from telegram import Updater, InlineQueryResultPhoto from game_manager import GameManager import card as c from credentials import TOKEN gm = GameManager() u = Updater(TOKEN) dp = u.dispatcher def new_game(bot, update): chat_id = update.message.chat_id link = gm.generate_invite_link(, chat_id) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, text="Click this link to join the game: %s" % link) def start(bot, update, args): if args: gm.join_game(args[0], update.message.from_user) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text="Please invite me to a group and " "issue the /start command there.") def inline(bot, update): if update.inline_query: user_id = player = gm.userid_player[user_id] playable = list() for card in player.playable_cards(): playable.append( InlineQueryResultPhoto(str(card), card.get_image_link(), card.get_thumb_link()) ) bot.answerInlineQuery(, playable) else: user_id = game = gm.userid_game[user_id] game.play_card(c.from_str(