Add trie tests intended as benchmarks that use external datasets instead of generated prefixes. As datasets are not included, they are commented out by default.
650 lines
15 KiB
650 lines
15 KiB
* Filters: Utility Functions Tests
* (c) 2015 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o.
* Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL.
#include "test/birdtest.h"
#include "test/bt-utils.h"
#include "filter/filter.h"
#include "filter/data.h"
#include "conf/conf.h"
#define TESTS_NUM 10
#define PREFIXES_NUM 32
#define PREFIX_TESTS_NUM 10000
#define PREFIX_BENCH_NUM 100000000
#define TRIE_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
#define TEST_BUFFER_SIZE (1024*1024)
#define BIG_BUFFER_SIZE 10000
/* Wrapping structure for storing f_prefixes structures in list */
struct f_prefix_node {
node n;
struct f_prefix prefix;
static u32
xrandom(u32 max)
return (bt_random() % max);
static inline uint
uint r, n = 0;
for (r = bt_random(); r & 1; r = r >> 1)
return n;
static inline int
matching_ip4_nets(const net_addr_ip4 *a, const net_addr_ip4 *b)
ip4_addr cmask = ip4_mkmask(MIN(a->pxlen, b->pxlen));
return ip4_compare(ip4_and(a->prefix, cmask), ip4_and(b->prefix, cmask)) == 0;
static inline int
matching_ip6_nets(const net_addr_ip6 *a, const net_addr_ip6 *b)
ip6_addr cmask = ip6_mkmask(MIN(a->pxlen, b->pxlen));
return ip6_compare(ip6_and(a->prefix, cmask), ip6_and(b->prefix, cmask)) == 0;
static inline int
matching_nets(const net_addr *a, const net_addr *b)
if (a->type != b->type)
return 0;
return (a->type == NET_IP4) ?
matching_ip4_nets((const net_addr_ip4 *) a, (const net_addr_ip4 *) b) :
matching_ip6_nets((const net_addr_ip6 *) a, (const net_addr_ip6 *) b);
static int
is_prefix_included(list *prefixes, const net_addr *needle)
struct f_prefix_node *n;
WALK_LIST(n, *prefixes)
if (matching_nets(&n->prefix.net, needle) &&
(n->prefix.lo <= needle->pxlen) && (needle->pxlen <= n->prefix.hi))
char buf[64];
bt_format_net(buf, 64, &n->prefix.net);
bt_debug("FOUND %s %d-%d\n", buf, n->prefix.lo, n->prefix.hi);
return 1; /* OK */
return 0; /* FAIL */
static void
get_random_net(net_addr *net, int v6)
if (!v6)
uint pxlen = xrandom(24)+8;
ip4_addr ip4 = ip4_from_u32((u32) bt_random());
net_fill_ip4(net, ip4_and(ip4, ip4_mkmask(pxlen)), pxlen);
uint pxlen = xrandom(120)+8;
ip6_addr ip6 = ip6_build(bt_random(), bt_random(), bt_random(), bt_random());
net_fill_ip6(net, ip6_and(ip6, ip6_mkmask(pxlen)), pxlen);
static void
get_random_prefix(struct f_prefix *px, int v6)
get_random_net(&px->net, v6);
if (bt_random() % 2)
px->lo = 0;
px->hi = px->net.pxlen;
px->lo = px->net.pxlen;
px->hi = net_max_prefix_length[px->net.type];
static void
get_random_ip4_subnet(net_addr_ip4 *net, const net_addr_ip4 *src, int pxlen)
*net = NET_ADDR_IP4(ip4_and(src->prefix, ip4_mkmask(pxlen)), pxlen);
if (pxlen > src->pxlen)
ip4_addr rnd = ip4_from_u32((u32) bt_random());
ip4_addr mask = ip4_xor(ip4_mkmask(src->pxlen), ip4_mkmask(pxlen));
net->prefix = ip4_or(net->prefix, ip4_and(rnd, mask));
static void
get_random_ip6_subnet(net_addr_ip6 *net, const net_addr_ip6 *src, int pxlen)
*net = NET_ADDR_IP6(ip6_and(src->prefix, ip6_mkmask(pxlen)), pxlen);
if (pxlen > src->pxlen)
ip6_addr rnd = ip6_build(bt_random(), bt_random(), bt_random(), bt_random());
ip6_addr mask = ip6_xor(ip6_mkmask(src->pxlen), ip6_mkmask(pxlen));
net->prefix = ip6_or(net->prefix, ip6_and(rnd, mask));
static void
get_random_subnet(net_addr *net, const net_addr *src, int pxlen)
if (src->type == NET_IP4)
get_random_ip4_subnet((net_addr_ip4 *) net, (const net_addr_ip4 *) src, pxlen);
