/* * Filters: Instructions themselves * * Copyright 1998 Pavel Machek * Copyright 2018 Maria Matejka * Copyright 2018 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. * * Filter instructions. You shall define your instruction only here * and nowhere else. * * Beware. This file is interpreted by M4 macros. These macros * may be more stupid than you could imagine. If something strange * happens after changing this file, compare the results before and * after your change (see the Makefile to find out where the results are) * and see what really happened. * * This file is not directly a C source code -> it is a generator input * for several C sources; every instruction block gets expanded into many * different places. * * All the arguments are processed literally; if you need an argument including comma, * you have to quote it by [[ ... ]] * * What is the syntax here? * m4_dnl INST(FI_NOP, in, out) { enum value, input args, output args * m4_dnl ARG(num, type); argument, its id (in data fields) and type * m4_dnl ARG_ANY(num); argument with no type check * m4_dnl LINE(num, unused); this argument has to be converted to its own f_line * m4_dnl SYMBOL; symbol handed from config * m4_dnl STATIC_ATTR; static attribute definition * m4_dnl DYNAMIC_ATTR; dynamic attribute definition * m4_dnl RTC; route table config * m4_dnl ACCESS_RTE; this instruction needs route * m4_dnl ACCESS_EATTRS; this instruction needs extended attributes * * m4_dnl FID_MEMBER( custom instruction member * m4_dnl C type, for storage in structs * m4_dnl name, how the member is named * m4_dnl comparator for same(), if different, this should be TRUE (CAVEAT) * m4_dnl dump format string debug -> format string for bvsnprintf * m4_dnl dump format args appropriate args * m4_dnl ) * * m4_dnl RESULT(type, union-field, value); putting this on value stack * m4_dnl RESULT_VAL(value-struct); pass the struct f_val directly * m4_dnl RESULT_VOID; return undef * m4_dnl } * * Other code is just copied into the interpreter part. * * If you want to write something really special, see FI_CALL * or FI_CONSTANT or whatever else to see how to use the FID_* * macros. */ /* Binary operators */ INST(FI_ADD, 2, 1) { ARG(1,T_INT); ARG(2,T_INT); RESULT(T_INT, i, v1.val.i + v2.val.i); } INST(FI_SUBTRACT, 2, 1) { ARG(1,T_INT); ARG(2,T_INT); RESULT(T_INT, i, v1.val.i - v2.val.i); } INST(FI_MULTIPLY, 2, 1) { ARG(1,T_INT); ARG(2,T_INT); RESULT(T_INT, i, v1.val.i * v2.val.i); } INST(FI_DIVIDE, 2, 1) { ARG(1,T_INT); ARG(2,T_INT); if (v2.val.i == 0) runtime( "Mother told me not to divide by 0" ); RESULT(T_INT, i, v1.val.i / v2.val.i); } INST(FI_AND, 1, 1) { ARG(1,T_BOOL); if (v1.val.i) LINE(2,0); else RESULT_VAL(v1); } INST(FI_OR, 1, 1) { ARG(1,T_BOOL); if (!v1.val.i) LINE(2,0); else RESULT_VAL(v1); } INST(FI_PAIR_CONSTRUCT, 2, 1) { ARG(1,T_INT); ARG(2,T_INT); uint u1 = v1.val.i; uint u2 = v2.val.i; if ((u1 > 0xFFFF) || (u2 > 0xFFFF)) runtime( "Can't operate with value out of bounds in pair constructor" ); RESULT(T_PAIR, i, (u1 << 16) | u2); } INST(FI_EC_CONSTRUCT, 2, 1) { ARG_ANY(1); ARG(2, T_INT); FID_MEMBER(enum ec_subtype, ecs, f1->ecs != f2->ecs, ec subtype %s, ec_subtype_str(item->ecs)); int check, ipv4_used; u32 