup PJSUA2_DS
* @{
* Credential information. Credential contains information to authenticate
* against a service.
struct AuthCredInfo : public PersistentObject
* The authentication scheme (e.g. "digest").
string scheme;
* Realm on which this credential is to be used. Use "*" to make
* a credential that can be used to authenticate against any challenges.
string realm;
* Authentication user name.
string username;
* Type of data that is contained in the "data" field. Use 0 if the data
* contains plain text password.
int dataType;
* The data, which can be a plain text password or a hashed digest.
string data;
* Digest AKA credential information. Note that when AKA credential
* is being used, the \a data field of this pjsip_cred_info is
* not used, but it still must be initialized to an empty string.
* Please see PJSIP_AUTH_AKA_API for more information.
/** Permanent subscriber key. */
string akaK;
/** Operator variant key. */
string akaOp;
/** Authentication Management Field */
string akaAmf;
/** Default constructor */
/** Construct a credential with the specified parameters */
AuthCredInfo(const string &scheme,
const string &realm,
const string &user_name,
const int data_type,
const string data);
* Read this object from a container node.
* @param node Container to read values from.
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
* Write this object to a container node.
* @param node Container to write values to.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
* TLS transport settings, to be specified in TransportConfig.
struct TlsConfig : public PersistentObject
* Certificate of Authority (CA) list file.
string CaListFile;
* Public endpoint certificate file, which will be used as client-
* side certificate for outgoing TLS connection, and server-side
* certificate for incoming TLS connection.
string certFile;
* Optional private key of the endpoint certificate to be used.
string privKeyFile;
* Password to open private key.
string password;
* Certificate of Authority (CA) buffer. If CaListFile, certFile or
* privKeyFile are set, this setting will be ignored.
string CaBuf;
* Public endpoint certificate buffer, which will be used as client-
* side certificate for outgoing TLS connection, and server-side
* certificate for incoming TLS connection. If CaListFile, certFile or
* privKeyFile are set, this setting will be ignored.
string certBuf;
* Optional private key buffer of the endpoint certificate to be used.
* If CaListFile, certFile or privKeyFile are set, this setting will
* be ignored.
string privKeyBuf;
* TLS protocol method from #pjsip_ssl_method. In the future, this field
* might be deprecated in favor of <b>proto</b> field. For now, this field
* is only applicable only when <b>proto</b> field is set to zero.
* Default is PJSIP_SSL_UNSPECIFIED_METHOD (0), which in turn will
* use PJSIP_SSL_DEFAULT_METHOD, which default value is PJSIP_TLSV1_METHOD.
pjsip_ssl_method method;
* TLS protocol type from #pj_ssl_sock_proto. Use this field to enable
* specific protocol type. Use bitwise OR operation to combine the protocol
* type.
unsigned proto;
* Ciphers and order preference. The Endpoint::utilSslGetAvailableCiphers()
* can be used to check the available ciphers supported by backend.
* If the array is empty, then default cipher list of the backend
* will be used.
IntVector ciphers;
* Specifies TLS transport behavior on the server TLS certificate
* verification result:
* - If \a verifyServer is disabled, TLS transport will just notify
* the application via pjsip_tp_state_callback with state
* PJSIP_TP_STATE_CONNECTED regardless TLS verification result.
* - If \a verifyServer is enabled, TLS transport will be shutdown
* and application will be notified with state
* PJSIP_TP_STATE_DISCONNECTED whenever there is any TLS verification
* error, otherwise PJSIP_TP_STATE_CONNECTED will be notified.
* In any cases, application can inspect pjsip_tls_state_info in the
* callback to see the verification detail.
* Default value is false.
bool verifyServer;
* Specifies TLS transport behavior on the client TLS certificate
* verification result:
* - If \a verifyClient is disabled, TLS transport will just notify
* the application via pjsip_tp_state_callback with state
* PJSIP_TP_STATE_CONNECTED regardless TLS verification result.
* - If \a verifyClient is enabled, TLS transport will be shutdown
* and application will be notified with state
* PJSIP_TP_STATE_DISCONNECTED whenever there is any TLS verification
* error, otherwise PJSIP_TP_STATE_CONNECTED will be notified.
* In any cases, application can inspect pjsip_tls_state_info in the
* callback to see the verification detail.
