#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from telethon.sync import TelegramClient from telethon import events import re import logging import time import sys from telethon.tl.functions.messages import GetInlineBotResultsRequest, SendInlineBotResultRequest, SendMessageRequest, SetTypingRequest from telethon.tl.types import SendMessageTypingAction, SendMessageCancelAction from telethon.tl.types import PeerUser, PeerChat, PeerChannel, User as _User, Chat as _Chat, Channel as _Channel from telethon.errors.rpcbaseerrors import RPCError import asyncio from game import Game from card import GREY_SET_ID game = Game() from config import api_id, api_hash, PHONE, session_name, unobot_username, default_delay, print_cards, disable_all_commands, game_autostart, unogroup_chatname, game_consts game.delay = default_delay SAFE_MODE = False logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) client = TelegramClient(session_name, api_id, api_hash, sequential_updates=True, use_ipv6=False) while not client.start(phone=PHONE): logger.info("Start failed. Retrying...") time.sleep(5) logger.info("Started!") my_username = client.get_me().username my_firstname = client.get_me().first_name # parse game_consts for key in game_consts: game_consts[key] = game_consts[key].replace('%username%', my_username) game_consts[key] = game_consts[key].replace('%firstname%', my_firstname) def _print(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, **kwargs) sys.stdout.flush() logger.info("Getting dialogs") for dialog in client.iter_dialogs(): pass #_print(dialog) logger.info("Done getting dialogs") unobot = client.get_input_entity(unobot_username) unochat = None if unogroup_chatname: unochat = client.get_input_entity(unogroup_chatname) async def startgame_task(): logger.info("startgame_task run") if not game.is_playing: await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, "/new@{}".format(unobot_username))) await asyncio.sleep(60) game.delay = 8 #try starting the game await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, "/start@{}".format(unobot_username))) logger.info("startgame_task game started") async def task_run(): import schedule_async as schedule """ To start game automatically """ at_times = ("9:00", "12:00", "16:00", "18:00", "19:00", "20:00", "21:30") logger.info("Coroutine task_run started") for at_time in at_times: schedule.every().day.at(at_time).do(startgame_task) # for debug only #schedule.every(20).seconds.do(testjob) while True: await schedule.run_pending() await asyncio.sleep(60) async def inline_query(fail=None): """ This part handles interaction with unobot. """ # typing @unobot and a space :) async def set_typing(cancel=False): '''let others see you are typing''' if cancel: try: await client(SetTypingRequest( peer = unochat, action = SendMessageCancelAction() )) except Exception as err: print(err) else: try: await client(SetTypingRequest( peer = unochat, action = SendMessageTypingAction() )) except Exception as err: print(err) async def typing_sleep(seconds): ''' Telegram cancels your typing notification in several secs we also call set_typing in the beginning ''' INTERVAL = 5 seconds = int(seconds) if seconds <= 0: await set_typing() else: if seconds <= INTERVAL: await set_typing() await asyncio.sleep(INTERVAL) else: rounds = int(seconds/INTERVAL) for i in range(rounds): await asyncio.sleep(INTERVAL) await set_typing() assert (seconds - rounds * INTERVAL) > 0 await asyncio.sleep(int(seconds - rounds * INTERVAL)) await set_typing() for tries in range(10): try: bot_results = await client(GetInlineBotResultsRequest( unobot, unochat, '', '' )) except RPCError: await asyncio.sleep(1) else: break if bot_results.results: query_id = bot_results.query_id for result in bot_results.results: # is it a grey card? if so, get it. try: if hasattr(result.document.attributes[1], 'stickerset'): try: (result_id, anti_cheat) = result.id.split(':') except: pass else: if len(result_id) == 36: # uuid result for grey cards sset = result.document.attributes[1].stickerset if str(sset.id) == GREY_SET_ID: game.add_grey_card(result.document.id) continue except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass except Exception as err: logger.critical('Exception while getting grey cards, {}'.format(str(err))) # get ordinary cards try: (result_id, anti_cheat) = result.id.split(':') except ValueError: if fail is None: fail = 1 await asyncio.sleep(1) await inline_query(fail=fail) return elif fail < 5: fail += 1 await asyncio.sleep(1) await inline_query(fail=fail) return else: return game.add_card(result_id, anti_cheat) if game.delay: await typing_sleep(game.delay) if print_cards: _print(game.print_cards()) callback_id = game.play_card() if not callback_id: callback_id = 'draw' await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, 'Error: No card can be played. Leaving game')) await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, "/leave@{}".format(unobot_username))) return for tries in range(6): try: await client(SendInlineBotResultRequest( unochat, query_id, "{}:{}".format(callback_id, game.anti_cheat) )) except Exception as err: logger.critical('Exception: {}'.format(err)) #await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, 'Exception: {}'.format(err))) else: break await set_typing(cancel=True) game.rotate_deck() return True