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// LDPC decoder for FT8.
// given a 174-bit codeword as an array of log-likelihood of zero,
// return a 174-bit corrected codeword, or zero-length array.
// last 87 bits are the (systematic) plain-text.
// this is an implementation of the sum-product algorithm
// from Sarah Johnson's Iterative Error Correction book.
// codeword[i] = log ( P(x=0) / P(x=1) )
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "constants.h"
2018-12-24 20:22:26 +08:00
int ldpc_check(uint8_t codeword[]);
float fast_tanh(float x);
float fast_atanh(float x);
// codeword is 174 log-likelihoods.
// plain is a return value, 174 ints, to be 0 or 1.
// max_iters is how hard to try.
// ok == 87 means success.
2018-12-24 20:22:26 +08:00
void ldpc_decode(float codeword[], int max_iters, uint8_t plain[], int *ok) {
float m[FT8_M][FT8_N]; // ~60 kB
float e[FT8_M][FT8_N]; // ~60 kB
2018-12-24 20:22:26 +08:00
int min_errors = FT8_M;
for (int j = 0; j < FT8_M; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < FT8_N; i++) {
m[j][i] = codeword[i];
e[j][i] = 0.0f;
2018-11-13 23:16:24 +08:00
for (int iter = 0; iter < max_iters; iter++) {
for (int j = 0; j < FT8_M; j++) {
for (int ii1 = 0; ii1 < kNrw[j]; ii1++) {
int i1 = kNm[j][ii1] - 1;
float a = 1.0f;
for (int ii2 = 0; ii2 < kNrw[j]; ii2++) {
int i2 = kNm[j][ii2] - 1;
if (i2 != i1) {
a *= fast_tanh(-m[j][i2] / 2.0f);
e[j][i1] = logf((1 - a) / (1 + a));
for (int i = 0; i < FT8_N; i++) {
float l = codeword[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
l += e[kMn[i][j] - 1][i];
plain[i] = (l > 0) ? 1 : 0;
int errors = ldpc_check(plain);
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if (errors < min_errors) {
// Update the current best result
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min_errors = errors;
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if (errors == 0) {
break; // Found a perfect answer
2018-11-13 23:16:24 +08:00
for (int i = 0; i < FT8_N; i++) {
2018-11-13 23:16:24 +08:00
for (int ji1 = 0; ji1 < 3; ji1++) {
int j1 = kMn[i][ji1] - 1;
float l = codeword[i];
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for (int ji2 = 0; ji2 < 3; ji2++) {
if (ji1 != ji2) {
int j2 = kMn[i][ji2] - 1;
l += e[j2][i];
m[j1][i] = l;
2018-12-24 20:22:26 +08:00
*ok = min_errors;
// does a 174-bit codeword pass the FT8's LDPC parity checks?
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// returns the number of parity errors.
// 0 means total success.
2018-12-24 20:22:26 +08:00
int ldpc_check(uint8_t codeword[]) {
int errors = 0;
// kNm[87][7]
for (int j = 0; j < FT8_M; ++j) {
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uint8_t x = 0;
for (int ii1 = 0; ii1 < kNrw[j]; ++ii1) {
x ^= codeword[kNm[j][ii1] - 1];
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if (x != 0) {
2018-11-13 23:16:24 +08:00
2018-12-24 20:22:26 +08:00
return errors;
2018-12-24 20:22:26 +08:00
void bp_decode(float codeword[], int max_iters, uint8_t plain[], int *ok) {
float tov[FT8_N][3];
float toc[FT8_M][7];
2018-12-24 20:22:26 +08:00
int min_errors = FT8_M;
int nclast = 0;
int ncnt = 0;
// initialize messages to checks
for (int i = 0; i < FT8_M; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < kNrw[i]; ++j) {
toc[i][j] = codeword[kNm[i][j] - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < FT8_N; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
tov[i][j] = 0;