get_random_ip6_subnet((net_addr_ip6 *) net, (const net_addr_ip6 *) src, pxlen);
static void
get_inner_net(net_addr *net, const struct f_prefix *src)
int pxlen, step;
if (bt_random() % 2)
step = get_exp_random();
step = MIN(step, src->hi - src->lo);
pxlen = (bt_random() % 2) ? (src->lo + step) : (src->hi - step);
pxlen = src->lo + bt_random() % (src->hi - src->lo + 1);
get_random_subnet(net, &src->net, pxlen);
static void
swap_random_bits_ip4(net_addr_ip4 *net, int num)
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
ip4_addr swap = IP4_NONE;
ip4_setbit(&swap, bt_random() % net->pxlen);
net->prefix = ip4_xor(net->prefix, swap);
static void
swap_random_bits_ip6(net_addr_ip6 *net, int num)
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
ip6_addr swap = IP6_NONE;
ip6_setbit(&swap, bt_random() % net->pxlen);
net->prefix = ip6_xor(net->prefix, swap);
static void
swap_random_bits(net_addr *net, int num)
if (net->type == NET_IP4)
swap_random_bits_ip4((net_addr_ip4 *) net, num);
swap_random_bits_ip6((net_addr_ip6 *) net, num);
static void
get_outer_net(net_addr *net, const struct f_prefix *src)
int pxlen, step;
int inside = 0;
int max = net_max_prefix_length[src->net.type];
if ((src->lo > 0) && (bt_random() % 3))
step = 1 + get_exp_random();
step = MIN(step, src->lo);
pxlen = src->lo - step;
else if ((src->hi < max) && (bt_random() % 2))
step = 1 + get_exp_random();
step = MIN(step, max - src->hi);
pxlen = src->hi + step;
pxlen = src->lo + bt_random() % (src->hi - src->lo + 1);
inside = 1;
get_random_subnet(net, &src->net, pxlen);
/* Perhaps swap some bits in prefix */
if ((net->pxlen > 0) && (inside || (bt_random() % 4)))
swap_random_bits(net, 1 + get_exp_random());
static list *
make_random_prefix_list(linpool *lp, int num, int v6)
list *prefixes = lp_allocz(lp, sizeof(struct f_prefix_node));
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
struct f_prefix_node *px = lp_allocz(lp, sizeof(struct f_prefix_node));
get_random_prefix(&px->prefix, v6);
add_tail(prefixes, &px->n);
char buf[64];
bt_format_net(buf, 64, &px->prefix.net);
bt_debug("ADD %s{%d,%d}\n", buf, px->prefix.lo, px->prefix.hi);
return prefixes;
static struct f_trie *
make_trie_from_prefix_list(linpool *lp, list *prefixes)
struct f_trie *trie = f_new_trie(lp, 0);
struct f_prefix_node *n;
WALK_LIST(n, *prefixes)
trie_add_prefix(trie, &n->prefix.net, n->prefix.lo, n->prefix.hi);
return trie;
* Read sequence of prefixes from file handle and return prefix list.
* Each prefix is on one line, sequence terminated by empty line or eof.
* Arg @plus means prefix should include all longer ones.
static list *
read_prefix_list(linpool *lp, FILE *f, int v6, int plus)
uint a0, a1, a2, a3, pl;
char s[32];
int n;
list *pxlist = lp_allocz(lp, sizeof(struct f_prefix_node));
errno = 0;
while (fgets(s, 32, f))
if (s[0] == '\n')
return pxlist;
n = sscanf(s, "%u.%u.%u.%u/%u", &a0, &a1, &a2, &a3, &pl);
if (n != 5)
bt_abort_msg("Invalid content of trie_data");
struct f_prefix_node *px = lp_allocz(lp, sizeof(struct f_prefix_node));
net_fill_ip4(&px->prefix.net, ip4_build(a0, a1, a2, a3), pl);
px->prefix.lo = pl;
px->prefix.hi = plus ? IP4_MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH : pl;
add_tail(pxlist, &px->n);
char buf[64];
bt_format_net(buf, 64, &px->prefix.net);
bt_debug("ADD %s{%d,%d}\n", buf, px->prefix.lo, px->prefix.hi);
bt_syscall(errno, "fgets()");
return EMPTY_LIST(*pxlist) ? NULL : pxlist;
* Open file, read multiple sequences of prefixes from it. Fill @data with
* prefix lists and @trie with generated tries. Return number of sequences /
* tries. Use separate linpool @lp0 for prefix lists and @lp1 for tries.
