from telegram import Emoji def list_subtract(list1, list2): """ Helper function to subtract two lists and return the sorted result """ list1 = list1.copy() for x in list2: list1.remove(x) return list(sorted(list1)) def display_name(user): """ Get the current players name including their username, if possible """ user_name = user.first_name if user.username: user_name += ' (@' + user.username + ')' return user_name def display_color(color): """ Convert a color code to actual color name """ if color == "r": return Emoji.HEAVY_BLACK_HEART + " Red" if color == "b": return Emoji.BLUE_HEART + " Blue" if color == "g": return Emoji.GREEN_HEART + " Green" if color == "y": return Emoji.YELLOW_HEART + " Yellow"