Added octave_complex_c, finished timing_recovery_cc debug, fixed indent

This commit is contained in:
ha7ilm 2017-03-03 16:21:45 +01:00
parent ccf09a1b99
commit 26c12746eb
3 changed files with 143 additions and 67 deletions

View file

@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ char usage[]=
" rtty_line_decoder_sy_u8\n"
" rtty_baudot2ascii_u8_u8\n"
" serial_line_decoder_sy_u8\n"
" octave_complex_c <samples_to_plot> <out_of_n_samples>\n"
" timing_recovery_cc <algorithm> <decimation> [--add_q]\n"
" \n"
@ -2364,16 +2366,21 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int add_q = (argc>=5 && !strcmp(argv[4], "--add_q"));
int debug_n = 0;
if(argc>=7 && !strcmp(argv[5], "--octave")) debug_n = atoi(argv[6]);
if(!initialize_buffers()) return -2;
timing_recovery_state_t state = timing_recovery_init(algorithm, decimation, add_q);
int debug_i=0;
timing_recovery_cc((complexf*)input_buffer, (complexf*)output_buffer, the_bufsize, &state);
if(++debug_i%debug_n==0) timing_recovery_trigger_debug(&state, 3);
//fprintf(stderr, "os %d\n",state.output_size);
fwrite(output_buffer, sizeof(complexf), state.output_size, stdout);
@ -2384,10 +2391,52 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if(argc<=2) return badsyntax("need required parameter (samples_to_plot)");
int samples_to_plot = 0;
sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &samples_to_plot);
if(samples_to_plot<=0) badsyntax("Number of samples to plot should be > 0");
if(argc<=3) return badsyntax("need required parameter (out_of_n_samples)");
int out_of_n_samples = 0;
sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &out_of_n_samples);
if(out_of_n_samples<samples_to_plot) badsyntax("out_of_n_samples should be < samples_to_plot");
complexf* read_buf = (complexf*)malloc(sizeof(complexf)*the_bufsize);
if(!sendbufsize(initialize_buffers())) return -2;
fread(read_buf, sizeof(complexf), samples_to_plot, stdin);
printf("N = %d;\nisig = [", samples_to_plot);
for(int i=0;i<samples_to_plot;i++) printf("%f ", iof(read_buf, i));
printf("];\nqsig = [");
for(int i=0;i<samples_to_plot;i++) printf("%f ", qof(read_buf, i));
printf("];\nzsig = [0:N-1];\nplot3(isig,zsig,qsig);\n");
//printf("xlim([-1 1]);\nzlim([-1 1]);\n");
//if(fseek(stdin, (out_of_n_samples - samples_to_plot)*sizeof(complexf), SEEK_CUR)<0) { perror("fseek error"); return -3; } //this cannot be used on stdin
for(int seek_remain=out_of_n_samples-samples_to_plot;seek_remain>0;seek_remain-=samples_to_plot)
fread(read_buf, sizeof(complexf), MIN_M(samples_to_plot,seek_remain), stdin);
return 0;
fprintf(stderr,"csdr: function name given in argument 1 (%s) does not exist. Possible causes:\n- You mistyped the commandline.\n- You need to update csdr to a newer version (if available).", argv[1]); return -1;
char buffer[100];
snprintf(buffer, 100-1, "csdr 2>&1 | grep %s", argv[1]+1);
fprintf(stderr, "csdr ?: %s\n", buffer);
return 0;
fprintf(stderr,"csdr: function name given in argument 1 (%s) does not exist. Possible causes:\n- You mistyped the commandline.\n- You need to update csdr to a newer version (if available).\n", argv[1]); return -1;