* Arg @plus means prefix should include all longer ones.
static int
read_prefix_file(const char *filename, int plus,
linpool *lp0, linpool *lp1,
list *data[], struct f_trie *trie[])
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
bt_syscall(!f, "fopen(%s)", filename);
int n = 0;
list *pxlist;
while (pxlist = read_prefix_list(lp0, f, 0, plus))
data[n] = pxlist;
trie[n] = make_trie_from_prefix_list(lp1, pxlist);
bt_debug("DONE reading %d tries\n", n);
return n;
* Select random subset of @dn prefixes from prefix list @src of length @sn,
* and store them to buffer @dst (of size @dn). Prefixes may be chosen multiple
* times. Randomize order of prefixes in @dst buffer.
static void
select_random_prefix_subset(list *src[], net_addr dst[], int sn, int dn)
int pn = 0;
if (!dn)
/* Compute total prefix number */
for (int i = 0; i < sn; i++)
pn += list_length(src[i]);
/* Change of selecting a prefix */
int rnd = (pn / dn) + 10;
int n = 0;
/* Iterate indefinitely over src array */
for (int i = 0; 1; i++, i = (i < sn) ? i : 0)
struct f_prefix_node *px;
WALK_LIST(px, *src[i])
if (xrandom(rnd) != 0)
net_copy(&dst[n], &px->prefix.net);
/* We have enough */
if (n == dn)
goto done;
/* Shuffle networks */
for (int i = 0; i < dn; i++)
int j = xrandom(dn);
if (i == j)
net_addr tmp;
net_copy(&tmp, &dst[i]);
net_copy(&dst[i], &dst[j]);
net_copy(&dst[j], &tmp);
/* Fill @dst buffer with @dn randomly generated /32 prefixes */
static void
make_random_addresses(net_addr dst[], int dn)
for (int i = 0; i < dn; i++)
net_fill_ip4(&dst[i], ip4_from_u32((u32) bt_random()), IP4_MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH);
static void
test_match_net(list *prefixes, struct f_trie *trie, const net_addr *net)
char buf[64];
bt_format_net(buf, 64, net);
bt_debug("TEST %s\n", buf);
int should_be = is_prefix_included(prefixes, net);
int is_there = trie_match_net(trie, net);
bt_assert_msg(should_be == is_there, "Prefix %s %s match", buf,
(should_be ? "should" : "should not"));
static int
int v6 = 0;
linpool *lp = lp_new_default(&root_pool);
for (int round = 0; round < TESTS_NUM; round++)
list *prefixes = make_random_prefix_list(lp, PREFIXES_NUM, v6);
struct f_trie *trie = make_trie_from_prefix_list(lp, prefixes);
for (int i = 0; i < PREFIX_TESTS_NUM; i++)
net_addr net;
get_random_net(&net, v6);
test_match_net(prefixes, trie, &net);
v6 = !v6;
return 1;
static int
int v6 = 0;
linpool *lp = lp_new_default(&root_pool);
for (int round = 0; round < TESTS_NUM; round++)
list *prefixes = make_random_prefix_list(lp, PREFIXES_NUM, v6);
struct f_trie *trie = make_trie_from_prefix_list(lp, prefixes);
struct f_prefix_node *n = HEAD(*prefixes);
for (int i = 0; i < PREFIX_TESTS_NUM; i++)
net_addr net;
get_inner_net(&net, &n->prefix);
test_match_net(prefixes, trie, &net);
n = NODE_VALID(NODE_NEXT(n)) ? NODE_NEXT(n) : HEAD(*prefixes);
v6 = !v6;
return 1;
static int
int v6 = 0;
linpool *lp = lp_new_default(&root_pool);
for (int round = 0; round < TESTS_NUM; round++)
list *prefixes = make_random_prefix_list(lp, PREFIXES_NUM, v6);
struct f_trie *trie = make_trie_from_prefix_list(lp, prefixes);
struct f_prefix_node *n = HEAD(*prefixes);
for (int i = 0; i < PREFIX_TESTS_NUM; i++)
net_addr net;
get_outer_net(&net, &n->prefix);
test_match_net(prefixes, trie, &net);
n = NODE_VALID(NODE_NEXT(n)) ? NODE_NEXT(n) : HEAD(*prefixes);
v6 = !v6;
v6 = !v6;
return 1;
* Read prefixes from @filename, build set of tries, prepare test data and do
* PREFIX_BENCH_NUM trie lookups. With @plus = 0, use random subset of known
* prefixes as test data, with @plus = 1, use randomly generated /32 prefixes
* as test data.