* Default value is PJ_FALSE.
bool verifyClient;
* When acting as server (incoming TLS connections), reject incoming
* connection if client doesn't supply a TLS certificate.
* This setting corresponds to SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT flag.
* Default value is PJ_FALSE.
bool requireClientCert;
* TLS negotiation timeout to be applied for both outgoing and incoming
* connection, in milliseconds. If zero, the SSL negotiation doesn't
* have a timeout.
* Default: zero
unsigned msecTimeout;
* QoS traffic type to be set on this transport. When application wants
* to apply QoS tagging to the transport, it's preferable to set this
* field rather than \a qosParam fields since this is more portable.
* Default value is PJ_QOS_TYPE_BEST_EFFORT.
pj_qos_type qosType;
* Set the low level QoS parameters to the transport. This is a lower
* level operation than setting the \a qosType field and may not be
* supported on all platforms.
* By default all settings in this structure are disabled.
pj_qos_params qosParams;
* Specify if the transport should ignore any errors when setting the QoS
* traffic type/parameters.
* Default: PJ_TRUE
bool qosIgnoreError;
/** Default constructor initialises with default values */
/** Convert to pjsip */
pjsip_tls_setting toPj() const;
/** Convert from pjsip */
void fromPj(const pjsip_tls_setting &prm);
* Read this object from a container node.
* @param node Container to read values from.
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
* Write this object to a container node.
* @param node Container to write values to.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
* Parameters to create a transport instance.
struct TransportConfig : public PersistentObject
* UDP port number to bind locally. This setting MUST be specified
* even when default port is desired. If the value is zero, the
* transport will be bound to any available port, and application
* can query the port by querying the transport info.
unsigned port;
* Specify the port range for socket binding, relative to the start
* port number specified in \a port. Note that this setting is only
* applicable when the start port number is non zero.
* Default value is zero.
unsigned portRange;
* Optional address to advertise as the address of this transport.
* Application can specify any address or hostname for this field,
* for example it can point to one of the interface address in the
* system, or it can point to the public address of a NAT router
* where port mappings have been configured for the application.
* Note: this option can be used for both UDP and TCP as well!
string publicAddress;
* Optional address where the socket should be bound to. This option
* SHOULD only be used to selectively bind the socket to particular
* interface (instead of, and SHOULD NOT be used to set the
* published address of a transport (the public_addr field should be
* used for that purpose).
* Note that unlike public_addr field, the address (or hostname) here
* MUST correspond to the actual interface address in the host, since
* this address will be specified as bind() argument.
string boundAddress;
* This specifies TLS settings for TLS transport. It is only be used
* when this transport config is being used to create a SIP TLS
* transport.
TlsConfig tlsConfig;
* QoS traffic type to be set on this transport. When application wants
* to apply QoS tagging to the transport, it's preferable to set this
* field rather than \a qosParam fields since this is more portable.
* Default is QoS not set.
pj_qos_type qosType;
* Set the low level QoS parameters to the transport. This is a lower
* level operation than setting the \a qosType field and may not be
* supported on all platforms.
* Default is QoS not set.
pj_qos_params qosParams;
/** Default constructor initialises with default values */
/** Convert from pjsip */
void fromPj(const pjsua_transport_config &prm);
/** Convert to pjsip */
pjsua_transport_config toPj() const;
* Read this object from a container node.
* @param node Container to read values from.
virtual void readObject(const ContainerNode &node) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
* Write this object to a container node.
* @param node Container to write values to.
virtual void writeObject(ContainerNode &node) const PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
* This structure describes transport information returned by
* Endpoint::transportGetInfo() function.
struct TransportInfo
/** PJSUA transport identification. */
TransportId id;
/** Transport type. */
pjsip_transport_type_e type;
/** Transport type name. */
string typeName;
/** Transport string info/description. */
string info;
/** Transport flags (see pjsip_transport_flags_e). */
unsigned flags;
/** Local/bound address. */
SocketAddress localAddress;
/** Published address (or transport address name). */
SocketAddress localName;
/** Current number of objects currently referencing this transport. */
unsigned usageCount;
* Default constructor.
/** Construct from pjsua_transport_info */
void fromPj(const pjsua_transport_info &info);
* This structure describes an incoming SIP message. It corresponds to the
* pjsip_rx_data structure in PJSIP library.
struct SipRxData
* A short info string describing the request, which normally contains
* the request method and its CSeq.
string info;
* The whole message data as a string, containing both the header section
* and message body section.
string wholeMsg;
* Source address of the message.
