import logging from telegram import Updater, InlineQueryResultPhoto, InlineQueryResultArticle, ParseMode from game_manager import GameManager import card as c from credentials import TOKEN logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) gm = GameManager() u = Updater(TOKEN) dp = u.dispatcher def list_subtract(list1, list2): list1 = list1.copy() for x in list2: list1.remove(x) return list(sorted(list1)) def new_game(bot, update): chat_id = update.message.chat_id link = gm.generate_invite_link(, chat_id) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Click this link to join the game: %s" % link) def start(bot, update, args): if args: game_id = args[0] gm.join_game(game_id, update.message.from_user) game = gm.gameid_game[game_id] groupchat = gm.chatid_gameid[game_id] bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Joined game!") bot.sendMessage(groupchat, text=update.message.from_user.first_name + " joined the game!") if game.current_player is game.play_card(game.last_card) bot.sendPhoto(groupchat, photo=game.last_card.get_image_link(), caption="First Card") else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Please invite me to a group and " "issue the /new command there.") def inline(bot, update): if update.inline_query: reply_to_query(bot, update) else: chosen_card(bot, update) def reply_to_query(bot, update): user_id = player = gm.userid_player[user_id] game = gm.userid_game[user_id] results = list() playable = list() if game.choosing_color: choose_color(results) else: playable = list(sorted(player.playable_cards())) if playable is False: not_your_turn(game, results) elif playable: for card in playable: play_card(card, results) if playable is not False and not game.choosing_color and not player.drew: draw(player, results, could_play_card=bool(len(playable))) if player.drew: pass_(results) if game.last_card.special == c.DRAW_FOUR \ and not game.choosing_color \ and game.draw_counter: call_bluff(results) other_cards(playable, player, results) bot.answerInlineQuery(, results, cache_time=0) def choose_color(results): for color in c.COLORS: results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( id=color, title="Choose Color", message_text=color, description=color.upper() ) ) def other_cards(playable, player, results): results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( "hand", title="Other cards:", description=', '.join([repr(card) for card in list_subtract(, playable)]), message_text='Just checking cards' ) ) def draw(player, results, could_play_card): results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( "draw", title=("No suitable cards..." if not could_play_card else "I don't want to play a card..."), description="Draw!", message_text='Drawing %d card(s)' % ( or 1) ) ) def pass_(results): results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( "pass", title="Pass", description="Don't play a card", message_text='Pass' ) ) def call_bluff(results): results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( "call_bluff", title="Call their bluff!", description="Risk it!", message_text="I'm calling your bluff!" ) ) def play_card(card, results): results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle(str(card), title="Play card", message_text= ('\xad' 'Played card ' + repr(card)) % card.get_image_link(), thumb_url=card.get_thumb_link(), description=repr(card), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) ) def not_your_turn(game, results): results.append( InlineQueryResultArticle( "not_your_turn", title="Not your turn", description="Tap to see the current player", message_text="Current player: " + game.current_player.user.first_name ) ) def chosen_card(bot, update): user = update.chosen_inline_result.from_user game = gm.userid_game[] player = gm.userid_player[] result_id = update.chosen_inline_result.result_id chat_id = gm.chatid_gameid[game]"Selected result: " + result_id) if result_id in ('hand', 'not_your_turn'): return elif result_id == 'call_bluff': if player.prev.bluffing: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Bluff called! Giving %d cards to %s" % (game.draw_counter, player.prev.user.first_name)) for i in range(game.draw_counter): else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="%s didn't bluff! Giving %d cards to" " %s" % (player.prev.user.first_name, game.draw_counter + 2, player.user.first_name)) for i in range(game.draw_counter + 2): game.draw_counter = 0 game.turn() elif result_id == 'draw': for n in range(game.draw_counter or 1): game.draw_counter = 0 player.drew = True if game.last_card.value == c.DRAW_TWO: game.turn() elif result_id == 'pass': game.turn() elif result_id in c.COLORS: game.choose_color(result_id) else: card = c.from_str(result_id) game.play_card(card) if game.choosing_color: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Please choose a color") elif len( == 1: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Last Card!") elif len( == 0: gm.leave_game(user) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Player won!") player_name = player.user.first_name if player.user.username: player_name += ' (' + player.user.username + ')' bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Next player: " + player_name) def error(bot, update, error): logger.exception(error) dp.addTelegramInlineHandler(inline) dp.addTelegramCommandHandler('start', start) dp.addTelegramCommandHandler('new', new_game) dp.addErrorHandler(error) u.start_polling() u.idle()