= NeoNetwork A useless VPN network ready for peering! Pull requests are welcome! + Telegram Group: https://t.me/NeoNetworkVPN == Peers: 1. caasih.nerdpol.ovh (, Area 0) 2. ucbvax.nerdpol.ovh (, Area 0) 3. ncuiqh.nerdpool.ovh (, Area 1) 4. fiona.yukipedia.cf (, Area 2) 5. hk-01.nextmoe.cloud.imiku.cn (, Area 3) == Routing Protocols Any protocol supported by Quagga or FRRouting, recommended to use OSPF. == IP Addresses All IPv4 addresses are under the range, see routes.txt for allocated domain. == DNS There's a bind9 server on NeoPDP-11 (, all domain names are under "neonetwork.unix". == Connection Graph image:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NeoChen1024/NeoNetwork/master/nodes.png[NeoNetwork Nodes] == Files and Directories: ospf-area.txt: OSPF Area Number bgp-asn.txt: BGP AS Number routes.txt: network address allocation named.conf: Bind9 DNS configuration example nodes.dot: connection graph tinc: Tinc configuration example dns: Bind9 DNS zone files