import logging from datetime import datetime from random import randint from uuid import uuid4 from telegram import InlineQueryResultArticle, ParseMode, Message, Chat, \ Emoji, InputTextMessageContent, \ InlineQueryResultCachedSticker as Sticker, InlineKeyboardMarkup, \ InlineKeyboardButton from telegram.ext import Updater, InlineQueryHandler, \ ChosenInlineResultHandler, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, \ CallbackQueryHandler from telegram.ext.dispatcher import run_async from telegram.utils.botan import Botan from game_manager import GameManager import card as c from credentials import TOKEN, BOTAN_TOKEN from start_bot import start_bot logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) gm = GameManager() u = Updater(TOKEN) dp = u.dispatcher botan = False if BOTAN_TOKEN: botan = Botan(BOTAN_TOKEN) help_text = "Follow these steps:\n\n" \ "1. Add this bot to a group\n" \ "2. In the group, start a new game with /new or join an already" \ " running game with /join\n" \ "3. After at least two players have joined, start the game with" \ " /start\n" \ "4. Type @mau_mau_bot into your chat box and hit " \ "space, or click the via @mau_mau_bot text next to " \ "messages. You will see your cards (some greyed out), any extra " \ "options like drawing, and a ? to see the current game " \ "state. The greyed out cards are those you can not play at the " \ "moment. Tap an option to execute the selected action. \n" \ "Players can join the game at any time. To leave a game, " \ "use /leave.\n\n" \ "Other commands (only game creator):\n" \ "/close - Close lobby\n" \ "/open - Open lobby\n" \ "/skip - Skip current player\n\n" \ "Experimental: Play multiple games at the same time. " \ "Press the Current game: button and select the " \ "group you want to play a card in.\n" \ "If you enjoy this bot, " \ "" \ "rate me, join the " \ "update channel"\ " and buy an UNO card game.\n" def list_subtract(list1, list2): """ Helper function to subtract two lists and return the sorted result """ list1 = list1.copy() for x in list2: list1.remove(x) return list(sorted(list1)) def display_name(user): """ Get the current players name including their username, if possible """ user_name = user.first_name if user.username: user_name += ' (@' + user.username + ')' return user_name def display_color(color): """ Convert a color code to actual color name """ if color == "r": return Emoji.HEAVY_BLACK_HEART + " Red" if color == "b": return Emoji.BLUE_HEART + " Blue" if color == "g": return Emoji.GREEN_HEART + " Green" if color == "y": return Emoji.YELLOW_HEART + " Yellow" @run_async def send_async(bot, *args, **kwargs): if 'timeout' not in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = 2.5 bot.sendMessage(*args, **kwargs) @run_async def answer_async(bot, *args, **kwargs): # if 'timeout' not in kwargs: # kwargs['timeout'] = 2.5 bot.answerInlineQuery(*args, **kwargs) def error(bot, update, error): """ Simple error handler """ logger.exception(error) def new_game(bot, update): """ Handler for the /new command """ chat_id = update.message.chat_id if == 'private': help(bot, update) else: gm.new_game( send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Created a new game! Join the game with /join " "and start the game with /start") if botan: botan.track(update.message, 'New games') def join_game(bot, update): """ Handler for the /join command """ chat_id = update.message.chat_id if == 'private': help(bot, update) else: try: game = gm.chatid_games[chat_id][-1] if not send_async(bot, chat_id, text="The lobby is closed") return except (KeyError, IndexError): pass joined = gm.join_game(chat_id, update.message.from_user) if joined: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Joined the game", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) elif joined is None: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="No game is running at the moment. " "Create a new game with /new", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) else: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="You already joined the game. Start the game " "with /start", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) def leave_game(bot, update): """ Handler for the /leave command """ chat_id = update.message.chat_id user = update.message.from_user players = gm.userid_players.get(, list()) for player in players: if == chat_id: game = break else: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="You are not playing in a game in " "this group.", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) return user = update.message.from_user if len(game.players) < 3: gm.end_game(chat_id, user) send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Game ended!") else: if gm.leave_game(user, chat_id): send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Okay", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) else: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="You are not playing in a game in " "this group.", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) def select_game(bot, update): chat_id = int( user_id = players = gm.userid_players[user_id] for player in players: if == chat_id: gm.userid_current[user_id] = player break else: send_async(bot, update.callback_query.message.chat_id, text="Game not found :(") return back = [[InlineKeyboardButton(text='Back to last group', switch_inline_query='')]] bot.answerCallbackQuery(, text="Please switch to the group you selected!", show_alert=False) bot.editMessageText(chat_id=update.callback_query.message.chat_id, message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id, text="Selected