import MPD from "../mpd.js"; import * as html from "../html.js"; function initIcons() { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("[data-icon]")).forEach(/** @param {HTMLElement} node */ node => { node.dataset.icon.split(" ").forEach(name => { let icon = html.icon(name); node.insertBefore(icon, node.firstChild); }) }); } class App extends HTMLElement { static get observedAttributes() { return ["component"]; } constructor() { super(); initIcons(); } async connectedCallback() { await waitForChildren(this); window.addEventListener("hashchange", e => this._onHashChange()); this._onHashChange(); await this._connect(); this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("load")); } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { switch (name) { case "component": location.hash = newValue; const e = new CustomEvent("component-change"); this.dispatchEvent(e); break; } } get component() { return this.getAttribute("component"); } set component(component) { this.setAttribute("component", component); } _onHashChange() { const component = location.hash.substring(1) || "queue"; if (component != this.component) { this.component = component; } } _onChange(changed) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("idle-change", {detail:changed})); } _onClose(e) { setTimeout(() => this._connect(), 3000); } async _connect() { const attempts = 3; for (let i=0;i this._onChange(changed); mpd.onClose = e => this._onClose(e); this.mpd = mpd; return; } catch (e) { await sleep(500); } } alert(`Failed to connect to MPD after ${attempts} attempts. Please reload the page to try again.`); } } customElements.define("cyp-app", App); function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve =>setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } function waitForChildren(app) { const children = Array.from(app.querySelectorAll("*")); const names = => node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) .filter(name => name.startsWith("cyp-")); const unique = new Set(names); const promises = [...unique].map(name => customElements.whenDefined(name)); return Promise.all(promises); }