#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Telegram bot to play UNO in group chats # Copyright (c) 2016 Jannes HΓΆke # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import logging from telegram.ext.dispatcher import run_async from internationalization import _, __ from mwt import MWT from shared_vars import gm import card as c logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) TIMEOUT = 2.5 def list_subtract(list1, list2): """ Helper function to subtract two lists and return the sorted result """ list1 = list1.copy() for x in list2: list1.remove(x) return list(sorted(list1)) def display_name(user): """ Get the current players name including their username, if possible """ user_name = user.first_name if user.username: user_name += ' (@' + user.username + ')' return user_name def display_color(color): """ Convert a color code to actual color name """ if color == "r": return _("{emoji} Red").format(emoji='❀️') if color == "b": return _("{emoji} Blue").format(emoji='πŸ’™') if color == "g": return _("{emoji} Green").format(emoji='πŸ’š') if color == "y": return _("{emoji} Yellow").format(emoji='πŸ’›') def display_color_group(color, game): """ Convert a color code to actual color name """ if color == "r": return __("{emoji} Red", game.translate).format( emoji='❀️') if color == "b": return __("{emoji} Blue", game.translate).format( emoji='πŸ’™') if color == "g": return __("{emoji} Green", game.translate).format( emoji='πŸ’š') if color == "y": return __("{emoji} Yellow", game.translate).format( emoji='πŸ’›') def display_card_text(card): if card.special == c.DRAW_FOUR: return __("⬛️+4") if card.special == c.CHOOSE: return __("⬛️Color Chooser") if card.value == c.DRAW_TWO: if card.color == 'r': return __("❀️+2") if card.color == 'b': return __("πŸ’™+2") if card.color == 'g': return __("πŸ’š+2") if card.color == 'y': return __("πŸ’›+2") else: return repr(card) def error(bot, update, error): """Simple error handler""" logger.exception(error) @run_async def send_async(bot, *args, **kwargs): """Send a message asynchronously""" if 'timeout' not in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = TIMEOUT try: bot.sendMessage(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: error(None, None, e) @run_async def answer_async(bot, *args, **kwargs): """Answer an inline query asynchronously""" if 'timeout' not in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = TIMEOUT try: bot.answerInlineQuery(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: error(None, None, e) def game_is_running(game): return game in gm.chatid_games.get(game.chat.id, list()) def user_is_creator(user, game): return user.id in game.owner def user_is_admin(user, bot, chat): return user.id in get_admin_ids(bot, chat.id) def user_is_creator_or_admin(user, game, bot, chat): return user_is_creator(user, game) or user_is_admin(user, bot, chat) @MWT(timeout=60*60) def get_admin_ids(bot, chat_id): """Returns a list of admin IDs for a given chat. Results are cached for 1 hour.""" return [admin.user.id for admin in bot.get_chat_administrators(chat_id)]