2018-10-29 15:28:46 +02:00

344 lines
9.1 KiB

#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "text.h"
#include <stdio.h>
namespace ft8_v2 {
// TODO: This is wasteful, should figure out something more elegant
const char *A0 = " 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+-./?";
const char *A1 = " 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
const char *A2 = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
const char *A3 = "0123456789";
int index(const char *string, char c) {
for (int i = 0; *string; ++i, ++string) {
if (c == *string) {
return i;
return -1; // Not found
// Pack a special token, a 22-bit hash code, or a valid base call
// into a 28-bit integer.
int32_t pack28(const char *callsign) {
constexpr int32_t NTOKENS = 2063592L;
constexpr int32_t MAX22 = 4194304L;
// Check for special tokens first
if (starts_with(callsign, "DE ")) return 0;
if (starts_with(callsign, "QRZ ")) return 1;
if (starts_with(callsign, "CQ ")) return 2;
if (starts_with(callsign, "CQ_")) {
int nnum = 0, nlet = 0;
// TODO:
// if(nnum.eq.3 .and. nlet.eq.0) then n28=3+nqsy
// if(nlet.ge.1 .and. nlet.le.4 .and. nnum.eq.0) then n28=3+1000+m
// TODO: Check for <...> callsign
// if(c13(1:1).eq.'<')then
// call save_hash_call(c13,n10,n12,n22) !Save callsign in hash table
// n28=NTOKENS + n22
char c6[6] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '};
int length = 0; // strlen(callsign); // We will need it later
while (callsign[length] != ' ' && callsign[length] != 0) {
// Work-around for Swaziland prefix:
if (starts_with(callsign, "3DA0") && length <= 7) {
memcpy(c6, "3D0", 3);
memcpy(c6 + 3, callsign + 4, length - 4);
// Work-around for Guinea prefixes:
else if (starts_with(callsign, "3X") && is_letter(callsign[2]) && length <= 7) {
memcpy(c6, "Q", 1);
memcpy(c6 + 1, callsign + 2, length - 2);
else {
if (is_digit(callsign[2]) && length <= 6) {
memcpy(c6, callsign, length);
else if (is_digit(callsign[1]) && length <= 5) {
memcpy(c6 + 1, callsign, length);
// Check for standard callsign
int i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5;
if ((i0 = index(A1, c6[0])) >= 0 && (i1 = index(A2, c6[1])) >= 0 &&
(i2 = index(A3, c6[2])) >= 0 && (i3 = index(A4, c6[3])) >= 0 &&
(i4 = index(A4, c6[4])) >= 0 && (i5 = index(A4, c6[5])) >= 0)
printf("Pack28: idx=[%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d]\n", i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5);
// This is a standard callsign
int32_t n28 = i0;
n28 = n28 * 36 + i1;
n28 = n28 * 10 + i2;
n28 = n28 * 27 + i3;
n28 = n28 * 27 + i4;
n28 = n28 * 27 + i5;
printf("Pack28: n28=%d (%04xh)\n", n28, n28);
return NTOKENS + MAX22 + n28;
//char c13[13];
//if (length > 13) return -1;
// TODO:
// Treat this as a nonstandard callsign: compute its 22-bit hash
// call save_hash_call(c13,n10,n12,n22) !Save callsign in hash table
// n28=NTOKENS + n22
// n28=iand(n28,ishft(1,28)-1)
return -1;
// Check if a string could be a valid standard callsign or a valid
// compound callsign.
// Return base call "bc" and a logical "cok" indicator.
bool chkcall(const char *call, char *bc) {
int length = strlen(call); // n1=len_trim(w)
if (length > 11) return false;
if (0 != strchr(call, '.')) return false;
if (0 != strchr(call, '+')) return false;
if (0 != strchr(call, '-')) return false;
if (0 != strchr(call, '?')) return false;
if (length > 6 && 0 != strchr(call, '/')) return false;
// TODO: implement suffix parsing (or rework?)