View file

#include "libcsdr.h"
#include "predefined.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
_ _ __ _ _
@ -276,11 +277,11 @@ shift_unroll_data_t shift_unroll_init(float rate, int size)
myphase += output.phase_increment;
while(myphase>PI) myphase-=2*PI;
while(myphase<-PI) myphase+=2*PI;
while(myphase<-PI) myphase+=2*PI;
return output;
return output;
float shift_unroll_cc(complexf *input, complexf* output, int input_size, shift_unroll_data_t* d, float starting_phase)
@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ float shift_addfast_cc(complexf *input, complexf* output, int input_size, shift_
//input_size should be multiple of 4
float cos_start[4], sin_start[4];
float cos_vals[4], sin_vals[4];
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
cos_start[i] = cos(starting_phase);
sin_start[i] = sin(starting_phase);
@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ float shift_addfast_cc(complexf *input, complexf* output, int input_size, shift_
#define RCOSV "q4" //cos_vals, sin_vals
#define RSINV "q5"
#define ROUTI "q6" //output_i, output_q
#define ROUTQ "q7"
#define ROUTQ "q7"
#define RINPI "q8" //input_i, input_q
#define RINPQ "q9"
#define R3(x,y,z) x ", " y ", " z "\n\t"
@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ float shift_addfast_cc(complexf *input, complexf* output, int input_size, shift_
" vld1.32 {" RDSIN "}, [%[pdsin]]\n\t"
" vld1.32 {" RCOSST "}, [%[cos_start]]\n\t"
" vld1.32 {" RSINST "}, [%[sin_start]]\n\t"
"for_addfast: vld2.32 {" RINPI "-" RINPQ "}, [%[pinput]]!\n\t" //load q0 and q1 directly from the memory address stored in pinput, with interleaving (so that we get the I samples in RINPI and the Q samples in RINPQ), also increment the memory address in pinput (hence the "!" mark)
"for_addfast: vld2.32 {" RINPI "-" RINPQ "}, [%[pinput]]!\n\t" //load q0 and q1 directly from the memory address stored in pinput, with interleaving (so that we get the I samples in RINPI and the Q samples in RINPQ), also increment the memory address in pinput (hence the "!" mark)
//C version:
//cos_vals[j] = cos_start * d->dcos[j] - sin_start * d->dsin[j];
@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ float shift_addfast_cc(complexf *input, complexf* output, int input_size, shift_
//C version:
" vmul.f32 " R3(ROUTI, RCOSV, RINPI) //output_i = cos_vals * input_i
" vmls.f32 " R3(ROUTI, RSINV, RINPQ) //output_i -= sin_vals * input_q
" vmul.f32 " R3(ROUTQ, RSINV, RINPI) //output_q = sin_vals * input_i
@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ float shift_addfast_cc(complexf *input, complexf* output, int input_size, shift_
[pinput]"+r"(pinput), [poutput]"+r"(poutput) //output operand list -> C variables that we will change from ASM
[pinput_end]"r"(pinput_end), [pdcos]"r"(pdcos), [pdsin]"r"(pdsin), [sin_start]"r"(sin_start), [cos_start]"r"(cos_start) //input operand list
"memory", "q0", "q1", "q2", "q4", "q5", "q6", "q7", "q8", "q9", "cc" //clobber list
@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ float shift_addfast_cc(complexf *input, complexf* output, int input_size, shift_
float cos_start=cos(starting_phase);
float sin_start=sin(starting_phase);
float register cos_vals_0, cos_vals_1, cos_vals_2, cos_vals_3,
sin_vals_0, sin_vals_1, sin_vals_2, sin_vals_3,
sin_vals_0, sin_vals_1, sin_vals_2, sin_vals_3,
dsin_0 = d->dsin[0], dsin_1 = d->dsin[1], dsin_2 = d->dsin[2], dsin_3 = d->dsin[3],
dcos_0 = d->dcos[0], dcos_1 = d->dcos[1], dcos_2 = d->dcos[2], dcos_3 = d->dcos[3];
@ -970,7 +971,7 @@ float deemphasis_wfm_ff (float* input, float* output, int input_size, float tau,
for (int i=1;i<input_size;i++) //@deemphasis_wfm_ff
output[i]=alpha*input[i]+(1-alpha)*output[i-1]; //this is the simplest IIR LPF
return output[input_size-1];
return output[input_size-1];
#define DNFMFF_ADD_ARRAY(x) if(sample_rate==x) { taps=deemphasis_nfm_predefined_fir_##x; taps_length=sizeof(deemphasis_nfm_predefined_fir_##x)/sizeof(float); }
@ -1020,31 +1021,31 @@ void gain_ff(float* input, float* output, int input_size, float gain)
float get_power_f(float* input, int input_size, int decimation)
float acc = 0;
for(int i=0;i<input_size;i+=decimation)
acc += (input[i]*input[i])/input_size;
return acc;
float acc = 0;
for(int i=0;i<input_size;i+=decimation)