else: logger.critical('Bad inline result from bot') _print(bot_results) return None def safety_check(chat_id, force=False): if SAFE_MODE or force: safe_ids = [-1001000100100, ] if chat_id in safe_ids: return True else: return False else: return True def commandify(text, my_commands=True, wild_card=True): args = text.split() if not args: return [None] match = re.match(r'/([^@]+$)', args[0]) if match: command = match.group(1) if not wild_card: return [None] username = my_username args = args[1:] return [command, username, args] else: match = re.match(r'/([^@]+)@([^@]+)$', args[0]) if match: username = match.group(2) command = match.group(1) args = args[1:] if username != my_username and my_commands == True: return [None] else: return [command, username, args] else: return [None] def get_peer_id(peer, reverse=False): ''' reverse = False: peer: telethon.tl.types.PeerUser, PeerChat, PeerChannel / User, Chat, Channel return int (-100xxxx) reverse = True: peer: int (-100xxxx) return int (xxxx) ''' if reverse: str_peer = str(peer) if str_peer.startswith("-100"): orig_id = str_peer[4:] return orig_id else: return peer else: peerid = None if type(peer) is PeerChannel: peerid = getattr(peer, 'channel_id') peerid = int('-100{}'.format(peerid)) elif type(peer) in [ _Channel, _Chat]: peerid = getattr(peer, 'id') peerid = int('-100{}'.format(peerid)) elif type(peer) is PeerChat: peerid = getattr(peer, 'chat_id') peerid = int('-100{}'.format(peerid)) elif type(peer) is PeerUser: peerid = getattr(peer, 'user_id') elif type(peer) is _User: peerid = getattr(peer, 'id') else: _print("Error: ", peer) if not peerid: _print('W: Peer_id is none') return peerid class EmptyChat: def __init__(self, title=None): self.title = title class EmptyUser: def __init__(self, first_name="None", last_name=None, username=None): self.first_name = first_name self.last_name = last_name self.username = username def display_username(user, atuser=False, shorten=False): if user.first_name and user.last_name: name = "{} {}".format(user.first_name, user.last_name) else: name = user.first_name if shorten: return name if user.username: if atuser: name += " (@{})".format(user.username) else: name += " ({})".format(user.username) return name max_items = 10000 cached_ids = list() cached_entity = list() # It's a mess, but works # Welcome to pr async def mwt_get_entity(entity_type, client, peer, retry=0, from_group=None): global max_items, cached_ids, cached_entity def get(unique_id): global cached_ids, cached_entity try: my_index = cached_ids.index(unique_id) entity = cached_entity[my_index] return entity except ValueError: return None def store(unique_id, entity): global cached_ids, cached_entity cached_ids.append(unique_id) cached_entity.append(entity) while len(cached_ids) > max_items: cached_ids.pop(0) cached_entity.pop(0) try: if entity_type == 'group': unique_id = get_peer_id(peer) entity = get(unique_id) #_print("cache") if not entity: #_print("new") entity = await client.get_entity(peer) elif entity_type == 'user': unique_id = peer entity = get(unique_id) #_print("cache") if not entity: #_print("new") entity = await client.get_entity(PeerUser(user_id=peer)) else: return None store(unique_id, entity) return entity except (ValueError, KeyError) as err: if retry < 1: retry += 1 if entity_type == 'group': sys.stdout.write("[Fetching user from group] Error while getting chat: {}".format(err)) sys.stdout.flush() elif entity_type == 'user': sys.stdout.write("[Fetching user from group] Error while getting user: {}".format(err)) sys.stdout.flush() if from_group: for user in await client.get_participants(from_group): unique_id = user.id entity = user if unique_id not in cached_ids: store(unique_id, entity) entity = await mwt_get_entity(entity_type, client, peer, retry=retry) store(unique_id, entity) return entity else: if entity_type == 'group': sys.stdout.write("[Give up] Error while getting chat: {}".format(err)) sys.stdout.flush() entity = EmptyChat(str(id)) elif entity_type == 'user': sys.stdout.write("[Give up] Error while getting user: {}".format(err)) sys.stdout.flush() entity = EmptyUser(first_name="PeerUser(user_id={})".format(peer)) store(unique_id, entity) return entity async def get_full_info(event): ''' # full_user = client(GetFullUserRequest(id=PeerUser(user_id=msg.from_id))) # full_chat = client(GetFullChatRequest(chat_id=chat_id)) # full_channel = client(GetFullChannelRequest(channel=PeerChannel(channel_id=None))) # first_name = full_user.user.first_name # last_name = full_user.user.last_name # username = full_user.user.username # title = full_chat.chats[0].title # title = full_channel.chats[0].title ''' orig_user_id = event.message.from_id user_id = get_peer_id(PeerUser(user_id=orig_user_id)) if event.is_channel: #channel = client.get_entity(event.message.to_id) #user = client.get_entity(PeerUser(user_id=event.message.from_id)) channel = await mwt_get_entity('group', client, event.message.to_id) user = await mwt_get_entity('user', client, event.message.from_id, from_group=event.message.to_id) channel_id = get_peer_id(channel) full_info = ['Channel', channel, user, channel_id, user_id] elif event.is_group: group = await mwt_get_entity('group', client, event.message.to_id) group_id = get_peer_id(group) user = await mwt_get_entity('user', client, event.message.from_id, from_group=event.message.to_id) full_info = ['Group', group, user, group_id, user_id] elif event.is_private: user = await mwt_get_entity('user', client, event.message.from_id) full_info = ['User', EmptyChat(), user, user_id, user_id] else: return None return full_info @client.on(events.NewMessage) async def new_msg_handler(event): global unochat #print(event) #sys.stdout.flush() full_info = await get_full_info(event) msg = event.message if msg.message and (not msg.media): # Text handler logger.info("{} - {} - {}: {}".format(full_info[0], full_info[1].title, display_username(full_info[2]), msg.message)) if not safety_check(get_peer_id(msg.to_id)): return # react to commands if not disable_all_commands: c = commandify(event.raw_text, wild_card=False) if c[0]: if c[0] == 'hello': await event.reply('hi!') if c[0] in ['startgame', 'start', 'join'] and full_info[0] == "Channel": if game.is_playing: await event.reply("I'm playing right now.") else: unochat = msg.to_id game.join_game(get_peer_id(unochat)) await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, "/join@{}".format(unobot_username))) elif c[0] in ['stopgame', 'stop', 'leave'] and full_info[0] == "Channel": if game.is_playing: game.leave_game(get_peer_id(unochat)) game.stop_game() await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, "/leave@{}".format(unobot_username))) elif game.joined and get_peer_id(unochat) in game.joined: game.leave_game(get_peer_id(unochat)) await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, "/leave@{}".format(unobot_username))) else: await event.reply("I'm not playing right now.") elif c[0] in ['wait', 'delay'] and full_info[0] == "Channel": if game.delay or (not game.is_playing): await event.reply("Nothing to do.") else: game.delay = 8 await event.reply("OK. {} seconds of delay has been set.".format(game.delay)) elif c[0] in ['nowait', 'nodelay'] and full_info[0] == "Channel": if game.delay and game.is_playing: myreply = "OK. {} seconds of delay has been removed.".format(game.delay) game.delay = None await event.reply(myreply) else: await event.reply("Nothing to do.") return # react to unobot if full_info[2].username and full_info[2].username == unobot_username: if re.search(game_consts['myturn'], msg.message): if re.search(game_consts['start'], msg.message): # I'm the first player if not game.is_playing: unochat = msg.to_id if game.joined and get_peer_id(unochat) in game.joined: logger.info('Bot: Game started. I\'m the first player.') game.start_game() logger.info('Bot: It\'s my turn.') if game.joined and get_peer_id(unochat) in game.joined: if not game.is_playing: logger.info('Bot: Game started a long time ago. I joined midway.') game.start_game() await inline_query() else: logger.info('I\'m not playing in {} - {}'.format(full_info[1].title, get_peer_id(unochat))) await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, "/leave@{}".format(unobot_username))) elif re.search(game_consts['end'], msg.message): if game.is_playing: logger.info('Bot: Game ended.') game.clear_deck() game.leave_game(get_peer_id(unochat)) game.stop_game() game.delay = default_delay elif re.search(game_consts['create'], msg.message): if not game.is_playing: logger.info('Bot: New game created.') if default_delay: await asyncio.sleep(default_delay) unochat = msg.to_id game.join_game(get_peer_id(unochat)) await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, "/join@{}".format(unobot_username))) elif re.search(game_consts['start'], msg.message): if not game.is_playing: unochat = msg.to_id if game.joined and get_peer_id(unochat) in game.joined: logger.info('Bot: Game started.') game.start_game() else: await client(SendMessageRequest(unochat, "/leave@{}".format(unobot_username))) elif re.search(game_consts['win'], msg.message): if game.is_playing: logger.info('Bot: I win.') game.clear_deck() game.leave_game(get_peer_id(unochat)) game.stop_game() elif msg.media: # Has media, interesting. media = msg.media type = None if hasattr(media, 'photo'): type = "photo" logger.info("{} - {} - {}: [Photo]".format(full_info[0], full_info[1].title, display_username(full_info[2]))) elif hasattr(media, 'document'): try: if hasattr(media.document.attributes[1], 'stickerset'): type = "Sticker" logger.info("{} - {} - {}: [Sticker]:{}".format(full_info[0], full_info[1].title, display_username(full_info[2]), media.document.attributes[1].alt)) else: type = "Document (file)" logger.info("{} - {} - {}: [Document (file)]".format(full_info[0], full_info[1].title, display_username(full_info[2]))) except (AttributeError, IndexError): type = "Document" logger.info("{} - {} - {}: [Document]".format(full_info[0], full_info[1].title, display_username(full_info[2]))) else: type = "Unknown media" logger.info("{} - {} - {}: [Unknown media]".format(full_info[0], full_info[1].title, display_username(full_info[2]))) logger.debug("Media Type: {}".format(type)) # Handler complete # for debug only async def testjob(): print('aaa') async def main(): # requires python 3.7 + #if game_autostart: #asyncio.create_task(task_run()) await client.run_until_disconnected() #await client.disconnected loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # this can run on python 3.5 if game_autostart: loop.create_task(task_run()) try: loop.run_until_complete(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: client.disconnect()