//if(max(i0-1,n1-i0).gt.6) go to 100 !Base call must be < 7 characters
//if(i0.ge.2 .and. i0.le.n1-1) then !Extract base call from compound call
// if(i0-1.le.n1-i0) bc=w(i0+1:n1)//' '
// if(i0-1.gt.n1-i0) bc=w(1:i0-1)//' '
return true;
uint16_t packgrid(const char *grid4) {
constexpr uint16_t MAXGRID4 = 32400;
if (grid4 == 0) {
// Two callsigns only, no report/grid
return MAXGRID4 + 1;
// Take care of special cases
if (equals(grid4, "RRR")) return MAXGRID4 + 2;
if (equals(grid4, "RR73")) return MAXGRID4 + 3;
if (equals(grid4, "73")) return MAXGRID4 + 4;
// Check for standard 4 letter grid
if (in_range(grid4[0], 'A', 'R') &&
in_range(grid4[1], 'A', 'R') &&
is_digit(grid4[2]) && is_digit(grid4[3]))
//if (w(3).eq.'R ') ir=1
uint16_t igrid4 = (grid4[0] - 'A');
igrid4 = igrid4 * 18 + (grid4[1] - 'A');
igrid4 = igrid4 * 10 + (grid4[2] - '0');
igrid4 = igrid4 * 10 + (grid4[3] - '0');
return igrid4;
// Parse report: +dd / -dd / R+dd / R-dd
// TODO: check the range of dd
if (grid4[0] == 'R') {
int dd = dd_to_int(grid4 + 1, 3);
uint16_t irpt = 35 + dd;
return (MAXGRID4 + irpt) | 0x8000; // ir = 1
else {
int dd = dd_to_int(grid4, 3);
uint16_t irpt = 35 + dd;
return (MAXGRID4 + irpt); // ir = 0
return MAXGRID4 + 1;
// Pack Type 1 (Standard 77-bit message) and Type 2 (ditto, with a "/P" call)
int pack77_1(const char *msg, uint8_t *b77) {
// Locate the first delimiter
const char *s1 = strchr(msg, ' ');
if (s1 == 0) return -1;
const char *call1 = msg; // 1st call
const char *call2 = s1 + 1; // 2nd call
int32_t n28a = pack28(call1);
int32_t n28b = pack28(call2);
if (n28a < 0 || n28b < 0) return -1;
uint16_t igrid4;
// Locate the second delimiter
const char *s2 = strchr(s1 + 1, ' ');
if (s2 != 0) {
igrid4 = packgrid(s2 + 1);
else {
// Two callsigns, no grid/report
igrid4 = packgrid(0);
uint8_t i3 = 1; // No suffix or /R
// TODO: check for suffixes
// if(index(w(1),'/P').ge.4 .or. index(w(2),'/P').ge.4) i3=2 !Type 2, with "/P"
// if(index(w(1),'/P').ge.4 .or. index(w(1),'/R').ge.4) ipa=1
// if(index(w(2),'/P').ge.4 .or. index(w(2),'/R').ge.4) ipb=1
// Shift in ipa and ipb bits into n28a and n28b
n28a <<= 1; // ipa = 0
n28b <<= 1; // ipb = 0
// Pack into (28 + 1) + (28 + 1) + (1 + 15) + 3 bits
// write(c77,1000) n28a,ipa,n28b,ipb,ir,igrid4,i3
// 1000 format(2(b28.28,b1),b1,b15.15,b3.3)
// 00 00 00 27 b3 00 01 0b 27 8f b9 e0
// (00 00 00 2) 0 (f0 85 ab e) (0)
// 7842D5F
b77[0] = (n28a >> 21);
b77[1] = (n28a >> 13);
b77[2] = (n28a >> 5);
b77[3] = (uint8_t)(n28a << 3) | (uint8_t)(n28b >> 26);
b77[4] = (n28b >> 18);
b77[5] = (n28b >> 10);
b77[6] = (n28b >> 2);
b77[7] = (uint8_t)(n28b << 6) | (uint8_t)(igrid4 >> 10);
b77[8] = (igrid4 >> 2);
b77[9] = (uint8_t)(igrid4 << 6) | (uint8_t)(i3 << 3);
return 0;
void packtext77(const char *c13, uint8_t *b71) {
// TODO: w=adjustr(c13)
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
b71[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 13; ++j) {
int q = index(A0, c13[j]);
// Multiply b71 by 42
uint16_t x = 0;
for (int i = 8; i >= 0; --i) {
x += b71[i] * (uint16_t)42;
b71[i] = x;
x >>= 8;
// Add index of the current char
x = (q > 0) ? q : 0;
for (int i = 8; i >= 0; --i) {
if (x == 0) break;
x += b71[i];
b71[i] = x;
x >>= 8;
int pack77(const char *msg, uint8_t *c77) {
// Check Type 1 (Standard 77-bit message) or Type 2, with optional "/P"
//if (starts_with(msg, "CQ ")) {
return pack77_1(msg, c77);
// TODO:
// Check 0.5 (telemetry)
// i3=0 n3=5 write(c77,1006) ntel,n3,i3 1006 format(b23.23,2b24.24,2b3.3)
// Check Type 4 (One nonstandard call and one hashed call)
// pack77_4(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77)
// Default to free text
// i3=0 n3=0
// packtext77(msg(1:13),c77(1:71))
// write(c77(72:77),'(2b3.3)') n3,i3
}; // namespace
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool test1() {
const char *inputs[] = {
" ",
"CQ ",
for (int i = 0; inputs[i]; ++i) {
int32_t result = ft8_v2::pack28(inputs[i]);
printf("pack28(\"%s\") = %d\n", inputs[i], result);
return true;
bool test2() {
const char *inputs[] = {
"CQ LL3JG KO26",
"L0UAA LL3JG +02",
"L0UAA LL3JG 73",
for (int i = 0; inputs[i]; ++i) {
uint8_t result[10];
int rc = ft8_v2::pack77_1(inputs[i], result);
printf("pack77_1(\"%s\") = %d\t[", inputs[i], rc);
for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) {
printf("%02x ", result[j]);
return true;
int main() {
return 0;