SocketAddress srcAddress;
* Pointer to original pjsip_rx_data. Only valid when the struct
* is constructed from PJSIP's pjsip_rx_data.
void *pjRxData;
* Default constructor.
* Construct from PJSIP's pjsip_rx_data
void fromPj(pjsip_rx_data &rdata);
* This structure describes an outgoing SIP message. It corresponds to the
* pjsip_tx_data structure in PJSIP library.
struct SipTxData
* A short info string describing the request, which normally contains
* the request method and its CSeq.
string info;
* The whole message data as a string, containing both the header section
* and message body section.
string wholeMsg;
* Destination address of the message.
SocketAddress dstAddress;
* Pointer to original pjsip_tx_data. Only valid when the struct
* is constructed from PJSIP's pjsip_tx_data.
void *pjTxData;
* Default constructor.
* Construct from PJSIP's pjsip_tx_data
void fromPj(pjsip_tx_data &tdata);
* This structure describes SIP transaction object. It corresponds to the
* pjsip_transaction structure in PJSIP library.
struct SipTransaction
/* Transaction identification. */
pjsip_role_e role; /**< Role (UAS or UAC) */
string method; /**< The method. */
/* State and status. */
int statusCode; /**< Last status code seen. */
string statusText; /**< Last reason phrase. */
pjsip_tsx_state_e state; /**< State. */
/* Messages and timer. */
SipTxData lastTx; /**< Msg kept for retrans. */
/* Original pjsip_transaction. */
void *pjTransaction; /**< pjsip_transaction. */
* Default constructor.
* Construct from PJSIP's pjsip_transaction
void fromPj(pjsip_transaction &tsx);
* This structure describes timer event.
struct TimerEvent
TimerEntry entry; /**< The timer entry. */
* This structure describes transaction state event source.
struct TsxStateEventSrc
SipRxData rdata; /**< The incoming message. */
SipTxData tdata; /**< The outgoing message. */
TimerEntry timer; /**< The timer. */
pj_status_t status; /**< Transport error status. */
GenericData data; /**< Generic data. */
TsxStateEventSrc() : status() {}
* This structure describes transaction state changed event.
struct TsxStateEvent
TsxStateEventSrc src; /**< Event source. */
SipTransaction tsx; /**< The transaction. */
pjsip_tsx_state_e prevState; /**< Previous state. */
pjsip_event_id_e type; /**< Type of event source:
* This structure describes message transmission event.
struct TxMsgEvent
SipTxData tdata; /**< The transmit data buffer. */
* This structure describes transmission error event.
struct TxErrorEvent
SipTxData tdata; /**< The transmit data. */
SipTransaction tsx; /**< The transaction. */
* This structure describes message arrival event.
struct RxMsgEvent
SipRxData rdata; /**< The receive data buffer. */
* This structure describes user event.
struct UserEvent
GenericData user1; /**< User data 1. */
GenericData user2; /**< User data 2. */
GenericData user3; /**< User data 3. */
GenericData user4; /**< User data 4. */
* The event body.
struct SipEventBody
* Timer event.
TimerEvent timer;
* Transaction state has changed event.
TsxStateEvent tsxState;
* Message transmission event.
TxMsgEvent txMsg;
* Transmission error event.
TxErrorEvent txError;
* Message arrival event.
RxMsgEvent rxMsg;
* User event.
UserEvent user;
* This structure describe event descriptor to fully identify a SIP event. It
* corresponds to the pjsip_event structure in PJSIP library.
struct SipEvent
* The event type, can be any value of \b pjsip_event_id_e.
pjsip_event_id_e type;
* The event body, which fields depends on the event type.
SipEventBody body;
* Pointer to its original pjsip_event. Only valid when the struct is
* constructed from PJSIP's pjsip_event.
void *pjEvent;
* Default constructor.
