# UNO Bot [![License: AGPL v3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-AGPL%20v3-blue.svg)](./LICENSE) Telegram Bot that allows you to play the popular card game UNO via inline queries. The bot currently runs as [@unobot](http://telegram.me/unobot). To run the bot yourself, you will need: - Python (tested with 3.4+) - The [python-telegram-bot](https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot) module - [Pony ORM](https://ponyorm.com/) ## Setup - Get a bot token from [@BotFather](http://telegram.me/BotFather) and change configurations in `config.json`. - Convert all language files from `.po` files to `.mo` by executing the bash script `compile.sh` located in the `locales` folder. Another option is: `find . -maxdepth 2 -type d -name 'LC_MESSAGES' -exec bash -c 'msgfmt {}/unobot.po -o {}/unobot.mo' \;`. - Use `/setinline` and `/setinlinefeedback` with BotFather for your bot. - Install requirements (using a `virtualenv` is recommended): `pip install -r requirements.txt` You can change some gameplay parameters like turn times, minimum amount of players and default gamemode in `gameplay_config.py`. Check the gamemodes available with the `/modes` command. Then run the bot with `python3 bot.py`. Code documentation is minimal but there.