# LumberJack Telegram Bot Simple bot made for LumberJack telegram game. It recognises a couple of key pixels on your screen and makes lumberjack dodge tree's branches. **pyautogui library is needed!** ## How it works The script recognises LumberJack's game window and clicks on play button. Uses player's position to locate branches and dodge them. ![alt tag](http://i.imgur.com/u4PZAQT.png) _Recognises this area as start/restart button._

![alt tag](http://i.imgur.com/4BfLntX.png) _Checks if indicated pixel is the same color as branch's. If true, lumberjack moves left, else right._ ## Score record 374 - 12/7/2016 367 - 12/6/2016

## Usage example Resize and place your telegram window as the image. Open the script with python IDLE, place next to telegram and run it (F5). Consider press **CTRL+C** once the game ends and don't place IDLE's window above telegram's. ![alt tag](http://i.imgur.com/JRQMYxS.png)