* Construct from PJSIP's pjsip_event
void fromPj(const pjsip_event &ev);
* SIP media type containing type and subtype. For example, for
* "application/sdp", the type is "application" and the subtype is "sdp".
struct SipMediaType
/** Media type. */
string type;
/** Media subtype. */
string subType;
* Construct from PJSIP's pjsip_media_type
void fromPj(const pjsip_media_type &prm);
* Convert to PJSIP's pjsip_media_type.
pjsip_media_type toPj() const;
* Simple SIP header.
struct SipHeader
* Header name.
string hName;
* Header value.
string hValue;
* Initiaize from PJSIP header.
void fromPj(const pjsip_hdr *) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
* Convert to PJSIP header.
pjsip_generic_string_hdr &toPj() const;
/** Interal buffer for conversion to PJSIP header */
mutable pjsip_generic_string_hdr pjHdr;
/** Array of strings */
typedef std::vector<SipHeader> SipHeaderVector;
* This describes each multipart part.
struct SipMultipartPart
* Optional headers to be put in this multipart part.
SipHeaderVector headers;
* The MIME type of the body part of this multipart part.
SipMediaType contentType;
* The body part of tthis multipart part.
string body;
* Initiaize from PJSIP's pjsip_multipart_part.
void fromPj(const pjsip_multipart_part &prm) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
* Convert to PJSIP's pjsip_multipart_part.
pjsip_multipart_part& toPj() const;
/** Interal buffer for conversion to PJSIP pjsip_multipart_part */
mutable pjsip_multipart_part pjMpp;
mutable pjsip_msg_body pjMsgBody;
/** Array of multipart parts */
typedef std::vector<SipMultipartPart> SipMultipartPartVector;
* Additional options when sending outgoing SIP message. This corresponds to
* pjsua_msg_data structure in PJSIP library.
struct SipTxOption
* Optional remote target URI (i.e. Target header). If empty (""), the
* target will be set to the remote URI (To header). At the moment this
* field is only used when sending initial INVITE and MESSAGE requests.
string targetUri;
* Additional message headers to be included in the outgoing message.
SipHeaderVector headers;
* MIME type of the message body, if application specifies the messageBody
* in this structure.
string contentType;
* Optional message body to be added to the message, only when the
* message doesn't have a body.
string msgBody;
* Content type of the multipart body. If application wants to send
* multipart message bodies, it puts the parts in multipartParts and set
* the content type in multipartContentType. If the message already
* contains a body, the body will be added to the multipart bodies.
SipMediaType multipartContentType;
* Array of multipart parts. If application wants to send multipart
* message bodies, it puts the parts in \a parts and set the content
* type in \a multipart_ctype. If the message already contains a body,
* the body will be added to the multipart bodies.
SipMultipartPartVector multipartParts;
* Check if the options are empty. If the options are set with empty
* values, there will be no additional information sent with outgoing
* SIP message.
* @return True if the options are empty.
bool isEmpty() const;
* Initiaize from PJSUA's pjsua_msg_data.
void fromPj(const pjsua_msg_data &prm) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
* Convert to PJSUA's pjsua_msg_data.
void toPj(pjsua_msg_data &msg_data) const;
* This structure contains parameters for sending instance message methods,
* e.g: Buddy::sendInstantMessage(), Call:sendInstantMessage().
struct SendInstantMessageParam
* MIME type. Default is "text/plain".
string contentType;
* The message content.
string content;
* List of headers etc to be included in outgoing request.
SipTxOption txOption;
* User data, which will be given back when the IM callback is called.
Token userData;
* Default constructor initializes with zero/empty values.
* This structure contains parameters for sending typing indication methods,
* e.g: Buddy::sendTypingIndication(), Call:sendTypingIndication().
struct SendTypingIndicationParam
* True to indicate to remote that local person is currently typing an IM.
bool isTyping;
* List of headers etc to be included in outgoing request.
SipTxOption txOption;
* Default constructor initializes with zero/empty values.
/* Utilities */
#ifndef SWIG
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
void readIntVector( ContainerNode &node,
const string &array_name,
IntVector &v) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
void writeIntVector(ContainerNode &node,
const string &array_name,
const IntVector &v) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
void readQosParams( ContainerNode &node,
pj_qos_params &qos) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
void writeQosParams( ContainerNode &node,
const pj_qos_params &qos) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
void readSipHeaders( const ContainerNode &node,
const string &array_name,
SipHeaderVector &headers) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
void writeSipHeaders(ContainerNode &node,
const string &array_name,
const SipHeaderVector &headers) PJSUA2_THROW(Error);
//! @endcond
#endif // SWIG
* @} PJSUA2
} // namespace pj
#endif /* __PJSUA2_SIPTYPES_HPP__ */