key, val; if (v1.type == T_INT) { ipv4_used = 0; key = v1.val.i; } else if (v1.type == T_QUAD) { ipv4_used = 1; key = v1.val.i; } /* IP->Quad implicit conversion */ else if (val_is_ip4(&v1)) { ipv4_used = 1; key = ipa_to_u32(v1.val.ip); } else runtime("Argument 1 of EC constructor must be integer or IPv4 address, got 0x%02x", v1.type); val = v2.val.i; if (ecs == EC_GENERIC) { check = 0; RESULT(T_EC, ec, ec_generic(key, val)); } else if (ipv4_used) { check = 1; RESULT(T_EC, ec, ec_ip4(ecs, key, val)); } else if (key < 0x10000) { check = 0; RESULT(T_EC, ec, ec_as2(ecs, key, val)); } else { check = 1; RESULT(T_EC, ec, ec_as4(ecs, key, val)); } if (check && (val > 0xFFFF)) runtime("Value %u > %u out of bounds in EC constructor", val, 0xFFFF); } INST(FI_LC_CONSTRUCT, 3, 1) { ARG(1, T_INT); ARG(2, T_INT); ARG(3, T_INT); RESULT(T_LC, lc, [[(lcomm) { v1.val.i, v2.val.i, v3.val.i }]]); } INST(FI_PATHMASK_CONSTRUCT, 0, 1) { ARG_ANY(1); FID_MEMBER(uint, count, f1->count != f2->count, number of items %u, item->count); FID_NEW_BODY uint len = 0; for (const struct f_inst *tt = f1; tt; tt = tt->next, len++); whati->count = len; struct f_inst **items; if (constargs) { items = alloca(len * sizeof(struct f_inst *)); for (uint i=0; f1; i++) { items[i] = f1; f1 = f1->next; items[i]->next = 0; } whati->f1 = NULL; } FID_INTERPRET_BODY FID_INTERPRET_EXEC if (fstk->vcnt < whati->count) /* TODO: make this check systematic */ runtime("Construction of BGP path mask from %u elements must have at least that number of elements", whati->count); #define pv(i) fstk->vstk[fstk->vcnt - whati->count + (i)] FID_INTERPRET_NEW #define pv(i) items[i]->i_FI_CONSTANT.val FID_INTERPRET_BODY struct f_path_mask *pm = falloc(sizeof(struct f_path_mask) + whati->count * sizeof(struct f_path_mask_item)); for (uint i=0; icount; i++) { switch (pv(i).type) { case T_PATH_MASK_ITEM: pm->item[i] = pv(i).val.pmi; break; case T_INT: pm->item[i] = (struct f_path_mask_item) { .asn = pv(i).val.i, .kind = PM_ASN, }; break; default: runtime( "Error resolving path mask template: value not an integer" ); } } #undef pv FID_INTERPRET_EXEC fstk->vcnt -= whati->count; FID_INTERPRET_BODY pm->len = whati->count; RESULT(T_PATH_MASK, path_mask, pm); } /* Relational operators */ INST(FI_NEQ, 2, 1) { ARG_ANY(1); ARG_ANY(2); RESULT(T_BOOL, i, !val_same(&v1, &v2)); } INST(FI_EQ, 2, 1) { ARG_ANY(1); ARG_ANY(2); RESULT(T_BOOL, i, val_same(&v1, &v2)); } INST(FI_LT, 2, 1) { ARG_ANY(1); ARG_ANY(2); int i = val_compare(&v1, &v2); if (i == F_CMP_ERROR) runtime( "Can't compare values of incompatible types" ); RESULT(T_BOOL, i, (i == -1)); } INST(FI_LTE, 2, 1) { ARG_ANY(1); ARG_ANY(2); int i = val_compare(&v1, &v2); if (i == F_CMP_ERROR) runtime( "Can't compare values of incompatible types" ); RESULT(T_BOOL, i, (i != 1)); } INST(FI_NOT, 1, 1) { ARG(1,T_BOOL); RESULT(T_BOOL, i, !v1.val.i); } INST(FI_MATCH, 2, 1) { ARG_ANY(1); ARG_ANY(2); int i = val_in_range(&v1, &v2); if (i == F_CMP_ERROR) runtime( "~ applied on unknown type pair" ); RESULT(T_BOOL, i, !!i); } INST(FI_NOT_MATCH, 2, 1) { ARG_ANY(1); ARG_ANY(2); int i = val_in_range(&v1, &v2); if (i == F_CMP_ERROR) runtime( "!