/* * BIRD -- RIP Configuration * * (c) 1998--1999 Pavel Machek * (c) 2004--2013 Ondrej Filip * (c) 2009--2015 Ondrej Zajicek * (c) 2009--2015 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/rip/rip.h" #include "nest/iface.h" CF_DEFINES #define RIP_CFG ((struct rip_config *) this_proto) #define RIP_IFACE ((struct rip_iface_config *) this_ipatt) static inline int rip_cfg_is_v2(void) { return RIP_CFG->rip2; } static inline int rip_cfg_is_ng(void) { return ! RIP_CFG->rip2; } static inline void rip_check_auth(void) { if (rip_cfg_is_ng()) cf_error("Authentication not supported in RIPng"); } CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(RIP, ECMP, LIMIT, WEIGHT, INFINITY, METRIC, UPDATE, TIMEOUT, GARBAGE, PORT, ADDRESS, MODE, BROADCAST, MULTICAST, PASSIVE, VERSION, SPLIT, HORIZON, POISON, REVERSE, CHECK, ZERO, TIME, BFD, AUTHENTICATION, NONE, PLAINTEXT, CRYPTOGRAPHIC, MD5, TTL, SECURITY, RX, TX, BUFFER, LENGTH, PRIORITY, ONLY, LINK, RIP_METRIC, RIP_TAG) %type rip_auth CF_GRAMMAR CF_ADDTO(proto, rip_proto) rip_proto_start: proto_start RIP { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_rip, $1); init_list(&RIP_CFG->patt_list); RIP_CFG->rip2 = RIP_IS_V2; RIP_CFG->infinity = RIP_DEFAULT_INFINITY; RIP_CFG->min_timeout_time = 60; RIP_CFG->max_garbage_time = 60; }; rip_proto_item: proto_item | ECMP bool { RIP_CFG->ecmp = $2 ? RIP_DEFAULT_ECMP_LIMIT : 0; } | ECMP bool LIMIT expr { RIP_CFG->ecmp = $2 ? $4 : 0; if ($4 < 0) cf_error("ECMP limit cannot be negative"); } | INFINITY expr { RIP_CFG->infinity = $2; } | INTERFACE rip_iface ; rip_proto_opts: /* empty */ | rip_proto_opts rip_proto_item ';' ; rip_proto: rip_proto_start proto_name '{' rip_proto_opts '}'; rip_iface_start: { this_ipatt = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct rip_iface_config)); add_tail(&RIP_CFG->patt_list, NODE this_ipatt); init_list(&this_ipatt->ipn_list); reset_passwords(); RIP_IFACE->metric = 1; RIP_IFACE->port = rip_cfg_is_v2() ? RIP_PORT : RIP_NG_PORT; RIP_IFACE->version = rip_cfg_is_v2() ? RIP_V2 : RIP_V1; RIP_IFACE->split_horizon = 1; RIP_IFACE->poison_reverse = 1; RIP_IFACE->check_zero = 1; RIP_IFACE->ttl_security = rip_cfg_is_v2() ? 0 : 1; RIP_IFACE->rx_buffer = rip_cfg_is_v2() ? RIP_MAX_PKT_LENGTH : 0; RIP_IFACE->tx_length = rip_cfg_is_v2() ? RIP_MAX_PKT_LENGTH : 0; RIP_IFACE->tx_tos = IP_PREC_INTERNET_CONTROL; RIP_IFACE->tx_priority = sk_priority_control; RIP_IFACE->update_time = RIP_DEFAULT_UPDATE_TIME; RIP_IFACE->timeout_time = RIP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_TIME; RIP_IFACE->garbage_time = RIP_DEFAULT_GARBAGE_TIME; }; rip_iface_finish: { RIP_IFACE->passwords = get_passwords(); if (!RIP_IFACE->auth_type != !RIP_IFACE->passwords) log(L_WARN "Authentication and password options should be used together"); /* Default mode is broadcast for RIPv1, multicast for RIPv2 and RIPng */ if (!RIP_IFACE->mode) RIP_IFACE->mode = (rip_cfg_is_v2() && (RIP_IFACE->version == RIP_V1)) ? RIP_IM_BROADCAST : RIP_IM_MULTICAST; RIP_CFG->min_timeout_time = MIN_(RIP_CFG->min_timeout_time, RIP_IFACE->timeout_time); RIP_CFG->max_garbage_time = MAX_(RIP_CFG->max_garbage_time, RIP_IFACE->garbage_time); }; rip_iface_item: METRIC expr { RIP_IFACE->metric = $2; if (($2<1) || ($2>255)) cf_error("Metric must be in range 1-255"); } | MODE MULTICAST { RIP_IFACE->mode = RIP_IM_MULTICAST; } | MODE BROADCAST { RIP_IFACE->mode = RIP_IM_BROADCAST; if (rip_cfg_is_ng()) cf_error("Broadcast not supported in RIPng"); } | PASSIVE bool { RIP_IFACE->passive = $2; } | ADDRESS ipa { RIP_IFACE->address = $2; } | PORT expr { RIP_IFACE->port = $2; if (($2<1) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Invalid port number"); } | VERSION expr { RIP_IFACE->version = $2; if (rip_cfg_is_ng()) cf_error("Version not supported in RIPng"); if (($2 != RIP_V1) && ($2 != RIP_V2)) cf_error("Unsupported version"); } | VERSION ONLY bool { RIP_IFACE->version_only = $3; } | SPLIT HORIZON bool { RIP_IFACE->split_horizon = $3; } | POISON REVERSE bool { RIP_IFACE->poison_reverse = $3; } | CHECK ZERO bool { RIP_IFACE->check_zero = $3; } | UPDATE TIME expr { RIP_IFACE->update_time = $3; if ($3<=0) cf_error("Update time must be positive"); } | TIMEOUT TIME expr { RIP_IFACE->timeout_time = $3; if ($3<=0) cf_error("Timeout time must be positive"); } | GARBAGE TIME expr { RIP_IFACE->garbage_time = $3; if ($3<=0) cf_error("Garbage time must be positive"); } | ECMP WEIGHT expr { RIP_IFACE->ecmp_weight = $3 - 1; if (($3<1) || ($3>256)) cf_error("ECMP weight must be in range 1-256"); } | RX BUFFER expr { RIP_IFACE->rx_buffer = $3; if (($3<256) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("RX length must be in range 256-65535"); } | TX LENGTH expr { RIP_IFACE->tx_length = $3; if (($3<256) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("TX length must be in range 256-65535"); } | TX tos { RIP_IFACE->tx_tos = $2; } | TX PRIORITY expr { RIP_IFACE->tx_priority = $3; } | TTL SECURITY bool { RIP_IFACE->ttl_security = $3; } | TTL SECURITY TX ONLY { RIP_IFACE->ttl_security = 2; } | CHECK LINK bool { RIP_IFACE->check_link = $3; } | BFD bool { RIP_IFACE->bfd = $2; cf_check_bfd($2); } | AUTHENTICATION rip_auth { RIP_IFACE->auth_type = $2; if ($2) rip_check_auth(); } | password_list { rip_check_auth(); } ; rip_auth: NONE { $$ = RIP_AUTH_NONE; } | PLAINTEXT { $$ = RIP_AUTH_PLAIN; } | CRYPTOGRAPHIC { $$ = RIP_AUTH_CRYPTO; } | MD5 { $$ = RIP_AUTH_CRYPTO; } /* For backward compatibility */ ; rip_iface_opts: /* empty */ | rip_iface_opts rip_iface_item ';' ; rip_iface_opt_list: /* empty */ | '{' rip_iface_opts '}' ; rip_iface: rip_iface_start iface_patt_list_nopx rip_iface_opt_list rip_iface_finish; CF_ADDTO(dynamic_attr, RIP_METRIC { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT | EAF_TEMP, T_INT, EA_RIP_METRIC); }) CF_ADDTO(dynamic_attr, RIP_TAG { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT | EAF_TEMP, T_INT, EA_RIP_TAG); }) CF_CLI_HELP(SHOW RIP, ..., [[Show information about RIP protocol]]); CF_CLI(SHOW RIP INTERFACES, optsym opttext, [] [\"\"], [[Show information about RIP interfaces]]) { rip_show_interfaces(proto_get_named($4, &proto_rip), $5); }; CF_CLI(SHOW RIP NEIGHBORS, optsym opttext, [] [\"\"], [[Show information about RIP neighbors]]) { rip_show_neighbors(proto_get_named($4, &proto_rip), $5); }; CF_CODE CF_END