acc += (input[i]*input[i])/input_size;
return acc;
float get_power_c(complexf* input, int input_size, int decimation)
float acc = 0;
for(int i=0;i<input_size;i+=decimation)
acc += (iof(input,i)*iof(input,i)+qof(input,i)*qof(input,i))/input_size;
return acc;
float acc = 0;
for(int i=0;i<input_size;i+=decimation)
acc += (iof(input,i)*iof(input,i)+qof(input,i)*qof(input,i))/input_size;
return acc;
__ __ _ _ _
| \/ | | | | | | |
| \ / | ___ __| |_ _| | __ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___
| |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | __/ _ \| '__/ __|
| | | | (_) | (_| | |_| | | (_| | || (_) | | \__ \
|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\__,_|\__\___/|_| |___/
__ __ _ _ _
| \/ | | | | | | |
| \ / | ___ __| |_ _| | __ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___
| |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | __/ _ \| '__/ __|
| | | | (_) | (_| | |_| | | (_| | || (_) | | \__ \
|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\__,_|\ __\___/|_| |___/
@ -1175,7 +1176,6 @@ void logpower_cf(complexf* input, float* output, int size, float add_db)
void accumulate_power_cf(complexf* input, float* output, int size)
for(int i=0;i<size;i++) output[i] += iof(input,i)*iof(input,i) + qof(input,i)*qof(input,i); //@logpower_cf: pass 1
void log_ff(float* input, float* output, int size, float add_db) {
@ -1573,14 +1573,14 @@ void binary_slicer_f_u8(float* input, unsigned char* output, int input_size)
_____ _ _______ _ _ _____
/ ____| (_) ___ |__ __(_) (_) | __ \
| | __ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ ( _ ) | | _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ __ _ | |__) |___ ___ _____ _____ _ __ _ _
_____ _ _______ _ _ _____
/ ____| (_) ___ |__ __(_) (_) | __ \
| | __ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ ( _ ) | | _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ __ _ | |__) |___ ___ _____ _____ _ __ _ _
| | / _` | '__| '__| |/ _ \ '__| / _ \/\ | | | | '_ ` _ \| | '_ \ / _` | | _ // _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '__| | | |
| |___| (_| | | | | | | __/ | | (_> < | | | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | | \ \ __/ (_| (_) \ V / __/ | | |_| |
\_____\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| \___/\/ |_| |_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | |_| \_\___|\___\___/ \_/ \___|_| \__, |
__/ | __/ |
|___/ |___/
|___/ |___/
void pll_cc_init_pi_controller(pll_t* p, float bandwidth, float ko, float kd, float damping_factor)
@ -1644,18 +1644,47 @@ void pll_cc(pll_t* p, complexf* input, float* output_dphase, complexf* output_nc
void octave_plot_point_on_cplxsig(complexf* signal, int signal_size, int points_size, ...)
fprintf(stderr, "N = %d\nisig = [", signal_size);
for(int i=0;i<signal_size;i++) fprintf(stderr, "%f ", iof(signal,i));
fprintf(stderr, "]\nqsig = [");
for(int i=0;i<signal_size;i++) fprintf(stderr, "%f ", qof(signal,i));
fprintf(stderr, "]\nzsig = [0:N-1]\nplot3(isig,zsig,qsig,\"b-\",");
int point_z;
char point_color;
va_list vl;
for(int i=0;i<points_size;i++)
point_z = va_arg(vl, int);
point_color = va_arg(vl, int);
fprintf(stderr, "[%f],[%d],[%f],\"%c.\"%c", iof(signal, point_z), point_z, qof(signal, point_z), point_color, (i<points_size-1)?',':' ');
fprintf(stderr, ")");
timing_recovery_state_t timing_recovery_init(timing_recovery_algorithm_t algorithm, int decimation_rate, int use_q)
timing_recovery_state_t to_return;
to_return.algorithm = algorithm;
to_return.decimation_rate = decimation_rate;
to_return.use_q = use_q;
to_return.debug_phase = -1;
return to_return;
void timing_recovery_trigger_debug(timing_recovery_state_t* state, int debug_phase)
void timing_recovery_cc(complexf* input, complexf* output, int input_size, timing_recovery_state_t* state)
//We always assume that the input starts at center of the first symbol cross before the first symbol.
//We always assume that the input starts at center of the first symbol cross before the first symbol.
//Last time we consumed that much from the input samples that it is there.
int current_bitstart_index = 0;
int num_samples_bit = state->decimation_rate;
@ -1669,18 +1698,26 @@ void timing_recovery_cc(complexf* input, complexf* output, int input_size, timin