~ applied on unknown type pair" ); RESULT(T_BOOL, i, !i); } INST(FI_DEFINED, 1, 1) { ARG_ANY(1); RESULT(T_BOOL, i, (v1.type != T_VOID) && !undef_value(v1)); } INST(FI_TYPE, 1, 1) { ARG_ANY(1); /* There may be more types supporting this operation */ switch (v1.type) { case T_NET: RESULT(T_ENUM_NETTYPE, i, v1.val.net->type); break; default: runtime( "Can't determine type of this item" ); } } INST(FI_IS_V4, 1, 1) { ARG(1, T_IP); RESULT(T_BOOL, i, ipa_is_ip4(v1.val.ip)); } /* Set to indirect value prepared in v1 */ INST(FI_VAR_SET, 1, 0) { NEVER_CONSTANT; ARG_ANY(1); SYMBOL; if ((sym->class != (SYM_VARIABLE | v1.type)) && (v1.type != T_VOID)) { /* IP->Quad implicit conversion */ if ((sym->class == (SYM_VARIABLE | T_QUAD)) && val_is_ip4(&v1)) v1 = (struct f_val) { .type = T_QUAD, .val.i = ipa_to_u32(v1.val.ip), }; else runtime( "Assigning to variable of incompatible type" ); } fstk->vstk[curline.vbase + sym->offset] = v1; } INST(FI_VAR_GET, 0, 1) { SYMBOL; NEVER_CONSTANT; RESULT_VAL(fstk->vstk[curline.vbase + sym->offset]); } INST(FI_CONSTANT, 0, 1) { FID_MEMBER( struct f_val, val, [[ !val_same(&(f1->val), &(f2->val)) ]], value %s, val_dump(&(item->val)) ); RESULT_VAL(val); } INST(FI_CONDITION, 1, 0) { ARG(1, T_BOOL); if (v1.val.i) LINE(2,0); else LINE(3,1); } INST(FI_PRINT, 0, 0) { NEVER_CONSTANT; ARG_ANY(1); FID_MEMBER_IN(uint, count, f1->count != f2->count, number of items %u, item->count); FID_NEW_BODY uint len = 0; for (const struct f_inst *tt = f1; tt; tt = tt->next, len++) ; whati->count = len; FID_INTERPRET_BODY #define pv(i) fstk->vstk[fstk->vcnt - whati->count + (i)] if (whati->count && !(fs->flags & FF_SILENT)) for (uint i=0; icount; i++) val_format(&(pv(i)), &fs->buf); #undef pv fstk->vcnt -= whati->count; } INST(FI_DIE, 0, 0) { NEVER_CONSTANT; FID_MEMBER(enum filter_return, fret, f1->fret != f2->fret, %s, filter_return_str(item->fret)); if (fs->buf.start < fs->buf.pos) log_commit(*L_INFO, &fs->buf); switch (whati->fret) { case F_QUITBIRD: die( "Filter asked me to die" ); case F_ACCEPT: /* Should take care about turning ACCEPT into MODIFY */ case F_ERROR: case F_REJECT: /* FIXME (noncritical) Should print complete route along with reason to reject route */ return fret; /* We have to return now, no more processing. */ case F_NOP: break; default: bug( "unknown return type: Can't happen"); } } INST(FI_RTA_GET, 0, 1) { { STATIC_ATTR; ACCESS_RTE; struct rta *rta = (*fs->rte)->attrs; switch (sa.sa_code) { case SA_FROM: RESULT(sa.f_type, ip, rta->from); break; case SA_GW: RESULT(sa.f_type, ip, rta->nh.gw); break; case SA_NET: RESULT(sa.f_type, net, (*fs->rte)->net->n.addr); break; case SA_PROTO: RESULT(sa.f_type, s, rta->src->proto->name); break; case SA_SOURCE: RESULT(sa.f_type, i, rta->source); break; case SA_SCOPE: RESULT(sa.f_type, i, rta->scope); break; case SA_DEST: RESULT(sa.f_type, i, rta->dest); break; case SA_IFNAME: RESULT(sa.f_type, s, rta->nh.iface ? rta->nh.iface->name : ""); break; case SA_IFINDEX: RESULT(sa.f_type, i, rta->nh.iface ? rta->nh.iface->index : 0); break; default: bug("Invalid static attribute access (%u/%u)", sa.f_type, sa.sa_code); } } } INST(FI_RTA_SET, 1, 0) { ACCESS_RTE; ARG_ANY(1); STATIC_ATTR; if (sa.f_type != v1.type) runtime( "Attempt to