nmux: fixed unlocked mutex in tsmpool

This commit is contained in:
ha7ilm 2017-01-12 17:45:59 +01:00
parent 1177e03660
commit 20f107b578
3 changed files with 23 additions and 13 deletions

View file

@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(no_options) print_exit(help_text);
if(!host_port) print_exit(MSG_START "missing required command line argument, --port.\n");
if(bufsize<0) print_exit(MSG_START "invalid value for --bufsize (should be >0)\n");
if(bufcnt<0) print_exit(MSG_START "invalid value for --bufcnt (should be >0)\n");
if(bufsize=<0) print_exit(MSG_START "invalid value for --bufsize (should be >0)\n");
if(bufcnt=<0) print_exit(MSG_START "invalid value for --bufcnt (should be >0)\n");
//set signals
struct sigaction sa;
@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "mainfor: selecting...");
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "mainfor: selecting...");
//Let's wait until there is any new data to read, or any new connection!
select(highfd, &select_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "selected.\n");
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "selected.\n");
//Is there a new client connection?
if( (new_socket = accept(listen_socket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr_cli, &addr_cli_len)) != -1)
@ -221,16 +221,20 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(index_in_current_write_buffer >= bufsize)
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "mainfor: gwbing...");
current_write_buffer = (unsigned char*)pool->get_write_buffer();
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "gwbed.\nmainfor: cond broadcasting...");
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "cond broadcasted.\n");
//Shouldn't we do it after we put data in?
// No, on get_write_buffer() actually the previous buffer is getting available
// for read for threads that wait for new data (wait on pthead mutex
// client->wait_condition).
index_in_current_write_buffer = 0;
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "mainfor: reading...\n");
int retval = read(input_fd, current_write_buffer + index_in_current_write_buffer, bufsize - index_in_current_write_buffer);
// if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "mainfor: read %d\n", retval);
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "read %d\n", retval);
index_in_current_write_buffer += retval;
@ -269,7 +273,7 @@ void* client_thread (void* param)
pollfds[0].fd = this_client->socket;
pollfds[0].events = POLLOUT;
pollfds[0].revents = 0;
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "client poll inited.\n");
//Set this_client->socket to non-blocking
@ -286,9 +290,10 @@ void* client_thread (void* param)
// (Wait for the server process to wake me up.)
while(!pool_read_buffer || client_buffer_index >= lpool->size)
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "client 0x%x: cond_waiting for more data\n", (unsigned)param);
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "client 0x%x: trying to grb\n", (unsigned)param);
pool_read_buffer = (char*)lpool->get_read_buffer(this_client->tsmthread);
if(pool_read_buffer) { client_buffer_index = 0; break; }
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "client 0x%x: cond_waiting for more data\n", (unsigned)param);
this_client->sleeping = 1;
pthread_cond_wait(this_client->wait_condition, &this_client->wait_mutex);
@ -297,14 +302,14 @@ void* client_thread (void* param)
//Wait for the socket to be available for write.
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "client 0x%x: polling for socket write...", (unsigned)param);
int ret = poll(pollfds, 1, -1);
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "client polled for socket write.\n");
if(ret == 0) continue;
else if (ret == -1) { client_goto_source = 1; goto client_thread_exit; }
//Read data from global tsmpool and write it to client socket
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "client 0x%x: sending...", (unsigned)param);
ret = send(this_client->socket, pool_read_buffer + client_buffer_index, lpool->size - client_buffer_index, 0);
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");
if(NMUX_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "client sent.\n");
if(ret == -1)

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ void* tsmpool::get_write_buffer()
void* to_return = buffers[write_index];
write_index = index_next(write_index);
fprintf(stderr, "gwb: write_index = %d\n", write_index);
if(TSM_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "gwb: write_index = %d\n", write_index);
return to_return;
@ -61,13 +61,14 @@ void* tsmpool::get_read_buffer(tsmthread_t* thread)
int* actual_read_index = (thread==NULL) ? &my_read_index : &thread->read_index;
fprintf(stderr, "grb: fail,"
if(TSM_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "grb: fail,"
"read_index %d is just before write_index\n", *actual_read_index);
return NULL;
void* to_return = buffers[*actual_read_index];
fprintf(stderr, "grb: read_index = %d\n", *actual_read_index);
if(TSM_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "grb: read_index = %d\n", *actual_read_index);
return to_return;

View file

@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
//It implements a big circular buffer that one thread writes into, and multiple threads read from.
//The reader threads have lower priority than the writer thread (they can be left behind if the don't read fast enough).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <pthread.h>
#define TSM_DEBUG 1
#if TSM_DEBUG == 1
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
typedef struct tsmthread_s