import * as html from "../html.js"; import Component from "../component.js"; import Tag from "./tag.js"; import Path from "./path.js"; import Back from "./back.js"; import Song from "./song.js"; import Search from "./search.js"; import { escape, serializeFilter } from "../mpd.js"; const SORT = "-Track"; const TAGS = { "Album": "Albums", "AlbumArtist": "Artists" } function nonempty(str) { return (str.length > 0); } function createEnqueueCommand(node) { if (node instanceof Song) { return `add "${escape(["file"])}"`; } else if (node instanceof Path) { return `add "${escape(node.file)}"`; } else if (node instanceof Tag) { return [ "findadd", serializeFilter(node.createChildFilter()), // `sort ${SORT}` // MPD >= 0.22, not yet released ].join(" "); } else { throw new Error(`Cannot create enqueue command for "${node.nodeName}"`); } } class Library extends Component { constructor() { super({selection:"multi"}); this._stateStack = []; this._initCommands(); this._search = new Search(); this._search.onSubmit = _ => { let query = this._search.value; if (query.length < 3) { return; } this._doSearch(query); } } _popState() { this.selection.clear(); this._stateStack.pop(); if (this._stateStack.length > 0) { let state = this._stateStack[this._stateStack.length-1]; this._showState(state); } else { this._showRoot(); } } _onAppLoad() { this._showRoot(); } _onComponentChange(c, isThis) { const wasHidden = this.hidden; this.hidden = !isThis; if (!wasHidden && isThis) { this._showRoot(); } } _showRoot() { this._stateStack = []; html.clear(this); const nav = html.node("nav", {}, "", this); html.button({icon:"artist"}, "Artists and albums", nav) .addEventListener("click", _ => this._pushState({type:"tags", tag:"AlbumArtist"})); html.button({icon:"folder"}, "Files and directories", nav) .addEventListener("click", _ => this._pushState({type:"path", path:""})); html.button({icon:"magnify"}, "Search", nav) .addEventListener("click", _ => this._pushState({type:"search"})); } _pushState(state) { this.selection.clear(); this._stateStack.push(state); this._showState(state); } _showState(state) { switch (state.type) { case "tags": this._listTags(state.tag, state.filter); break; case "songs": this._listSongs(state.filter); break; case "path": this._listPath(state.path); break; case "search": this._showSearch(state.query); break; } } async _listTags(tag, filter = {}) { const values = await this._mpd.listTags(tag, filter); html.clear(this); if ("AlbumArtist" in filter) { this._buildBack(); } values.filter(nonempty).forEach(value => this._buildTag(tag, value, filter)); } async _listPath(path) { let paths = await this._mpd.listPath(path); html.clear(this); path && this._buildBack(); paths["directory"].forEach(path => this._buildPath(path)); paths["file"].forEach(path => this._buildPath(path)); } async _listSongs(filter) { const songs = await this._mpd.listSongs(filter); html.clear(this); this._buildBack(); songs.forEach(song => this.appendChild(new Song(song))); } _showSearch(query = "") { html.clear(this); this.appendChild(this._search); this._search.value = query; this._search.focus(); query && this._search.onSubmit(); } async _doSearch(query) { let state = this._stateStack[this._stateStack.length-1]; state.query = query; html.clear(this); this.appendChild(this._search); this._search.pending(true); const songs1 = await this._mpd.searchSongs({"AlbumArtist": query}); const songs2 = await this._mpd.searchSongs({"Album": query}); const songs3 = await this._mpd.searchSongs({"Title": query}); this._search.pending(false); this._aggregateSearch(songs1, "AlbumArtist"); this._aggregateSearch(songs2, "Album"); songs3.forEach(song => this.appendChild(new Song(song))); } _aggregateSearch(songs, tag) { let results = new Map(); songs.forEach(song => { let filter = {}, value; const artist = song["AlbumArtist"] || song["Artist"] if (tag == "Album") { value = song[tag]; if (artist) { filter["AlbumArtist"] = artist; } } if (tag == "AlbumArtist") { value = artist; } results.set(value, filter); }); results.forEach((filter, value) => this._buildTag(tag, value, filter)); } _buildTag(tag, value, filter) { let node; switch (tag) { case "AlbumArtist": node = new Tag(tag, value, filter); this.appendChild(node); node.onClick = () => this._pushState({type:"tags", tag:"Album", filter:node.createChildFilter()}); break; case "Album": node = new Tag(tag, value, filter); this.appendChild(node); node.addButton("chevron-double-right", _ => this._pushState({type:"songs", filter:node.createChildFilter()})); break; } node.fillArt(this._mpd); } _buildBack() { const backState = this._stateStack[this._stateStack.length-2]; let title; switch (backState.type) { case "path": title = ".."; break; case "search": title = "Search"; break; case "tags": title = TAGS[backState.tag]; break; } const node = new Back(title); this.appendChild(node); node.onClick = () => this._popState(); } _buildPath(data) { let node = new Path(data); this.appendChild(node); if ("directory" in data) { const path = data["directory"]; node.addButton("chevron-double-right", _ => this._pushState({type:"path", path})); } } _initCommands() { const sel = this.selection; sel.addCommandAll(); sel.addCommand(async items => { const commands = ["clear",, "play"]; await this._mpd.command(commands); this.selection.clear(); this._app.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("queue-change")); // fixme notification? }, {label:"Play", icon:"play"}); sel.addCommand(async items => { const commands =; await this._mpd.command(commands); this.selection.clear(); this._app.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("queue-change")); // fixme notification? }, {label:"Enqueue", icon:"plus"}); sel.addCommandCancel(); } } customElements.define("cyp-library", Library);