set static attribute to incompatible type" ); f_rta_cow(fs); { struct rta *rta = (*fs->rte)->attrs; switch (sa.sa_code) { case SA_FROM: rta->from = v1.val.ip; break; case SA_GW: { ip_addr ip = v1.val.ip; neighbor *n = neigh_find(rta->src->proto, ip, NULL, 0); if (!n || (n->scope == SCOPE_HOST)) runtime( "Invalid gw address" ); rta->dest = RTD_UNICAST; rta->nh.gw = ip; rta->nh.iface = n->iface; rta->nh.next = NULL; rta->hostentry = NULL; } break; case SA_SCOPE: rta->scope = v1.val.i; break; case SA_DEST: { int i = v1.val.i; if ((i != RTD_BLACKHOLE) && (i != RTD_UNREACHABLE) && (i != RTD_PROHIBIT)) runtime( "Destination can be changed only to blackhole, unreachable or prohibit" ); rta->dest = i; rta->nh.gw = IPA_NONE; rta->nh.iface = NULL; rta->nh.next = NULL; rta->hostentry = NULL; } break; case SA_IFNAME: { struct iface *ifa = if_find_by_name(v1.val.s); if (!ifa) runtime( "Invalid iface name" ); rta->dest = RTD_UNICAST; rta->nh.gw = IPA_NONE; rta->nh.iface = ifa; rta->nh.next = NULL; rta->hostentry = NULL; } break; default: bug("Invalid static attribute access (%u/%u)", sa.f_type, sa.sa_code); } } } INST(FI_EA_GET, 0, 1) { /* Access to extended attributes */ DYNAMIC_ATTR; ACCESS_RTE; ACCESS_EATTRS; { eattr *e = ea_find(*fs->eattrs, da.ea_code); if (!e) { /* A special case: undefined as_path looks like empty as_path */ if (da.type == EAF_TYPE_AS_PATH) { RESULT(T_PATH, ad, &null_adata); break; } /* The same special case for int_set */ if (da.type == EAF_TYPE_INT_SET) { RESULT(T_CLIST, ad, &null_adata); break; } /* The same special case for ec_set */ if (da.type == EAF_TYPE_EC_SET) { RESULT(T_ECLIST, ad, &null_adata); break; } /* The same special case for lc_set */ if (da.type == EAF_TYPE_LC_SET) { RESULT(T_LCLIST, ad, &null_adata); break; } /* Undefined value */ RESULT_VOID; break; } switch (e->type & EAF_TYPE_MASK) { case EAF_TYPE_INT: RESULT(da.f_type, i, e->u.data); break; case EAF_TYPE_ROUTER_ID: RESULT(T_QUAD, i, e->u.data); break; case EAF_TYPE_OPAQUE: RESULT(T_ENUM_EMPTY, i, 0); break; case EAF_TYPE_IP_ADDRESS: RESULT(T_IP, ip, *((ip_addr *) e->u.ptr->data)); break; case EAF_TYPE_AS_PATH: RESULT(T_PATH, ad, e->u.ptr); break; case EAF_TYPE_BITFIELD: RESULT(T_BOOL, i, !!(e->u.data & (1u << da.bit))); break; case EAF_TYPE_INT_SET: RESULT(T_CLIST, ad, e->u.ptr); break; case EAF_TYPE_EC_SET: RESULT(T_ECLIST, ad, e->u.ptr); break; case EAF_TYPE_LC_SET: RESULT(T_LCLIST, ad, e->u.ptr); break; case EAF_TYPE_UNDEF: RESULT_VOID; break; default: bug("Unknown dynamic attribute type"); } } } INST(FI_EA_SET, 1, 0) { ACCESS_RTE; ACCESS_EATTRS; ARG_ANY(1); DYNAMIC_ATTR; { struct ea_list *l = lp_alloc(fs->pool, sizeof(struct ea_list) + sizeof(eattr)); l->next = NULL; l->flags = EALF_SORTED; l->count = 1; l->attrs[0].id = da.ea_code; l->attrs[0].flags = 0; l->attrs[0].type = da.type | EAF_ORIGINATED | EAF_FRESH; switch (da.type) { case EAF_TYPE_INT: if (v1.type != da.f_type) runtime( "Setting int attribute to non-int value" ); l->attrs[0].u.data = v1.val.i; break; case EAF_TYPE_ROUTER_ID: /* IP->Quad implicit conversion */ if (val_is_ip4(&v1)) { l->attrs[0].u.data = ipa_to_u32(v1.val.ip); break; } /* T_INT for backward compatibility */ if ((v1.type != T_QUAD) && (v1.type != T_INT)) runtime( "Setting quad attribute to non-quad value" ); l->attrs[0].u.data = v1.val.i; break; case EAF_TYPE_OPAQUE: runtime( "Setting opaque attribute is not allowed" ); break; case EAF_TYPE_IP_ADDRESS: if (v1.type != T_IP) runtime( "Setting ip attribute to non-ip value" ); int len = sizeof(ip_addr); struct adata *ad = lp_alloc(fs->pool, sizeof(struct adata) + len); ad->length = len; (* (ip_addr *) ad->data) = v1.val.ip; l->attrs[0].u.ptr = ad; break; case EAF_TYPE_AS_PATH: if (v1.type != T_PATH) runtime( "Setting path attribute to non-path value" ); l->attrs[0].u.ptr = v1.val.ad; break; case EAF_TYPE_BITFIELD: if (v1.type != T_BOOL) runtime( "Setting bit in bitfield attribute to non-bool value" ); { /* First, we have to find the old value */ eattr *e = ea_find(*fs->eattrs, da.ea_code); u32 data = e ? e->u.data : 0; if (v1.val.i) l->attrs[0].u.data = data | (1u << da.bit); else l->attrs[0].u.data = data & ~(1u << da.bit); } break; case EAF_TYPE_INT_SET: if (v1.type != T_CLIST) runtime( "Setting clist attribute to non-clist value" ); l->attrs[0].u.ptr = v1.val.ad; break; case EAF_TYPE_EC_SET: if (v1.type != T_ECLIST) runtime( "Setting eclist attribute to non-eclist value" ); l->attrs[0].u.ptr = v1.val.ad; break; case EAF_TYPE_LC_SET: if (v1.type != T_LCLIST) runtime( "Setting lclist attribute to non-lclist value" ); l->attrs[0].u.ptr = v1.val.ad; break; default: bug("Unknown dynamic attribute type"); } f_rta_cow(fs); l->next = *fs->eattrs; *fs->eattrs = l; } } INST(FI_EA_UNSET, 0, 0) { DYNAMIC_ATTR; ACCESS_RTE; ACCESS_EATTRS; { struct ea_list *l = lp_alloc(fs->pool, sizeof(struct ea_list) + sizeof(eattr)); l->next = NULL; l->flags = EALF_SORTED; l->count = 1; l->attrs[0].id = da.ea_code; l->attrs[0].flags = 0; l->attrs[0].type = EAF_TYPE_UNDEF | EAF_ORIGINATED | EAF_FRESH; l->attrs[0].u.data = 0; f_rta_cow(fs); l->next = *fs->eattrs; *fs->eattrs = l; } } INST(FI_PREF_GET, 0, 1) { ACCESS_RTE; RESULT(T_INT, i, (*fs->rte)->pref); } INST(FI_PREF_SET, 1, 0) { ACCESS_RTE; ARG(1,T_INT); if (v1.val.i > 0xFFFF) runtime( "Setting preference value out of bounds" ); f_rte_cow(fs); (*fs->rte)->pref = v1.val.i; } INST(FI_LENGTH, 1, 1) { /* Get length of */ ARG_ANY(1); switch(v1.type) { case T_NET: RESULT(T_INT, i, net_pxlen(v1.val.net)); break; case T_PATH: RESULT(T_INT, i, as_path_getlen(v1.val.ad)); break; case T_CLIST: RESULT(T_INT, i, int_set_get_size(v1.val.ad)); break; case T_ECLIST: RESULT(T_INT, i, ec_set_get_size(v1.val.ad)); break; case T_LCLIST: RESULT(T_INT, i, lc_set_get_size(v1.val.ad)); break; default: runtime( "Prefix, path, clist or eclist expected" ); } } INST(FI_SADR_SRC, 1, 1) { /* Get SADR src prefix */ ARG(1, T_NET); if (!net_is_sadr(v1.val.net)) runtime( "SADR expected" ); net_addr_ip6_sadr *net = (void *) v1.val.net; net_addr *src = falloc(sizeof(net_addr_ip6)); net_fill_ip6(src, net->src_prefix, net->src_pxlen); RESULT(T_NET, net, src); } INST(FI_ROA_MAXLEN, 1, 1) { /* Get ROA max prefix length */ ARG(1, T_NET); if (!net_is_roa(v1.val.net)) runtime( "ROA expected" ); RESULT(T_INT, i, (v1.val.net->type == NET_ROA4) ? ((net_addr_roa4 *) v1.val.net)->max_pxlen : ((net_addr_roa6 *) v1.val.net)->max_pxlen); } INST(FI_ROA_ASN, 1, 1) { /* Get ROA ASN */ ARG(1, T_NET); if (!net_is_roa(v1.val.net)) runtime( "ROA expected" ); RESULT(T_INT, i, (v1.val.net->type == NET_ROA4) ? ((net_addr_roa4 *) v1.val.net)->asn : ((net_addr_roa6 *) v1.val.net)->asn); } INST(FI_IP, 1, 1) { /* Convert prefix to ... */ ARG(1, T_NET); RESULT(T_IP, ip, net_prefix(v1.val.net)); } INST(FI_ROUTE_DISTINGUISHER, 1, 1) { ARG(1, T_NET); if (!net_is_vpn(v1.val.net)) runtime( "VPN address expected" ); RESULT(T_RD, ec, net_rd(v1.val.net)); } INST(FI_AS_PATH_FIRST, 1, 1) { /* Get first ASN from AS PATH */ ARG(1, T_PATH); int as = 0; as_path_get_first(v1.val.ad, &as); RESULT(T_INT, i, as); } INST(FI_AS_PATH_LAST, 1, 1) { /* Get last ASN from AS PATH */ ARG(1, T_PATH); int as = 0; as_path_get_last(v1.val.ad, &as); RESULT(T_INT, i, as); } INST(FI_AS_PATH_LAST_NAG, 1, 1) { /* Get last ASN from non-aggregated part of AS PATH */ ARG(1, T_PATH); RESULT(T_INT, i, as_path_get_last_nonaggregated(v1.val.ad)); } INST(FI_RETURN, 1, 1) { NEVER_CONSTANT; /* Acquire the return value */ ARG_ANY(1); uint retpos = fstk->vcnt; /* Drop every sub-block including ourselves */ while ((fstk->ecnt-- > 0) && !(fstk->estk[fstk->ecnt].emask & FE_RETURN)) ; /* Now we are at the caller frame; if no such, try to convert to accept/reject. */ if (!fstk->ecnt) if (fstk->vstk[retpos].type == T_BOOL) if (fstk->vstk[retpos].val.i) return F_ACCEPT; else return F_REJECT; else runtime("Can't return non-bool from non-function"); /* Set the value stack position, overwriting the former implicit void */ fstk->vcnt = fstk->estk[fstk->ecnt].ventry - 1; /* Copy the return value */ RESULT_VAL(fstk->vstk[retpos]); } INST(FI_CALL, 0, 1) { NEVER_CONSTANT; SYMBOL; /* Push the body on stack */ LINEX(sym->function); curline.emask |= FE_RETURN; /* Before this instruction was called, there was the T_VOID * automatic return value pushed on value stack and also * sym->function->args function arguments. Setting the * vbase to point to first argument. */ ASSERT(curline.ventry >= sym->function->args); curline.ventry -= sym->function->args; curline.vbase = curline.ventry; /* Storage for local variables */ memset(&(fstk->vstk[fstk->vcnt]), 0, sizeof(struct f_val) * sym->function->vars); fstk->vcnt += sym->function->vars; } INST(FI_DROP_RESULT, 1, 0) { NEVER_CONSTANT; ARG_ANY(1); } INST(FI_SWITCH, 1, 0) { ARG_ANY(1); FID_MEMBER(struct f_tree *, tree, [[!same_tree(f1->tree, f2->tree)]], tree %p, item->tree); const struct f_tree *t = find_tree(tree, &v1); if (!t) { v1.type = T_VOID; t = find_tree(tree, &v1); if (!t) { debug( "No else statement?\n"); FID_HIC(,break,return NULL); } } /* It is actually possible to have t->data NULL */ LINEX(t->data); } INST(FI_IP_MASK, 2, 1) { /* IP.MASK(val) */ ARG(1, T_IP); ARG(2, T_INT); RESULT(T_IP, ip, [[ ipa_is_ip4(v1.val.ip) ? ipa_from_ip4(ip4_and(ipa_to_ip4(v1.val.ip), ip4_mkmask(v2.val.i))) : ipa_from_ip6(ip6_and(ipa_to_ip6(v1.val.ip), ip6_mkmask(v2.val.i))) ]]); } INST(FI_PATH_PREPEND, 2, 1) { /* Path prepend */ ARG(1, T_PATH); ARG(2, T_INT); RESULT(T_PATH, ad, [[ as_path_prepend(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.i) ]]); } INST(FI_CLIST_ADD, 2, 1) { /* (Extended) Community list