import * as mpd from "./mpd.js"; import * as html from "./html.js"; import * as format from "./format.js"; import * as art from "./art.js"; export const CTX_FS = 1; export const CTX_QUEUE = 2; export const CTX_LIBRARY = 3; const TYPE_ID = 1; const TYPE_URL = 2; const TYPE_FILTER = 3; const TYPE_PLAYLIST = 4; const SORT = "-Track"; async function enqueue(type, what) { switch (type) { case TYPE_URL: return mpd.command(`add "${mpd.escape(what)}"`); break; case TYPE_FILTER: return mpd.enqueueByFilter(what, SORT); break; case TYPE_PLAYLIST: return mpd.command(`load "${mpd.escape(what)}"`); break; } } async function fillArt(parent, filter) { let artist = filter["AlbumArtist"]; let album = filter["Album"]; let src = null; if (artist && album) { src = await art.get(artist, album); if (!src) { let songs = await mpd.listSongs(filter, [0,1]); if (songs.length) { src = await art.get(artist, album, songs[0]["file"]); } } } if (src) { html.node("img", {src}, "", parent); } else { html.icon(album ? "album" : "artist", parent); } } function fileName(data) { return data["file"].split("/").pop(); } function formatSongInfo(ctx, data) { let lines = []; let tokens = []; switch (ctx) { case CTX_FS: lines.push(fileName(data)); break; case CTX_LIBRARY: case CTX_QUEUE: if (data["Title"]) { if (ctx == CTX_LIBRARY && data["Track"]) { tokens.push(data["Track"].padStart(2, "0")); } tokens.push(data["Title"]); lines.push(tokens.join(" ")); lines.push(format.subtitle(data)); } else { lines.push(fileName(data)); lines.push("\u00A0"); } break; } return lines; } function playButton(type, what, parent) { let button = html.button({icon:"play", title:"Play"}, "", parent); button.addEventListener("click", async e => { if (type == TYPE_ID) { await mpd.command(`playid ${what}`); } else { await mpd.command("clear"); await enqueue(type, what); await mpd.command("play"); pubsub.publish("queue-change"); } button.closest("cyp-app").querySelector("cyp-player").update(); // FIXME nejde to lepe? }); return button; } function deleteButton(type, id, parent) { let title; switch (type) { case TYPE_ID: title = "Delete from queue"; break; case TYPE_PLAYLIST: title = "Delete playlist"; break; } let button = html.button({icon:"close", title}, "", parent); button.addEventListener("click", async e => { switch (type) { case TYPE_ID: await mpd.command(`deleteid ${id}`); pubsub.publish("queue-change"); return; case TYPE_PLAYLIST: let ok = confirm(`Really delete playlist '${id}'?`); if (!ok) { return; } await mpd.command(`rm "${mpd.escape(id)}"`); pubsub.publish("playlists-change"); return; } }); return button; } function addButton(type, what, parent) { let button = html.button({icon:"plus", title:"Add to queue"}, "", parent); button.addEventListener("click", async e => { e.stopPropagation(); await enqueue(type, what); pubsub.publish("queue-change"); // fixme notification? }); return button; } export function song(ctx, data, parent) { let node = html.node("li", {className:"song"}, "", parent); let info = html.node("div", {className:"info"}, "", node); if (ctx == CTX_FS) { html.icon("music", info); } let lines = formatSongInfo(ctx, data); html.node("h2", {}, lines.shift(), info); lines.length && html.node("div", {}, lines.shift(), info); switch (ctx) { case CTX_QUEUE: let id = data["Id"]; node.dataset.songId = id; playButton(TYPE_ID, id, node); deleteButton(TYPE_ID, id, node); break; case CTX_LIBRARY: case CTX_FS: let url = data["file"]; playButton(TYPE_URL, url, node); addButton(TYPE_URL, url, node); break; } return node; } export function group(ctx, label, urlOrFilter, parent) { let node = html.node("li", {className:"group"}, "", parent); if (ctx == CTX_LIBRARY) { node.classList.add("has-art"); let art = html.node("span", {className:"art"}, "", node); fillArt(art, urlOrFilter); } let info = html.node("span", {className:"info"}, "", node); if (ctx == CTX_FS) { html.icon("folder", info); } html.node("h2", {}, label, info); let type = (ctx == CTX_FS ? TYPE_URL : TYPE_FILTER); playButton(type, urlOrFilter, node); addButton(type, urlOrFilter, node); return node; } export function playlist(name, parent) { let node = html.node("li", {}, "", parent); let info = html.node("span", {className:"info"}, "", node); html.icon("playlist-music", info) html.node("h2", {}, name, info); playButton(TYPE_PLAYLIST, name, node); addButton(TYPE_PLAYLIST, name, node); deleteButton(TYPE_PLAYLIST, name, node); return node; }