static int
benchmark_trie_dataset(const char *filename, int plus)
int n = 0;
linpool *lp0 = lp_new_default(&root_pool);
linpool *lp1 = lp_new_default(&root_pool);
list *data[TRIE_BUFFER_SIZE];
struct f_trie *trie[TRIE_BUFFER_SIZE];
net_addr *nets;
bt_log_suite_case_result(1, "Reading %s", filename, n);
n = read_prefix_file(filename, plus, lp0, lp1, data, trie);
bt_log_suite_case_result(1, "Read prefix data, %d lists, ", n);
size_t trie_size = rmemsize(lp1) * 1000 / (1024*1024);
bt_log_suite_case_result(1, "Trie size %u.%03u MB",
(uint) (trie_size / 1000), (uint) (trie_size % 1000));
int t = PREFIX_BENCH_NUM / n;
int tb = MIN(t, TEST_BUFFER_SIZE);
nets = lp_alloc(lp0, tb * sizeof(net_addr));
if (!plus)
select_random_prefix_subset(data, nets, n, tb);
make_random_addresses(nets, tb);
bt_log_suite_case_result(1, "Make test data, %d (%d) tests", t, tb);
int match = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
test_match_net(data[j], trie[j], &nets[i]);
int match = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (trie_match_net(trie[j], &nets[i % TEST_BUFFER_SIZE]))
bt_log_suite_case_result(1, "Matching done, %d / %d matches", match, t * n);
return 1;
static int UNUSED
/* Specific datasets, not included */
benchmark_trie_dataset("trie-data-bgp-1", 0);
benchmark_trie_dataset("trie-data-bgp-10", 0);
benchmark_trie_dataset("trie-data-bgp-100", 0);
benchmark_trie_dataset("trie-data-bgp-1000", 0);
return 1;
static int UNUSED
/* Specific datasets, not included */
benchmark_trie_dataset("trie-data-bgp-1", 1);
benchmark_trie_dataset("trie-data-bgp-10", 1);
benchmark_trie_dataset("trie-data-bgp-100", 1);
benchmark_trie_dataset("trie-data-bgp-1000", 1);
return 1;
static int
int v6 = 0;
linpool *lp = lp_new_default(&root_pool);
for (int round = 0; round < TESTS_NUM*4; round++)
list *prefixes = make_random_prefix_list(lp, 100 * PREFIXES_NUM, v6);
struct f_trie *trie1 = f_new_trie(lp, 0);
struct f_trie *trie2 = f_new_trie(lp, 0);
struct f_prefix_node *n;
WALK_LIST(n, *prefixes)
trie_add_prefix(trie1, &n->prefix.net, n->prefix.lo, n->prefix.hi);
trie_add_prefix(trie2, &n->prefix.net, n->prefix.lo, n->prefix.hi);
bt_assert(trie_same(trie1, trie2));
v6 = !v6;
return 1;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
bt_init(argc, argv);
bt_test_suite(t_match_random_net, "Testing random prefix matching");
bt_test_suite(t_match_inner_net, "Testing random inner prefix matching");
bt_test_suite(t_match_outer_net, "Testing random outer prefix matching");
bt_test_suite(t_trie_same, "A trie filled forward should be same with a trie filled backward.");
// bt_test_suite(t_bench_trie_datasets_subset, "Benchmark tries from datasets by random subset of nets");
// bt_test_suite(t_bench_trie_datasets_random, "Benchmark tries from datasets by generated addresses");
return bt_exit_value();