game: %s\n" "Make sure that you switch to the correct " "group!" % gm.userid_current[user_id], reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(back), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) def status_update(bot, update): """ Remove player from game if user leaves the group """ if update.message.left_chat_member: try: chat_id = update.message.chat_id user = update.message.left_chat_member except KeyError: return if gm.leave_game(user, chat_id): send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Removing %s from the game" % display_name(user)) def start_game(bot, update, args): """ Handler for the /start command """ if != 'private': # Show the first card chat_id = update.message.chat_id try: game = gm.chatid_games[chat_id][-1] except (KeyError, IndexError): send_async(bot, chat_id, text="There is no game running in this " "chat. Create a new one with /new") return if game.current_player is None or \ game.current_player is send_async(bot, chat_id, text="At least two players must /join " "the game before you can start it") elif game.started: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="The game has already started") else: game.play_card(game.last_card) game.started = True bot.sendSticker(chat_id, sticker=c.STICKERS[str(game.last_card)]) send_async(bot, chat_id, text="First player: " + display_name(game.current_player.user)) elif len(args) and args[0] == 'select': players = gm.userid_players[] groups = list() for player in players: groups.append([InlineKeyboardButton(, callback_data= str(]) send_async(bot, update.message.chat_id, text='Please select the group you want to play in. ', reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(groups)) else: help(bot, update) def close_game(bot, update): """ Handler for the /close command """ chat_id = update.message.chat_id user = update.message.from_user games = gm.chatid_games[chat_id] players = gm.userid_players[] for game in games: for player in players: if player in game.players: if player is game.owner: = False send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Closed the lobby") else: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Only the game creator can do that", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) def open_game(bot, update): """ Handler for the /open command """ chat_id = update.message.chat_id user = update.message.from_user games = gm.chatid_games[chat_id] players = gm.userid_players[] for game in games: for player in players: if player in game.players: if player is game.owner: = True send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Opened the lobby") else: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Only the game creator can do that", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) def skip_player(bot, update): """ Handler for the /skip command """ chat_id = update.message.chat_id user = update.message.from_user games = gm.chatid_games[chat_id] players = gm.userid_players[] for game in games: for player in players: if player in game.players: if player is game.owner: game.current_player.anti_cheat += 1 game.turn() send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Next player: %s" % display_name(game.current_player.user)) else: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Only the game creator can do that", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id) def help(bot, update): """ Handler for the /help command """ send_async(bot, update.message.chat_id, text=help_text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, disable_web_page_preview=True) def news(bot, update): """ Handler for the /news command """ send_async(bot, update.message.chat_id, text="All news here:", disable_web_page_preview=True) def reply_to_query(bot, update): """ Builds the result list for inline queries and answers to the client """ results = list() playable = list() switch = None try: user_id = players = gm.userid_players[user_id] player = gm.userid_current[user_id] game = except KeyError: add_no_game(results) else: if not game.started: add_not_started(results) elif user_id == if game.choosing_color: add_choose_color(results) else: if not player.drew: add_draw(player, results) else: add_pass(results) if game.last_card.special == c.DRAW_FOUR and game.draw_counter: add_call_bluff(results) playable = player.playable_cards() added_ids = list() for card in sorted( add_play_card(game, card, results, can_play=(card in playable and str(card) not in added_ids)) added_ids.append(str(card)) if False or game.choosing_color: add_other_cards(playable, player, results, game) elif user_id != or not game.started: for card in sorted( add_play_card(game, card, results, can_play=False) else: add_gameinfo(game, results) for result in results: += ':%d' % player.anti_cheat if players and game and len(players) > 1: switch = 'Current game: %s' % answer_async(bot,, results, cache_time=0, switch_pm_text=switch, switch_pm_parameter='select') def add_choose_color(results): for color in c.COLORS: results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( id=color, title="Choose Color", description=display_color(color), input_message_content= InputTextMessageContent(display_color(color)) ) ) def add_other_cards(playable, player, results, game): if not playable: playable = list() players = player_list(game) results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( "hand", title="Cards (tap for game state):", description=', '.join([repr(card) for card in