/* * Filters: Utility Functions Tests * * (c) 2015 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include "test/birdtest.h" #include "test/bt-utils.h" #include "filter/filter.h" #include "filter/f-util.h" #include "conf/conf.h" #define TESTS_NUM 10 #define PREFIXES_NUM 10 #define PREFIX_TESTS_NUM 10000 #define BIG_BUFFER_SIZE 10000 /* Wrapping structure for storing f_prefixes structures in list */ struct f_prefix_node { node n; struct f_prefix prefix; }; static u32 xrandom(u32 max) { return (bt_random() % max); } static int is_prefix_included(list *prefixes, struct f_prefix *needle) { struct f_prefix_node *n; WALK_LIST(n, *prefixes) { ip6_addr cmask = ip6_mkmask(MIN(n->prefix.net.pxlen, needle->net.pxlen)); ip6_addr ip = net6_prefix(&n->prefix.net); ip6_addr needle_ip = net6_prefix(&needle->net); if ((ipa_compare(ipa_and(ip, cmask), ipa_and(needle_ip, cmask)) == 0) && (n->prefix.lo <= needle->net.pxlen) && (needle->net.pxlen <= n->prefix.hi)) { bt_debug("FOUND\t" PRIip6 "/%d %d-%d\n", ARGip6(net6_prefix(&n->prefix.net)), n->prefix.net.pxlen, n->prefix.lo, n->prefix.hi); return 1; /* OK */ } } return 0; /* FAIL */ } static struct f_prefix get_random_ip6_prefix(void) { struct f_prefix p; u8 pxlen = xrandom(120)+8; ip6_addr ip6 = ip6_build(bt_random(),bt_random(),bt_random(),bt_random()); net_addr_ip6 net6 = NET_ADDR_IP6(ip6, pxlen); p.net = *((net_addr*) &net6); if (bt_random() % 2) { p.lo = 0; p.hi = p.net.pxlen; } else { p.lo = p.net.pxlen; p.hi = net_max_prefix_length[p.net.type]; } return p; } static void generate_random_ipv6_prefixes(list *prefixes) { int i; for (i = 0; i < PREFIXES_NUM; i++) { struct f_prefix f = get_random_ip6_prefix(); struct f_prefix_node *px = calloc(1, sizeof(struct f_prefix_node)); px->prefix = f; bt_debug("ADD\t" PRIip6 "/%d %d-%d\n", ARGip6(net6_prefix(&px->prefix.net)), px->prefix.net.pxlen, px->prefix.lo, px->prefix.hi); add_tail(prefixes, &px->n); } } static int t_match_net(void) { bt_bird_init(); bt_config_parse(BT_CONFIG_SIMPLE); uint round; for (round = 0; round < TESTS_NUM; round++) { list prefixes; /* of structs f_extended_prefix */ init_list(&prefixes); struct f_trie *trie = f_new_trie(config->mem, sizeof(struct f_trie_node)); generate_random_ipv6_prefixes(&prefixes); struct f_prefix_node *n; WALK_LIST(n, prefixes) { trie_add_prefix(trie, &n->prefix.net, n->prefix.lo, n->prefix.hi); } int i; for (i = 0; i < PREFIX_TESTS_NUM; i++) { struct f_prefix f = get_random_ip6_prefix(); bt_debug("TEST\t" PRIip6 "/%d\n", ARGip6(net6_prefix(&f.net)), f.net.pxlen); int should_be = is_prefix_included(&prefixes, &f); int is_there = trie_match_net(trie, &f.net); bt_assert_msg(should_be == is_there, "Prefix " PRIip6 "/%d %s", ARGip6(net6_prefix(&f.net)), f.net.pxlen, (should_be ? "should be found in trie" : "should not be found in trie")); } struct f_prefix_node *nxt; WALK_LIST_DELSAFE(n, nxt, prefixes) { free(n); } } bt_bird_cleanup(); return 1; } static int t_trie_same(void) { bt_bird_init(); bt_config_parse(BT_CONFIG_SIMPLE); int round; for (round = 0; round < TESTS_NUM*4; round++) { struct f_trie * trie1 = f_new_trie(config->mem, sizeof(struct f_trie_node)); struct f_trie * trie2 = f_new_trie(config->mem, sizeof(struct f_trie_node)); list prefixes; /* a list of f_extended_prefix structures */ init_list(&prefixes); int i; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) generate_random_ipv6_prefixes(&prefixes); struct f_prefix_node *n; WALK_LIST(n, prefixes) { trie_add_prefix(trie1, &n->prefix.net, n->prefix.lo, n->prefix.hi); } WALK_LIST_BACKWARDS(n, prefixes) { trie_add_prefix(trie2, &n->prefix.net, n->prefix.lo, n->prefix.hi); } bt_assert(trie_same(trie1, trie2)); struct f_prefix_node *nxt; WALK_LIST_DELSAFE(n, nxt, prefixes) { free(n); } } return 1; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bt_init(argc, argv); bt_test_suite(t_match_net, "Testing random prefix matching"); bt_test_suite(t_trie_same, "A trie filled forward should be same with a trie filled backward."); return bt_exit_value(); }