#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Telegram bot to play UNO in group chats # Copyright (c) 2016 Jannes Höke <uno@jhoeke.de> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import logging from game import Game from player import Player from errors import (AlreadyJoinedError, LobbyClosedError, NoGameInChatError, NotEnoughPlayersError) class GameManager(object): """ Manages all running games by using a confusing amount of dicts """ def __init__(self): self.chatid_games = dict() self.userid_players = dict() self.userid_current = dict() self.remind_dict = dict() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def new_game(self, chat): """ Create a new game in this chat """ chat_id = chat.id self.logger.debug("Creating new game in chat " + str(chat_id)) game = Game(chat) if chat_id not in self.chatid_games: self.chatid_games[chat_id] = list() # remove old games for g in list(self.chatid_games[chat_id]): if not g.players: self.chatid_games[chat_id].remove(g) self.chatid_games[chat_id].append(game) return game def join_game(self, user, chat): """ Create a player from the Telegram user and add it to the game """ self.logger.info("Joining game with id " + str(chat.id)) try: game = self.chatid_games[chat.id][-1] except (KeyError, IndexError): raise NoGameInChatError() if not game.open: raise LobbyClosedError() if user.id not in self.userid_players: self.userid_players[user.id] = list() players = self.userid_players[user.id] # Don not re-add a player and remove the player from previous games in # this chat, if he is in one of them for player in players: if player in game.players: raise AlreadyJoinedError() try: self.leave_game(user, chat) except NoGameInChatError: pass except NotEnoughPlayersError: self.end_game(chat, user) if user.id not in self.userid_players: self.userid_players[user.id] = list() players = self.userid_players[user.id] player = Player(game, user) if game.started: player.draw_first_hand() players.append(player) self.userid_current[user.id] = player def leave_game(self, user, chat): """ Remove a player from its current game """ player = self.player_for_user_in_chat(user, chat) players = self.userid_players.get(user.id, list()) if not player: games = self.chatid_games[chat.id] for g in games: for p in g.players: if p.user.id == user.id: if p is g.current_player: g.turn() p.leave() return raise NoGameInChatError game = player.game if len(game.players) < 3: raise NotEnoughPlayersError() if player is game.current_player: game.turn() player.leave() players.remove(player) # If this is the selected game, switch to another if self.userid_current.get(user.id, None) is player: if players: self.userid_current[user.id] = players[0] else: del self.userid_current[user.id] del self.userid_players[user.id] def end_game(self, chat, user): """ End a game """ self.logger.info("Game in chat " + str(chat.id) + " ended") # Find the correct game instance to end player = self.player_for_user_in_chat(user, chat) if not player: raise NoGameInChatError game = player.game # Clear game for player_in_game in game.players: this_users_players = \ self.userid_players.get(player_in_game.user.id, list()) try: this_users_players.remove(player_in_game) except ValueError: pass if this_users_players: try: self.userid_current[player_in_game.user.id] = this_users_players[0] except KeyError: pass else: try: del self.userid_players[player_in_game.user.id] except KeyError: pass try: del self.userid_current[player_in_game.user.id] except KeyError: pass self.chatid_games[chat.id].remove(game) if not self.chatid_games[chat.id]: del self.chatid_games[chat.id] def player_for_user_in_chat(self, user, chat): players = self.userid_players.get(user.id, list()) for player in players: if player.game.chat.id == chat.id: return player return None