add */ ARG_ANY(1); ARG_ANY(2); if (v1.type == T_PATH) runtime("Can't add to path"); else if (v1.type == T_CLIST) { /* Community (or cluster) list */ struct f_val dummy; if ((v2.type == T_PAIR) || (v2.type == T_QUAD)) RESULT(T_CLIST, ad, [[ int_set_add(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.i) ]]); /* IP->Quad implicit conversion */ else if (val_is_ip4(&v2)) RESULT(T_CLIST, ad, [[ int_set_add(fpool, v1.val.ad, ipa_to_u32(v2.val.ip)) ]]); else if ((v2.type == T_SET) && clist_set_type(v2.val.t, &dummy)) runtime("Can't add set"); else if (v2.type == T_CLIST) RESULT(T_CLIST, ad, [[ int_set_union(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.ad) ]]); else runtime("Can't add non-pair"); } else if (v1.type == T_ECLIST) { /* v2.val is either EC or EC-set */ if ((v2.type == T_SET) && eclist_set_type(v2.val.t)) runtime("Can't add set"); else if (v2.type == T_ECLIST) RESULT(T_ECLIST, ad, [[ ec_set_union(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.ad) ]]); else if (v2.type != T_EC) runtime("Can't add non-ec"); else RESULT(T_ECLIST, ad, [[ ec_set_add(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.ec) ]]); } else if (v1.type == T_LCLIST) { /* v2.val is either LC or LC-set */ if ((v2.type == T_SET) && lclist_set_type(v2.val.t)) runtime("Can't add set"); else if (v2.type == T_LCLIST) RESULT(T_LCLIST, ad, [[ lc_set_union(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.ad) ]]); else if (v2.type != T_LC) runtime("Can't add non-lc"); else RESULT(T_LCLIST, ad, [[ lc_set_add(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.lc) ]]); } else runtime("Can't add to non-[e|l]clist"); } INST(FI_CLIST_DEL, 2, 1) { /* (Extended) Community list add or delete */ ARG_ANY(1); ARG_ANY(2); if (v1.type == T_PATH) { const struct f_tree *set = NULL; u32 key = 0; if (v2.type == T_INT) key = v2.val.i; else if ((v2.type == T_SET) && (v2.val.t->from.type == T_INT)) set = v2.val.t; else runtime("Can't delete non-integer (set)"); RESULT(T_PATH, ad, [[ as_path_filter(fpool, v1.val.ad, set, key, 0) ]]); } else if (v1.type == T_CLIST) { /* Community (or cluster) list */ struct f_val dummy; if ((v2.type == T_PAIR) || (v2.type == T_QUAD)) RESULT(T_CLIST, ad, [[ int_set_del(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.i) ]]); /* IP->Quad implicit conversion */ else if (val_is_ip4(&v2)) RESULT(T_CLIST, ad, [[ int_set_del(fpool, v1.val.ad, ipa_to_u32(v2.val.ip)) ]]); else if ((v2.type == T_SET) && clist_set_type(v2.val.t, &dummy) || (v2.type == T_CLIST)) RESULT(T_CLIST, ad, [[ clist_filter(fpool, v1.val.ad, &v2, 0) ]]); else runtime("Can't delete non-pair"); } else if (v1.type == T_ECLIST) { /* v2.val is either EC or EC-set */ if ((v2.type == T_SET) && eclist_set_type(v2.val.t) || (v2.type == T_ECLIST)) RESULT(T_ECLIST, ad, [[ eclist_filter(fpool, v1.val.ad, &v2, 0) ]]); else if (v2.type != T_EC) runtime("Can't delete non-ec"); else RESULT(T_ECLIST, ad, [[ ec_set_del(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.ec) ]]); } else if (v1.type == T_LCLIST) { /* v2.val is either LC or LC-set */ if ((v2.type == T_SET) && lclist_set_type(v2.val.t) || (v2.type == T_LCLIST)) RESULT(T_LCLIST, ad, [[ lclist_filter(fpool, v1.val.ad, &v2, 