for (int iter = 0; iter < max_iters; ++iter) {
float zn[FT8_N];
// Update bit log likelihood ratios (tov=0 in iter 0)
for (int i = 0; i < FT8_N; ++i) {
zn[i] = codeword[i] + tov[i][0] + tov[i][1] + tov[i][2];
plain[i] = (zn[i] > 0) ? 1 : 0;
// Check to see if we have a codeword (check before we do any iter)
int errors = ldpc_check(plain);
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if (errors < min_errors) {
// we have a better guess - update the result
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min_errors = errors;
if (errors == 0) {
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break; // Found a perfect answer
// Send messages from bits to check nodes
for (int i = 0; i < FT8_M; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < kNrw[i]; ++j) {
int ibj = kNm[i][j] - 1;
toc[i][j] = zn[ibj];
for (int kk = 0; kk < 3; ++kk) {
// subtract off what the bit had received from the check
if (kMn[ibj][kk] - 1 == i) {
toc[i][j] -= tov[ibj][kk];
// send messages from check nodes to variable nodes
for (int i = 0; i < FT8_M; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < kNrw[i]; ++j) {
toc[i][j] = fast_tanh(-toc[i][j] / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < FT8_N; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
int ichk = kMn[i][j] - 1; // kMn(:,j) are the checks that include bit j
float Tmn = 1.0f;
for (int k = 0; k < kNrw[ichk]; ++k) {
if (kNm[ichk][k] - 1 != i) {
Tmn *= toc[ichk][k];
tov[i][j] = 2 * fast_atanh(-Tmn);
2018-12-24 20:22:26 +08:00
*ok = min_errors;
// https://varietyofsound.wordpress.com/2011/02/14/efficient-tanh-computation-using-lamberts-continued-fraction/
// http://functions.wolfram.com/ElementaryFunctions/ArcTanh/10/0001/
// https://mathr.co.uk/blog/2017-09-06_approximating_hyperbolic_tangent.html
// thank you Douglas Bagnall
// https://math.stackexchange.com/a/446411
float fast_tanh(float x) {
if (x < -4.97f) {
return -1.0f;
if (x > 4.97f) {
return 1.0f;
float x2 = x * x;
//float a = x * (135135.0f + x2 * (17325.0f + x2 * (378.0f + x2)));
//float b = 135135.0f + x2 * (62370.0f + x2 * (3150.0f + x2 * 28.0f));
//float a = x * (10395.0f + x2 * (1260.0f + x2 * 21.0f));
//float b = 10395.0f + x2 * (4725.0f + x2 * (210.0f + x2));
float a = x * (945.0f + x2 * (105.0f + x2));
float b = 945.0f + x2 * (420.0f + x2 * 15.0f);
return a / b;
float fast_atanh(float x) {
float x2 = x * x;
//float a = x * (-15015.0f + x2 * (19250.0f + x2 * (-5943.0f + x2 * 256.0f)));
//float b = (-15015.0f + x2 * (24255.0f + x2 * (-11025.0f + x2 * 1225.0f)));
//float a = x * (-1155.0f + x2 * (1190.0f + x2 * -231.0f));
//float b = (-1155.0f + x2 * (1575.0f + x2 * (-525.0f + x2 * 25.0f)));
float a = x * (945.0f + x2 * (-735.0f + x2 * 64.0f));
float b = (945.0f + x2 * (-1050.0f + x2 * 225.0f));
return a / b;
float pltanh(float x) {
float isign = +1;
if (x < 0) {
isign = -1;
x = -x;
if (x < 0.8f) {
return isign * 0.83 * x;
if (x < 1.6f) {
return isign * (0.322f * x + 0.4064f);
if (x < 3.0f) {
return isign * (0.0524f * x + 0.8378f);
if (x < 7.0f) {
return isign * (0.0012f * x + 0.9914f);
return isign*0.9998f;
2018-12-24 20:22:26 +08:00
float platanh(float x) {
float isign = +1;
if (x < 0) {
isign = -1;
x = -x;
if (x < 0.664f) {
return isign * x / 0.83f;
if (x < 0.9217f) {
return isign * (x - 0.4064f) / 0.322f;
if (x < 0.9951f) {
return isign * (x - 0.8378f) / 0.0524f;
if (x < 0.9998f) {
return isign * (x - 0.9914f) / 0.0012f;
return isign * 7.0f;