import struct class ICMP6: _ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST = 128 def __init__(self, destination, id, sequence, payload=None, payload_size=56, ttl=64, traffic_class=0): if payload is not None: payload_size = len(payload) else: payload = b'\x00'*payload_size self._destination = destination self._id = id & 0xffff self._sequence = sequence & 0xffff self._payload = payload self._payload_size = payload_size self._ttl = ttl self._traffic_class = traffic_class self._time = 0 def _checksum(self, data): ''' Compute the checksum of an ICMP packet. Checksums are used to verify the integrity of packets. ''' sum = 0 data += b'\x00' for i in range(0, len(data) - 1, 2): sum += (data[i] << 8) + data[i + 1] sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16) sum = ~sum & 0xffff return sum def _create_packet(self): ''' Build an ICMP packet from an identifier, a sequence number and a payload. This method returns the newly created ICMP header concatenated to the payload passed in parameters. ''' id, sequence, payload = self._id, self._sequence, self._payload checksum = 0 # Temporary ICMP header to compute the checksum header = struct.pack('!2B3H', self._ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, checksum, id, sequence) checksum = self._checksum(header + payload) # Definitive ICMP header header = struct.pack('!2B3H', self._ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, checksum, id, sequence) return header + payload X=512 Y=512 import socket, traceback, time from PIL import Image, ImageOps img ='1.png') img = img.resize((X, Y), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)'out.png') img = img.convert('RGBA') imgdvd ='dvd.png') imgdvd = imgdvd.convert('RGBA') def send_icmp(addr): try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_ICMPV6) as s: p = ICMP6(None, 0xad, 0, b'')._create_packet() s.sendto(p, (addr, 0)) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() import sys, random skip = int(sys.argv[1]) if sys.argv[1:] else 0 slp = float(sys.argv[2]) if sys.argv[2:] else 0.0001 slp1 = float(sys.argv[3]) if sys.argv[3:] else 0.5 draw_img = int(sys.argv[4]) if sys.argv[4:] else 0 Dx, Dy = imgdvd.size sx = random.randint(0, X-1-Dx) sy = random.randint(0, Y-1-Dy) fx = random.choice((1, -1)) fy = random.choice((1, -1)) def draw(img): for x in range(X): if x < skip: continue print(f"{x=}") for y in range(Y): r, g, b, a = img.getpixel((x, y)) if a: send_icmp(f"fdcf:8538:9ad5:3333:{x:x}:{y:x}:11{r:02x}:{g:02x}{b:02x}") #print(f"fdcf:8538:9ad5:3333:{x:x}:{y:x}:11{r:02x}:{g:02x}{b:02x}") time.sleep(slp) D_RGB = [0, 0, 0] imgdvdc = None def update_drgb(): global imgdvdc D_RGB.clear() D_RGB.extend([random.randint(50, 250), random.randint(50, 250), random.randint(50, 250)]) imgdvdc = imgdvd.copy() for x in range(Dx): for y in range(Dy): _, _, _, a = imgdvd.getpixel((x, y)) imgdvdc.putpixel((x, y), (*D_RGB, a)) update_drgb() old1 ="RGBA", size=(Dx, Dy)) oldsxy = [0, 0] def blend(): global old1 new = img.crop((sx, sy, sx+Dx, sy+Dy)) old1_old = old1.copy() #old1 ="RGBA", size=(X, Y)) old1 = new.copy() #old1.paste(old, (sx, sy)) new.paste(imgdvdc, (0, 0), imgdvdc) new1 ="RGBA", size=(X, Y)) #new1 = img.copy() new1.paste(old1_old, oldsxy.copy(), old1_old) new1.paste(new, (sx, sy), new) oldsxy[0], oldsxy[1] = sx, sy'/tmp/2.png') #time.sleep(0.5) return new1 STEP=5 if draw_img: draw(img) while True: imgf = blend() draw(imgf) if fx > 0: if sx + Dx >= X: fx = -fx update_drgb() else: if sx <= 0: fx = -fx update_drgb() if fy > 0: if sy + Dy >= Y: fy = -fy update_drgb() else: if sy <= 0: fy = -fy update_drgb() sx += STEP * fx sy += STEP * fy time.sleep(slp1)