0) ]]); else if (v2.type != T_LC) runtime("Can't delete non-lc"); else RESULT(T_LCLIST, ad, [[ lc_set_del(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.lc) ]]); } else runtime("Can't delete in non-[e|l]clist"); } INST(FI_CLIST_FILTER, 2, 1) { /* (Extended) Community list add or delete */ ARG_ANY(1); ARG_ANY(2); if (v1.type == T_PATH) { u32 key = 0; if ((v2.type == T_SET) && (v2.val.t->from.type == T_INT)) RESULT(T_PATH, ad, [[ as_path_filter(fpool, v1.val.ad, v2.val.t, key, 1) ]]); else runtime("Can't filter integer"); } else if (v1.type == T_CLIST) { /* Community (or cluster) list */ struct f_val dummy; if ((v2.type == T_SET) && clist_set_type(v2.val.t, &dummy) || (v2.type == T_CLIST)) RESULT(T_CLIST, ad, [[ clist_filter(fpool, v1.val.ad, &v2, 1) ]]); else runtime("Can't filter pair"); } else if (v1.type == T_ECLIST) { /* v2.val is either EC or EC-set */ if ((v2.type == T_SET) && eclist_set_type(v2.val.t) || (v2.type == T_ECLIST)) RESULT(T_ECLIST, ad, [[ eclist_filter(fpool, v1.val.ad, &v2, 1) ]]); else runtime("Can't filter ec"); } else if (v1.type == T_LCLIST) { /* v2.val is either LC or LC-set */ if ((v2.type == T_SET) && lclist_set_type(v2.val.t) || (v2.type == T_LCLIST)) RESULT(T_LCLIST, ad, [[ lclist_filter(fpool, v1.val.ad, &v2, 1) ]]); else runtime("Can't filter lc"); } else runtime("Can't filter non-[e|l]clist"); } INST(FI_ROA_CHECK_IMPLICIT, 0, 1) { /* ROA Check */ NEVER_CONSTANT; RTC(1); struct rtable *table = rtc->table; ACCESS_RTE; ACCESS_EATTRS; const net_addr *net = (*fs->rte)->net->n.addr; /* We ignore temporary attributes, probably not a problem here */ /* 0x02 is a value of BA_AS_PATH, we don't want to include BGP headers */ eattr *e = ea_find(*fs->eattrs, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, 0x02)); if (!e || ((e->type & EAF_TYPE_MASK) != EAF_TYPE_AS_PATH)) runtime("Missing AS_PATH attribute"); u32 as = 0; as_path_get_last(e->u.ptr, &as); if (!table) runtime("Missing ROA table"); if (table->addr_type != NET_ROA4 && table->addr_type != NET_ROA6) runtime("Table type must be either ROA4 or ROA6"); if (table->addr_type != (net->type == NET_IP4 ? NET_ROA4 : NET_ROA6)) RESULT(T_ENUM_ROA, i, ROA_UNKNOWN); /* Prefix and table type mismatch */ else RESULT(T_ENUM_ROA, i, [[ net_roa_check(table, net, as) ]]); } INST(FI_ROA_CHECK_EXPLICIT, 2, 1) { /* ROA Check */ NEVER_CONSTANT; ARG(1, T_NET); ARG(2, T_INT); RTC(3); struct rtable *table = rtc->table; u32 as = v2.val.i; if (!table) runtime("Missing ROA table"); if (table->addr_type != NET_ROA4 && table->addr_type != NET_ROA6) runtime("Table type must be either ROA4 or ROA6"); if (table->addr_type != (v1.val.net->type == NET_IP4 ? NET_ROA4 : NET_ROA6)) RESULT(T_ENUM_ROA, i, ROA_UNKNOWN); /* Prefix and table type mismatch */ else RESULT(T_ENUM_ROA, i, [[ net_roa_check(table, v1.val.net, as) ]]); } INST(FI_FORMAT, 1, 0) { /* Format */ ARG_ANY(1); RESULT(T_STRING, s, val_format_str(fpool, &v1)); } INST(FI_ASSERT, 1, 0) { /* Birdtest Assert */ NEVER_CONSTANT; ARG(1, T_BOOL); FID_MEMBER(char *, s, [[strcmp(f1->s, f2->s)]], string %s, item->s); ASSERT(s); if (!bt_assert_hook) runtime("No bt_assert hook registered, can't assert"); bt_assert_hook(v1.val.i, what); }