list_subtract(, playable)]), input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( "Current player: " + display_name(game.current_player.user) + "\n" + "Last card: " + repr(game.last_card) + "\n" + "Players: " + " -> ".join(players)) ) ) def player_list(game): players = list() for player in game.players: add_player(player, players) return players def add_no_game(results): results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( "nogame", title="You are not playing", input_message_content= InputTextMessageContent('Not playing right now. Use /new to start ' 'a game or /join to join the current game ' 'in this group') ) ) def add_not_started(results): results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( "nogame", title="The game wasn't started yet", input_message_content= InputTextMessageContent('Start the game with /start') ) ) def add_draw(player, results): results.append( Sticker( "draw", sticker_file_id=c.STICKERS['option_draw'], input_message_content= InputTextMessageContent('Drawing %d card(s)' % ( or 1)) ) ) def add_gameinfo(game, results): players = player_list(game) results.append( Sticker( "gameinfo", sticker_file_id=c.STICKERS['option_info'], input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( "Current player: " + display_name(game.current_player.user) + "\n" + "Last card: " + repr(game.last_card) + "\n" + "Players: " + " -> ".join(players)) ) ) def add_pass(results): results.append( Sticker( "pass", sticker_file_id=c.STICKERS['option_pass'], input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent('Pass') ) ) def add_call_bluff(results): results.append( Sticker( "call_bluff", sticker_file_id=c.STICKERS['option_bluff'], input_message_content= InputTextMessageContent("I'm calling your bluff!") ) ) def add_play_card(game, card, results, can_play): players = player_list(game) if can_play: results.append( Sticker(str(card), sticker_file_id=c.STICKERS[str(card)]) ) else: results.append( Sticker(str(uuid4()), sticker_file_id=c.STICKERS_GREY[str(card)], input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent( "Current player: " + display_name( game.current_player.user) + "\n" + "Last card: " + repr(game.last_card) + "\n" + "Players: " + " -> ".join(players))) ) def add_player(itplayer, players): players.append(itplayer.user.first_name + " (%d cards)" % len( def process_result(bot, update): """ Check the players actions and act accordingly """ try: user = update.chosen_inline_result.from_user player = gm.userid_current[] game = result_id = update.chosen_inline_result.result_id chat_id = except KeyError: return logger.debug("Selected result: " + result_id) result_id, anti_cheat = result_id.split(':') last_anti_cheat = player.anti_cheat player.anti_cheat += 1 if result_id in ('hand', 'gameinfo', 'nogame'): return elif len(result_id) == 36: # UUID result return elif int(anti_cheat) != last_anti_cheat: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Cheat attempt by %s" % display_name(player.user)) return elif result_id == 'call_bluff': do_call_bluff(bot, chat_id, game, player) elif result_id == 'draw': do_draw(game, player) elif result_id == 'pass': game.turn() elif result_id in c.COLORS: game.choose_color(result_id) else: do_play_card(bot, chat_id, game, player, result_id, user) if game in gm.chatid_games.get(chat_id, list()): send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Next player: " + display_name(game.current_player.user)) def do_play_card(bot, chat_id, game, player, result_id, user): card = c.from_str(result_id) game.play_card(card) if game.choosing_color: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Please choose a color") if len( == 1: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="UNO!") if len( == 0: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="%s won!" % user.first_name) gm.leave_game(user, chat_id) if len(game.players) < 2: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Game ended!") gm.end_game(chat_id, user) if botan: botan.track(Message(randint(1, 1000000000), user,, Chat(chat_id, 'group')), 'Played cards') def do_draw(game, player): draw_counter_before = game.draw_counter for n in range(game.draw_counter or 1): game.draw_counter = 0 player.drew = True if (game.last_card.value == c.DRAW_TWO or game.last_card.special == c.DRAW_FOUR) and \ draw_counter_before > 0: game.turn() def do_call_bluff(bot, chat_id, game, player): if player.prev.bluffing: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="Bluff called! Giving %d cards to %s" % (game.draw_counter, player.prev.user.first_name)) for i in range(game.draw_counter): else: send_async(bot, chat_id, text="%s didn't bluff! Giving %d cards to %s" % (player.prev.user.first_name, game.draw_counter + 2, player.user.first_name)) for i in range(game.draw_counter + 2): game.draw_counter = 0 game.turn() # Add all handlers to the dispatcher and run the bot dp.addHandler(InlineQueryHandler(reply_to_query)) dp.addHandler(ChosenInlineResultHandler(process_result)) dp.addHandler(CallbackQueryHandler(select_game)) dp.addHandler(CommandHandler('start', start_game, pass_args=True)) dp.addHandler(CommandHandler('new', new_game)) dp.addHandler(CommandHandler('join', join_game)) dp.addHandler(CommandHandler('leave', leave_game)) dp.addHandler(CommandHandler('open', open_game)) dp.addHandler(CommandHandler('close', close_game)) dp.addHandler(CommandHandler('skip', skip_player)) dp.addHandler(CommandHandler('help', help)) dp.addHandler(CommandHandler('news', news)) dp.addHandler(MessageHandler([Filters.status_update], status_update)) dp.addErrorHandler(error) start_bot(u) u.idle()