if(current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit * 3 >= input_size) break;
output[si++] = input[current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit];
error = (
iof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit * 3) - iof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit)
error = (
iof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit * 3) - iof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit)
) * iof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit * 2);
error += (
qof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit * 3) - qof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit)
error += (
qof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit * 3) - qof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit)
) * qof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit * 2);
error /= 2;
current_bitstart_index += num_samples_halfbit * 2 + (error)?((error>0)?1:-1):0;
if(state->debug_phase == si)
state->debug_phase = -1;
octave_plot_point_on_cplxsig(input+current_bitstart_index, state->decimation_rate*2,
num_samples_halfbit * 1, 'r',
num_samples_halfbit * 2, 'r',
num_samples_halfbit * 3, 'r',
0); //last argument is dummy, for the comma
current_bitstart_index += num_samples_halfbit * 2 + (error)?((error>0)?1:-1):0;
state->input_processed = current_bitstart_index;
state->output_size = si;
@ -1691,19 +1728,28 @@ void timing_recovery_cc(complexf* input, complexf* output, int input_size, timin
if(current_bitstart_index + num_samples_bit >= input_size) break;
output[si++] = input[current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit];
error = (
iof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_quarterbit * 3) - iof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_quarterbit)
error = (
iof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_quarterbit * 3) - iof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_quarterbit)
); //* iof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_halfbit); //I don't think we need the end of the Nutaq formula
error += qof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_quarterbit * 3) - qof(input, current_bitstart_index + num_samples_quarterbit);
error /= 2;
//Correction method #1: this version can only move a single sample in any direction
//current_bitstart_index += num_samples_halfbit * 2 + (error)?((error<0)?1:-1):0;
//current_bitstart_index += num_samples_halfbit * 2 + (error)?((error<0)?1:-1):0;
//Correction method #2: this can move in proportional to the error
if(error>2) error=2;
if(error<-2) error=-2;
if(state->debug_phase == si)
state->debug_phase = -1;
octave_plot_point_on_cplxsig(input+current_bitstart_index, state->decimation_rate*2,
num_samples_quarterbit * 1, 'r',
num_samples_quarterbit * 2, 'r',
num_samples_quarterbit * 3, 'r',
current_bitstart_index += num_samples_halfbit * 2 + num_samples_halfbit * (-error/2);
state->input_processed = current_bitstart_index;
@ -1731,28 +1777,6 @@ char* timing_recovery_get_string_from_algorithm(timing_recovery_algorithm_t algo
return "INVALID";
in struct:
char* debug_string;
char* debug_string_end;
int debug_string_length;
int debug_mode;
int debug_first_n_symbols;
void timing_recovery_write_debug_string
int input,
int input_length,
int current_bitstart_index,
int current_output_index,
int current_p1_index,
int current_p2_index,
timing_recovery_state_t* state
if(state->debug_string_end==state->debug_string+debug_string_length) return;
_____ _ _

View file

@ -303,9 +303,12 @@ typedef struct timing_recovery_state_s
int output_size;
int input_processed;
int use_q; //use both I and Q for calculating the error
int debug_phase;
} timing_recovery_state_t;
timing_recovery_state_t timing_recovery_init(timing_recovery_algorithm_t algorithm, int decimation_rate, int use_q);
void timing_recovery_cc(complexf* input, complexf* output, int input_length, timing_recovery_state_t* state);
timing_recovery_algorithm_t timing_recovery_get_algorithm_from_string(char* input);
char* timing_recovery_get_string_from_algorithm(timing_recovery_algorithm_t algorithm);
void timing_recovery_trigger_debug(timing_recovery_state_t* state, int debug_phase);
void octave_plot_point_on_cplxsig(complexf* signal, int signal_size, int points_size, ...);